
Chapter 2796: ?Is it enough

The moment they saw Jin Tianhe, Yu Huan and the others behind Chen Fei tightened their bodies and squeezed the weapons in the handshake. The expressions on their faces became tense.

On the contrary, Chen Fei smiled and pressed his palm backwards, signaling Brother Huan and the others to calm down.

Then, Chen Fei looked at Jin Tianhe and said lightly: "If I want to kill you, I will naturally come out!"


Jin Tianhe didn't expect that after Chen Fei came out, the first words he said to himself would be like this, and he was taken aback.

But then, his face sank, and he squinted at Chen Fei, his voice was cold with killing intent, "You want to kill me, the double-edged waste you brought is not enough."

"You--" being scolded at waste, several patrol members couldn't help but look angry and almost wanted to rush forward, but they were all stopped by Yu Huan.

Chen Fei's expression was cold and he looked at Jin Tianhe, and said, "If it is enough, you will know soon."

Jin Tianhe squinted his eyes, a sharp cold light appeared in his eyes, and he stopped talking nonsense, waved his hand, and said sharply: "Hands!"

In an instant, twenty or thirty attendants rushed up and launched a siege on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei stood still and didn't move, directly inspiring Bing Yi.

One after another, faintly blue icy ridges appeared above the ice path.

Then, as Chen Fei's right hand pressed down, the icy edges of the sky fell like raindrops.

Suddenly, a scream sounded.

These attendants didn't even bother to take action against Chen Fei, but desperately aroused the vitality aura, trying to block the icy edge in the air.

However, their true essence protection is not worth mentioning in front of Chen Fei's 30,000 ice intent.

The sharp and dense ice ridges fell from the sky quickly, like a sharp blade, directly penetrating the ice ridges of their defense and piercing into the body.

In an instant, bright red blood splashed and dyed the blue ice tunnel into a scarlet color.

Twenty or thirty followers of Jin Tianhe, under the impact of this round of Bing Leng, died seven or eighty eight.

Only one or two people with good strength or good luck avoided most of the attacks of the ice edge and survived.

However, do not wait for them to rejoice their luck.

Under Chen Fei's signal, Yu Huan led the patrol team members and rushed toward these people fiercely.

The people of Taboo Island and Double Blade have fought each other for hundreds of years, and countless people died in the hands of each other.

Now, when the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

Yu Huan could not be polite, the killing sound shook the sky, and the shock went up.

These people had been stabbed by the ice edge just now, and now faced with the fierce impact of Huan and them, they were shocked one by one, and they began to turn around and flee.

The surrounding battle became a ball, Chen Fei ignored it. Instead, he cast his gaze on Jin Tianhe, stepped forward, and said coldly: "Next, it's your turn."

His subordinates screamed tragic death by his side, but the expression on Jin Tianhe's face remained unchanged.

He quietly looked at Chen Fei who was walking towards him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he proudly said: "No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, it turns out that your strength has improved!"

After a pause, his face suddenly sank, and a majestic aura instantly rose from behind him into the sky, turning into a huge mad dragon, and let out a roar from the sky.

"But, the result is the same.

You have to die. "

Accompanied by a sharp shout, the mad dragon behind Jin Tianhe whizzed out waves of horror and swept towards Chen Fei.

Perceiving the improvement of Chen Fei's strength, Jin Tianhe went all out with his hands as soon as he started, in a posture to completely kill Chen Fei.

Chen Fei was brazenly not afraid of this, and did not even use the martial intent in his body at all.

He took a step forward with his left leg, his right arm shrank back, and the force began to condense on his arm.

A layer of silver-gray metallic luster glowed on Chen Fei's skin.

Over the past month, the powerful physical strength that has been exercised has all gathered on Chen Fei's right arm at this moment.


The mad dragon of Jin Tianhe let out a roar, with a strong wind, like countless blades, and rushed to Chen Fei less than five meters away, as if it was about to drown him.

At this moment, Chen Fei's retracted right arm reached a point.

The huge force condensed in the flesh, took Chen Fei's right arm, turned into a huge spring, and slammed it forward directly.

A punch, bombarded out! "Fight against my martial intent with your fist!"

Jin Tianhe stared at Chen Fei and said, "Boy, you are crazy."


The roaring dragon spewed a sharp aura like a blade, and swept towards Chen Fei.

At this moment, Chen Fei's fist burst out.

The fist cast by the body slammed into the aura formed by the condensed Martial Spirit True Essence.

Originally, the scene that Jin Tianhe intended should be his own vigor, completely crushing Chen Fei's fist, right arm and even the whole body into a pool of fleshy mud.

But what actually happened shocked him.

With extremely fierce energy, the moment he touched Chen Fei's fist, since it seemed to hit a piece of extremely hard steel, it directly broke apart.

Chen Fei's fist smashed all those gushing vigor to pieces.

And, the castration continued.

The right fist continued with terrifying force, and with a bang, it slammed on the roaring true essence mad dragon.

The huge dragon head barely had any reaction time. It slammed it and was smashed to pieces by the huge force of Chen Fei's fist.

It burst out loudly and turned into countless pieces of true vitality, splattering down in the sky.


Jin Tianhe was backlashed, his feet staggered, and his body retreated for a while.

He clutched his chest with his right hand, sprayed a cloud of blood, and his complexion turned pale.

Obviously, this time, he was injured.

"how can that be?

With the body alone, how could you possibly--" Jin Tianhe looked at Chen Fei in surprise.

Chen Fei kept moving, and after smashing the crazy dragon with his right fist, he continued to attack Jin Tianhe.

"Nothing is impossible! Take it to death!"

The fist glowing with silver-gray light, in the eyes of ordinary people, is unremarkable.

But at this moment, in Jin Tianhe's eyes, he carried a terrifying intent to kill.

"Want to kill me, it's not so easy!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Jin Tianhe's complexion was horrified, and a touch of determination appeared on his face.

With a bang, he brazenly exploded the true vitality aura in his body, launched several offensives one after another, and launched a intensive attack on Chen Fei.

However, these offensives of his, after encountering Chen Fei's silver-gray fist, were like an egg hitting a stone, all of them snapped to pieces, and they couldn't stop Chen Fei's offensive at all.

"How could it—" Jin Tianhe's shocked gaze brought a look of despair.


Chen Fei didn't talk nonsense, his eyes were cold, and his fists rushed.

Seeing that it is inevitable, Jin Tianhe gritted his teeth fiercely, condensed the vitality aura on his fist, and slammed into Chen Fei's fist.

Obviously, he was going to use his last strength to fight Chen Fei desperately.

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