
Chapter 2903: ?Who gave the order

Zhu Kuishan broke away from Chen Fei, supported his weak body, stood up, his eyes swept across the camp, and roared: "Who made you fire and attack?

Moreover, we have already shown our identity. "

Everyone was silent.

"Dare to do it or be it?

Who is it, stand up for me! "

Zhu Kuishan roared again.

The commander snapped up, his face was serious, "I gave the order."

"who are you?"

Zhu Kuishan glared at the commander and shouted angrily.

The commander said: "Report to League Master Zhu, I am Zhu Chao, head of the Sixth Regiment of the City Guard."

"Zhu Chao, who told you to fire on us?"

Zhu Kuishan questioned.

Zhu Chao had no expression on his face and said: "Report to Leader Zhu that we are performing an exercise mission. The superior has orders. Once there is room, we should attack and destroy the enemy with all our strength."

"Destroy the enemy?

I, Zhu Kuishan, is Chen Fei your enemy? "

Zhu Kuishan shouted angrily.

Zhu Chao said: "Report to League Master Zhu, the situation at that time, we can not distinguish your identities."

"What about just now?

We have identified ourselves, why do you still order an attack? "

Zhu Kuishan stared at Zhu Chao fiercely.

Zhu Chao gritted his teeth and said: "The situation was critical at the time. We were unable to distinguish the authenticity of the information and could only plan for the worst."

"You--" Zhu Kuishan was so angry that he was about to beat people.

However, Chen Fei stopped at this moment, stepped out, and looked at Zhu Chao.

In an instant, Zhu Chao felt an inexplicable huge pressure hitting him, like a big mountain, with a tree in front of him.

"Who is your superior?"

Chen Fei asked.

Facing Chen Fei, Zhu Chao unconsciously replied: "It is General Luo Hongnan."

"He ordered you to attack me?"

Chen Fei asked again.

Zhu Chao's eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded and said, "Yes!"


Chen Fei screamed and said coldly, "When you launched the attack, Luo Hongnan was killed by me, how would he order you?"

"This, it's impossible.

It was an order from General Luo. "

Zhu Chao's face was surprised, and his expression was anxious.

Zhu Kuishan was furious and glared at him, "Still lying."

"I didn't, it was really General Luo's order."

Zhu Chao still insisted.

Zhu Kuishan frowned, almost couldn't help but start.

It was Chen Fei, who narrowed his eyes at the moment, as if thinking of something.

He looked at Zhu Chao and asked, "When did you finally receive the order from General Luo?"

Zhu Chao replied without hesitation: "It was five minutes ago.

General Luo suddenly called and asked us to attack and destroy the enemy. "

Chen Fei stared at Zhu Chao for a while, then pulled Zhu Kuishan back, and said, "He didn't lie!"

"This is impossible. At that time, Luo Hongnan was already dead."

Zhu Kuishan couldn't believe it.

Chen Fei said, "Luo Hongnan must be dead, but it's not that he can't call!"

"You mean, someone forged Luo Hongnan's voice and came to give him an attack order?"

Zhu Kuishan said.

However, he immediately shook his head severely, denying his guess.

"This is impossible, Luo Hongnan's voice may not be difficult to forge.

However, the military's encrypted channel was used in this exercise. The other party's number is also the military's high-level authority number, which is almost impossible to forge. "

When Chen Fei heard this, his eyes flickered.

Without further questioning, Chen Fei looked at Zhu Chao and said in a deep voice, "Go back to the military department and accept the investigation!"


Zhu Chao did not dare to resist.

Then, Chen Fei took Zhu Kuishan and the man in black robes and left with a whistle.

After a while, Zhang Qingyu and Zhang Yao, who were still hesitating to escape, were caught by Chen Fei again.

In this way, with four people, Chen Fei all the way back to the military headquarters.

He was imprisoned, and Chen Fei personally interrogated him.

However, there was no questioning how many new things came out.

This black-robed man is a deputy hall master of the Thunder Palace of Forbidden Island. This time he received the order from the hall master to assist Zhang Qingyu and ambush Chen Fei.

After the trial of the black robe man, Zhang Qingyu and Zhang Yao's interrogation continued.

So Chen Fei came to Zhu Chao's side, and he took the team back to be interrogated.

However, after some interrogation, he still insisted on his previous statement, saying that he only started to attack after receiving Luo Hongnan's order.

After the military department checked it, there was not much progress.

The voice is indeed Luo Hongnan, but it should be a specially prepared recording.

Moreover, the call lines, account permissions, and ordering procedures of the entire command are not a problem and are very standardized.

Had Chen Fei not known that Luo Hongnan was dead at the time, he would have believed that Luo Hongnan had given this order.

The interrogation continued, but Chen Fei came out and did not continue watching.

Zhu Kuishan also followed, frowning and gritted his teeth: "This matter is too strange, there must be a problem."

Chen Fei said, "That's for sure."

"Zhu Chao did not lie, and the results found by the military department are not false.

Then, there is only one possibility. "

"That order was issued by someone through a formal channel."

Hearing this, Zhu Kuishan was shocked, "No way, how is this possible!"

"The military's confidentiality measures have always been very strict.

Moreover, Luo Hongnan is the second-ranked person in the army second only to General Xu. It is almost impossible to pass his identity verification and order directly through formal means! "


Chen Fei chewed the word, then looked into the distance.

"Xiao Chen, don't worry, I will investigate this matter carefully, and I will definitely find out the real culprit behind the scenes."

Zhu Kuishan comforted.

"Thank you!"

Chen Fei nodded in thanks.

At this moment, a phone call came in.

Looking at the TV show, Chen Fei was slightly taken aback, "General Xu!"

After answering the phone, Chen Fei said, "General Xu, this is Xiao Chen, how are you doing well recently?"

Xu Junshan on the other end of the phone said in a low voice, "I'm okay."

"Xiao Chen, you should be free now, can you come to me this time?"

"Uh-" faintly, Chen Fei felt something, paused, and replied, "I'll come over right away."

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Xu Junshan didn't say much, and then hung up the phone.

Chen Fei pushed Zhu Kuishan back to the bed, and then hurried to where Xu Junshan was.

Soon, we got to the place.

When Chen Fei entered General Xu's bedroom, he saw Xu Junshan bending down and standing in front of the bed, carefully stacking his military uniform.

As if hearing the movement, General Xu turned his head and looked, and smiled lightly, "Xiao Chen, here you are, come in!"

"General Xu, you still have injuries. This kind of thing, let the nursing staff do it."

Chen Fei came over and wanted to help.

But Xu Junshan had folded his uniform, then turned around, smiled at Chen Fei and said: "A little thing, just do it yourself.

Besides, there may be no such opportunity in the future. "

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