
Chapter 2904: ? Helpless choice


Xu Junshan personally made a cup of tea for Chen Fei, took a sip, looked at Chen Fei, and finally spoke.

"Xiao Chen, you have a lot of questions now! I called you over today to solve your doubts."

"Uh-" Chen Fei couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words, lowered his eyebrows and paused, looked at Xu Junshan, and asked aloud.

"General Xu, do you know that the city guards attacked me?"

Xu Junshan nodded, "I know."

"Luo Hongnan colluded with Qintianmen and Taboo Island to ambush me, do you know?"

Chen Fei continued.

Xu Junshan nodded again, "I know."

"In the name of recruiting apprentices, Qintianmen uses students to do drug experiments and supply Taboo Island, do you know?"

Chen Fei's expression has changed a bit.

Xu Junshan sighed softly and said quietly, "I also know about their collusion.

But I just learned about the specific experiment. "

After listening, Chen Fei was silent for a while, looking at Xu Junshan, without making a sound for a while, his expression did not change, but it seemed to be ever-changing.

After being silent for almost a few minutes, Chen Fei asked again: "Pretending to be Luo Hongnan, do you know the person who ordered an attack on me?"

Xu Junshan nodded and said, "I know."

"Zhao Jingguo!"

Immediately spit out a name.

Hearing this, Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, with a look of astonishment on his face.

He didn't expect that Xu Junshan would directly tell himself who was behind the scenes, which completely exceeded his expectations.

"Who is this Zhao Jingguo?"

Chen Fei asked.

Xu Junshan sighed and said: "He is my peer, he came from the Red Wall, and his status is noble.

Once, we were considered close comrades-in-arms, but later, due to differences in ideas, we gradually moved away.

This incident originated from..." Immediately, Xu Junshan slowly told Chen Fei of the dialogue between himself and Zhao Jingguo, as well as the causes and consequences.

Chen Fei listened quietly, the expression on his face constantly changing, either surprised, angry, or helpless.

Finally, with Xu Junshan's long sigh, the narration ended.

"This is his choice!"

Chen Fei was silent for nearly five minutes before finally speaking.

"General Xu, what do you mean is that this Mr. Zhao Jingguo, Zhao, feels that the martial arts will flourish in the future, and the Tabu Island will be extremely powerful and will dominate the world, and he will grow stronger for China and curry favor with the Taboo Island in advance to provide services to the other side."

"The attack on me this time is also because I am the enemy of Taboo Island.

Killing me is also a nomination for Taboo Island. "

Xu Junshan nodded and said, "You can say so."

After listening, Chen Fei's eyes were sharp, and the killing intent on his body burst out uncontrollably, even making Xu Junshan feel a little pressure.

"Xiao Chen, don't get excited."

Xu Junshan quickly persuaded, "Zhao Jingguo, can't move."

"Why can't you move?"

Chen Fei gritted his teeth.

Xu Junshan said: "He has an unusual status, and there are many masters around him--" However, at this point, Xu Junshan did not go on.

He knew that this kind of persuasion had no effect on Chen Fei.

With a light sigh, Xu Junshan said: "I know that using these words to persuade you is of no use.

But I can tell you that even if you kill Zhao Jingguo, it will not change much. "


Chen Fei asked.

But then, he thought of something and immediately said, "The high-level agrees with Zhao Jingguo's views, or that Zhao Jingguo's behavior is the high-level decision?"

When it came to this, Xu Junshan couldn't help being silent for a while.

After dozens of seconds, he let out a long sigh, nodded, and said to Chen Fei: "Now, among the high-level people, those who agree with Zhao Jingguo account for the majority."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei immediately understood what was going on.

If this is what the senior leaders meant, even if Chen Fei rushed into the red wall and killed Zhao Jingguo now, it would have no effect.

That's a big deal, I'll just launch another person when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help feeling a little sad, and couldn't help but say: "Could it be that they are really willing to be dogs for Taboo Island?"

Xu Junshan sighed and said to Chen Fei: "Xiao Chen, I understand your feelings, and I understand your anger at the moment."

"But as a soldier, I respect the leaders' choice."

"Is their choice right?"

Chen Fei gritted his teeth.

Xu Junshan shook his head, "I don't know."

"That--" Chen Fei was about to say aloud.

At this moment, a phone ring rang.

Xu Junshan answered the phone with a look of surprise on his face, then glanced at Chen Fei, and said to Chen Fei: "Xiao Chen, I want to talk to you."

"And me?

who is it? "

A look of surprise appeared on Chen Fei's face.

Xu Junshan pointed up with one hand and said, "Red Wall, Old Zhou."

Hearing this name, Chen Fei couldn't help being shocked.

The name of this old man is like a thunderbolt, he is a real leader and a man who has made great contributions to the development of China.

In surprise, Chen Fei connected the phone and said: "Old Zhou, hello, I am Chen Fei."

On the other end of the phone, a gentle old man's voice came, "Chen Fei, I know you.

I rely on the old man to call you Xiao Chen, don't you mind! "

"Don't mind, Mr. Zhou, you can call it whatever you want."

Chen Fei said.

Old Zhou said: "Then I will call you Xiao Chen."

"Xiao Chen, you are at Junshan. You should already know about it!"

When it came to this, Chen Fei's complexion couldn't help being solemn. He was silent for a second and said, "Old Zhou, I have heard about it."

Old Zhou's voice is still gentle, "You know, what do you think of the path we chose?"

Chen Fei didn't expect that Mr. Zhou would ask himself directly. There was another silence, his face changed a little, and finally he said, "Lao Zhou, I respect you very much and I agree with your great contribution to China."

"But this time, I don't agree with the path you chose."

"Ha, I knew it."

Elder Zhou seemed not surprised by this answer, smiled and said, "Then if it is you, how would you choose?"

Chen Fei paused, and then resolutely said: "I will choose to resist.

I don't want to be a slave to Taboo Island and let Huaxia people be used as a guinea pig. "

Elder Zhou continued to ask: "Are you confident that you can beat Taboo Island?"

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "I don't have one."

"Then what if the resistance fails?"

Old Zhou continued to ask.

Chen Fei was silent for a few seconds, and said: "If I fail, I will leave, improve my cultivation, improve my strength, and then resist again."

"What if the resistance still fails?"

Old Zhou continued to ask, his voice short.

Chen Fei showed a firm look on his face and said: "Then I would rather die than be their slave."

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