
Chapter 2908: ?Po Wu Group

In the car, Zhao Jingguo received a call from Zhao Gang. After listening to it, his face immediately sank.

Immediately, he instructed his subordinates: "Hurry up, Chen Fei will be back soon after he knows the news."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the people underneath changed drastically, and their expressions became tense.

"How does Chen Fei know?"

"He's coming back?"

"Group leader Zhao, do we want to cancel the action?"

Zhao Jingguo glared at the questioning subordinates, and said, "Why revoke?"

The subordinates worried: "Didn't you tell me the leader?

Chen Fei is coming back, we, we are not his opponents. "

"Not an opponent, so what?"

Zhao Jingguo snorted coldly, his face full of confidence, "Could it be that he dare to do something to us?

We represent the official.

He does it to us, the meaning is different. "

The subordinates were still very worried, "But I heard that Chen Fei was very short-sighted.

If he knew that we had done something to Lin Qiuhan, he might do something extraordinary in his anger. "

Zhao Jingguo: "Something extraordinary?

How does he want to go out of style?

Don't you dare to kill us? "

"Furthermore, we came to Lin Qiuhan. That was a normal official action.

Let him cooperate with our investigation team in the investigation work.

What if Chen Fei came back? "

"Yes—" The subordinate still wanted to persuade.

But Zhao Jingguo waved his hand and insisted on saying: "I have already decided, don't say any more.

Move quickly. "


The subordinates could only reduce the worried look on his face and speed up the car.

About five minutes later, the convoy of the investigation team came to the door of Chen Fei's villa.

Zhao Jingguo waved his hand, "Go!"

He took the initiative to get out of the car, came to the gate of the villa courtyard, and rang the doorbell.

After Ding Dong's doorbell rang a few times, Lin Qiuhan's voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

Zhao Jingguo coughed softly and said, "Miss Lin Qiuhan, hello.

This is Zhao Jingguo of the special investigation team. Now, there is a case that requires your assistance in our investigation. Please come with us. "

After a brief silence, Lin Qiuhan said: "I'm sorry, I have never heard of your investigation team, and I don't know the case you are talking about.

Please come back! "

Zhao Jingguo Road: "Miss Lin, we are official, and this is our certificate.

Please trust us, we only need your assistance in the investigation, no other meaning. "

"Sorry, I don't know anything, I don't understand anything."

Lin Qiuhan was determined.

Zhao Jingguo frowned slightly, and said displeased: "Miss Lin, you are the president of Autumn Group.

You should know that citizens have the obligation to cooperate with the investigation. If you still disagree, then we have to take other measures. "

The meaning of the threat was already obvious, and Lin Qiuhan's tone became tough, "If you dare to mess around, I will call the police."

Zhao Jingguo frowned fiercely, and his voice became severe, "Lin Qiuhan, you are a sensible person, so I will explain it."

"This time we are investigating the killing of General Luo Hongnan by your husband Chen Fei. General Luo has a special status. This time the case is of great importance and its nature is very serious. The high-level officials attach great importance to it."

"Your failure to cooperate with our investigation will not only do you personally, but also your husband Chen Fei will not do any good!"

If it is an ordinary person, listening to what Zhao Jingguo said, I am afraid that he would be really frightened if he moved out of a big figure like General Luo.

But Chen Lin Qiuhan has been around Chen Fei in the past few years and has experienced so many things together, and he has long been accustomed to the so-called big shots.

Therefore, these intimidations did not work for her at all, but made Lin Qiuhan more determined.

"Since it is related to Chen Fei, let's talk about it when he comes back!"

Zhao Jingguo frowned and his tone increased, "Lin Qiuhan, if you don't cooperate with our work, then we really have to do it!"

Hearing this, Lin Qiuhan was also angry, "If you do, then you must be prepared to bear the consequences."

After saying this, Lin Qiuhan cut off the call directly.

Zhao Jingguo's face was pale, and he didn't expect that he would go out in person, and he couldn't even handle a woman like Lin Qiuhan.

The anger made his expression so gloomy, he waved his hand and sternly ordered: "Everyone prepares, break the door and arrest people!"

"Group leader, this—" The color under his hand was white, trying to persuade.

But Zhao Jingguo stared over coldly, "Are you going to disobey my order?"

"Don't dare!"

The subordinates quickly lowered their heads, and then led them to rush.

"Slap, slap, slap!"

However, the first group of people to charge had just rushed to the gate of the villa courtyard and wanted to smash it open. They were immediately bounced back by an invisible energy and fell to the ground one by one.

"Group leader, can't get in!"

His men looked at Zhao Jingguo.


Zhao Jingguo's complexion sank, he personally stepped forward, condensing his true vitality, and slapped his palm on the courtyard gate.

Suddenly, he felt his palm patted on a piece of elastic rubber.

The strength of the palm of his hand was immediately bounced back.

Zhao Jingguo staggered, took three steps back, and almost didn't fall to the ground.

"Team leader!"

"Group leader, are you okay!"

The men hurriedly gathered around.

Zhao Jingguo's face was pale, and his expression was very ugly, and he felt that he had lost face.

Gritting his teeth severely, he said: "There is a protective layer of true essence outside the courtyard, let the members of the Wuwu group do it!"


The subordinates lead.

Soon, a team of ten people arrived at the scene quickly.

The members of this squad are fully armed, with military boots, clothes, and helmets, they all seem to be no different from the special forces.

The biggest difference is the equipment they carry.

Ordinary special forces usually carry gunpowder weapons such as assault rifles, pistols, grenades, and smoke bombs.

So at this moment, the things carried by this "Wu Wu Group" team members are very strange.

There are long spears with the spear head dyed red, long swords covered with yellow paper, and a compass with five elements and eight trigrams.

At first glance, it looks like something used by a fortune teller.

At this moment, it was held in the hands of a group of soldiers dressed as special forces, creating a very strange and uncoordinated feeling.

However, at this moment, Zhao Jingguo and his subordinates, seeing the arrival of this force, showed a touch of joy on their faces.

As the name suggests, this "breaking martial arts team" is an officially formed special operations squad specifically aimed at martial artists.

In recent years, with the rapid development of martial arts, there are more and more martial artists in society.

There are more and more conflicts caused by warriors, so the control of warriors has naturally become a huge problem.

Under normal circumstances, the official response to these cases can only strengthen the equipment of the police force and rely on thermal weapons to deter warriors.

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