
Chapter 2909: ? Break into the array

For warriors of the Xuan level and below, thermal weapons are enough.

But once the strength of the warrior reaches the prefecture level or higher, ordinary thermal weapons are difficult to deal with.

It is difficult for the police to deal with their affairs.

In order to deal with this situation, police teams in various places have raised the martial arts strength of internal members while recruiting external members with martial arts strength to form special military police teams to manage these difficult cases.

Although this has eased the situation to a certain extent, the growth rate of the internal team of warriors is still far less than that of the society's warriors.

Coupled with the fact that warriors with a certain strength are generally unwilling to join the police, they are restrained and controlled.

Moreover, for the more high-end warriors, the warriors within the police are too weak to deal with them.

Under this circumstance, the government gradually began to have a team dedicated to fighting warriors, and this is now the "Wuwu Group".

Unlike the teams that dealt with warriors before, this martial arts team did not choose to use warriors to form a team to resist the warriors.

Rather, they have specially developed and produced a batch of equipment for warriors, coupled with special training, to let them deal with warriors.

For example, the "bullet armor" that can slow the impact of the true essence breath, the "breaking gun" that can break the true essence shield, and the "compass locator" that relies on the true essence to locate warriors and other special equipment.

These equipment are used on ordinary people, and perhaps not a single bullet is effective.

But for the martial artist, the effect is often much stronger than that of ordinary thermal weapons.

And now, the "Wu Wu Group" team summoned by Zhao Jingguo is the most elite team in the whole Wu Wu Group.

The nine people cooperated tacitly. After approaching the courtyard, they first tested the strength of the true element protection with various special instruments, and then quickly calculated and prepared to attack and break the formation.

Looking at the busy team members, Zhao Jingguo narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered to himself in a low voice: "If you are surnamed Chen, please blame you against Taboo Island!"

Three minutes later, when Zhao Jingguo looked at the team members who were still busy, he couldn't help frowning, and said displeased: "What's the matter, I'm not ready yet?"

A member of the breaking martial arts team stepped forward and reported: "Leader Zhao, this shield is generated by the opponent's large formation. It is much tougher than ordinary true element shields. We attack hard in the traditional way. I am afraid that the power of the instrument is not enough to break open frontally."

"So, it is necessary to calculate the weakness of the shield formation, concentrate on attacking, and then break the formation."

Zhao Jingguo twisted his eyebrows and said: "I don't care about any formation or weakness. I only give you five minutes. If you don't break it, you will be penalized."

"Yes, group leader, we must break the line."

The team hurriedly turned around and went hurriedly.

The nine people constantly swayed around the big formation, tried to attack the big formation everywhere, and sent back some data from time to time.

Lin Qiuhan inside the house opened the window and looked at the movement outside, worried, her eyebrows condensed.

She took out her phone and called Chen Fei.

At this moment, Chen Fei, who was rushing home, heard Lin Qiuhan's words, his eyes became cold, revealing a murderous chill.

"Zhao Jingguo, I will kill you."

Aside, Xu Junshan felt Chen Fei's murderous intent, and hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Chen Fei withdrew his killing intent, and said solemnly: "Zhao Jingguo has brought people from the Powu Group. They are attacking the courtyard of our villa and want to take Qiu Han away."

"What! Nonsense, it's just nonsense!"

Xu Junshan was furious, took out his mobile phone, and started to make a call again, "I want to know, if Zhou Lao is not there, if there is no one on Zhao Jingguo who cares about him, let him go crazy."

Chen Fei didn't say a word, but his eyes grew colder.

On the villa side, time passed by every minute, and Zhao Jingguo looked at his watch several times, his expression already a little impatient.

"What's going on, this is the most elite team in the Powu Group.

It's been several minutes, even a big formation can't be broken! "

The subordinate quickly explained: "Team leader, this is Chen Feibu's big formation, which is much stronger than the general formation.

The Wuwu group is already going all out. "

"Whether I am trying my best or not, what I want to see is the result!"

Zhao Jingguo Ning said.

The subordinates didn't dare to explain anything, and could only hope that the Powu Group would break the formation as soon as possible.

Tick, tick! Time passed by every minute, just when Zhao Jingguo was about to get angry.

Finally, with a "pop", a wave of air blasted away, shaking Zhao Jingguo and the others.

"what happened?"

Zhao Jingguo shouted and asked.

The members of the Breaking Martial Team hurriedly replied: "Leader, the Great Formation is broken."

"It broke open, what are you doing in a daze, go in and arrest someone!"

Zhao Jingguo quickly ordered.

The team rushed into the courtyard, preparing to break in.

However, they just rushed to the door of the room, slammed, and the person was bounced back and hit the ground with a scream.

"what happened?"

Zhao Jingguo said solemnly.

"Group leader, there is a big formation inside, we can't get in!"

The subordinate reported.


Zhao Jingguo gritted his teeth.

The members of the Breaking Martial Team brought good news at this moment, "Leader Zhao, this formation is the same as the big formation outside.

With the experience just now, plus we have already broken some of the big formations.

This second formation can be broken in three minutes! "


Zhao Jingguo ordered.

At this moment, Lin Qiuhan inside the house couldn't help but feel his heart as he listened to the sound of getting closer and closer outside.

"Bang, bang—" At this moment, her heart was beating violently.

Time also lapsed quickly with one second by one second.

Three minutes later, there was another "pop" sound, and another wave of air impacted.

"Team leader, broke open!"

The members of the Powu Group reported.

Zhao Jingguo immediately ordered, "Catch people.

Hurry up! "

A group of people rushed in.

Lin Qiuhan's face turned pale, but he still slammed into the front two players immediately, blasting them out.

"Be careful, she is a warrior!"

The team behind immediately reminded.

Immediately, a special shield blocked the front.

Lin Qiuhan stimulated a few more vigors one after another, all of which were blocked by the shield.

"This—" Lin Qiuhan bit his red lips, his face paler.

Her martial arts strength, with the accumulation of Chen Fei's various resources, has reached the pinnacle of the earth level, and is about to enter the realm of the sky level.

Can be regarded as a master, but the actual combat experience is too little.

In addition, what Zhao Jingguo brought was an elite team from the breaking martial arts group, so Lin Qiuhan was restrained at once and there was no room for resistance.

"Miss Lin, we are not malicious, please cooperate with our investigation!"

Zhao Jingguo walked in and looked at Lin Qiuhan and said.

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