
Chapter 2910: ?Zhao Jingguo, die

Lin Qiuhan did not respond, but tightly pinched a talisman seal with both hands.

That was the personal protective talisman that Chen Fei left for her. It was stimulated at the critical moment, and it could send out a blow that was equivalent to the full strength of a semi-divine warrior.

Zhao Jingguo frowned, his eyes were cold, and he waved his hand and ordered: "Do it! If the opponent resists, kill it on the spot!"


The team rushed up, killing intently.

Lin Qiuhan looked at the enemy rushing towards him, bit his lip, his face pale as paper.

In the end, she gritted her teeth fiercely, crushed the talisman seal, and bombarded it straight ahead.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out.


A scream sounded.

The few players who rushed to the front were directly hit by the rays of light, and were knocked out in an instant. They were completely **** and fell to the ground, almost breathless.

Even Zhao Jingguo, who was standing behind, was almost hit by this golden light.

He looked at the **** subordinates, his body trembled, and he felt a sense of fear welling up in his heart.

Then, this fear quickly turned into anger, making his eyes red, staring at Lin Qiuhan who was shrinking in the corner, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill her!"

The rest of the team rushed over! Upon seeing this, Lin Qiuhan showed a look of despair on her pale pretty face, took out a fruit knife, gritted her teeth fiercely, and pierced her heart.

At this critical moment, a roar fell from the sky like thunder.

"Do not!"

There was a loud noise, and Chen Fei rushed over with a bang, and his whole body smashed over like a cannonball.

In an instant, the surrounding players were all rushed away, screaming and falling to the ground.

Across the crowd, Chen Fei rushed to Lin Qiuhan and saved her.

When he saw the blood red on Lin Qiuhan's chest, his eyes sharpened, "My wife, I'm here."

"Husband, you, you are here."

Lin Qiuhan opened his eyes and looked at Chen Fei with a weak face.

Chen Fei hurriedly injected the vitality into Lin Qiuhan's body to help his wife relieve her injury.

Mu Yi's vitality aura quickly brought the injury under control.

Moreover, fortunately, Chen Fei came in time, and the tip of the knife pierced the skin and flesh without hurting his heart.

"It's okay, I'm here, everything is okay."

Chen Fei comforted, took his wife back, and slowly lay down on the sofa.

Then, turning around, Chen Fei looked at Zhao Jingguo and walked over in stride.

Looking at Chen Fei's cold eyes, Zhao Jingguo couldn't help but feel a sense of fear, and couldn't help but want to turn around and escape.

But he just wanted to leave, behind him, the burly Xu Junshan stopped him like a wall.

"Mr. Zhao better not leave in a hurry!"

"Junshan, why are you here?"

Zhao Jingguo looked at Xu Junshan with a surprised expression, and then wanted to explain something, "Junshan, I--" Xu Junshan interrupted him coldly, "You don't have to talk to me, just explain to Chen Fei."

"This—" Zhao Jingguo turned his head and saw that Chen Fei had already walked in front of him.

Without any extra words, Chen Fei's palm directly showed a touch of energy, and he lifted it up with murderous intent.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Jingguo was shocked and hurriedly shouted: "Chen Fei, what are you going to do?"

Chen Fei said coldly: "What do you say I want to do?

I warned you not to move the people around me, but you don't seem to listen! "

Zhao Jingguo quickly defended himself: "Chen Fei, you have misunderstood.

We came here this time just to invite Miss Lin to assist in the investigation. We have no other intentions. "

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Chen Fei squinted and said coldly, the killing intent in his eyes became more intense.

Zhao Jingguo felt Chen Fei’s strong killing intent. He was frightened and anxious, and hurriedly said: “What happened just now was really a misunderstanding. I didn’t expect it to happen like this. We were just--” “Don’t talk nonsense, you’re dead. , The misunderstanding will naturally disappear."

Chen Fei's voice was cold, his right hand volleyed, and he was about to fall.

Zhao Jingguo was horrified, dodged hurriedly, and shouted, "No, don't kill me."

"I am the official representative, and I represent Zhou Lao.

If you kill me, you will not be able to bear the consequences. "

Chen Fei said coldly: "I don't care who you are or who you mean.

Now, you all have to die. "

Seeing Chen Fei getting closer, Zhao Jingguo was really scared.

He looked at Xu Junshan behind him and hurriedly said: "Junshan, please persuade him.

Hurry up, kill me, it's no good for both of us.

If there are other things, we can talk about it. "

Xu Junshan looked serious and his tone was cold, "Zhao Jingguo and Zhou Lao have already spoken to Chen Fei.

Death is approaching, and you are still lying.

In this way, do you think Chen Fei will let you go? "

"I, I—" Zhao Jingguo's eyes rolled for a while, and he hurriedly made excuses, "I, I just made a slip of the tongue.

This incident was not what Zhou Lao meant.

Yes, it was someone else who made claims, and I was also deceived. "

Xu Junshan shook his head, looked at Zhao Jingguo with a disappointed look, and said coldly: "Incurable!"

Immediately, Xu Junshan stepped back.

At this moment, the vigor in Chen Fei's palm was like the sickle of the **** of death, about to wave down.

"No—" Zhao Jingguo shouted almost desperately.

At this moment, a loud shout rang out.

"Master Chen, please be merciful."

"We are from the military's internal guard. We will definitely conduct a rigorous investigation on this matter and give you an answer to Master Chen."

Hearing this, the desperate Zhao Jingguo burst into excitement in his eyes and hurriedly shouted: "Yes, I will cooperate with the investigation, and I will accept any punishment. I will cooperate and don't kill me."

However, at this moment, Chen Fei had no expression on his face and cold eyes. He didn't respond to these words at all, and he didn't even glance at the inner guard.

"call out!"

The vigor of the palm fell into the sky, and passed through Zhao Jingguo's heart cleanly.

Zhao Jingguo's eyes trembled, showing a look of surprise and despair, and finally fell to the ground, his breath dissipated.

At this moment, the internal guard who rushed to stood in front of Zhao Jingguo's body with a very ugly expression.

The team leader looked at Chen Fei and said, "Chen Fei, your current behavior has violated--" However, before the team leader finished speaking, Chen Fei gave him a cold snorted and said, "Want to catch me." , You can give it a try."

With this, the inner guard was stunned back, and he didn't dare to say anything at all.

After all, Chen Fei, a top-level expert, has long been beyond the scope of ordinary warriors, and is beyond their control.

If it is a strong action player, it can be said that if Chen Fei is angered and made him hostile to the Huaxia military and even the high level of Huaxia, it will cause extremely terrifying consequences.

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