
Chapter 2926: ?Lord of the Second Palace

At the same time, similar questions came into the minds of countless Chinese people along with the live broadcast.

"The people on Taboo Island are too cruel. They completely ignore the lives of our people and kill them at will. They want to use them as hostages."

"Is this what the official said is the powerful and kind Taboo Island?

Why don't I believe it! "

"On the contrary, Master Chen, not only did not blame the soldiers for the attack.

Also save people, this is our hero of China. "

"Are the high-level people blind?

Drive out heroes and cooperate with those villains. This is a traitorousness! "

...... At this moment, Chen Fei didn't know these remarks, and his heart was full of anger at this time.

Just now, he was still a little softened, and he didn't kill these four people in the first place.

I wanted to keep them, to ask some things, or get some things.

As a result, he almost made a mistake, resulting in the death of the soldier.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's eyes were cold, and a hint of chill appeared, "Kill, all should be killed!"

Shoo, the wind broke, and Chen Fei rushed forward.

Zulu, Michael, and Devil Dragon felt Chen Fei's killing intent and were shocked. At this moment, they didn't care about anything else and fled frantically.

However, Zulu was severely injured by Chen Fei and couldn't move fast at all.

Chen Fei caught up with him first, and rushed in, smashing Zulu to pieces with a bang.

A light green sphere flew out of the shattered core, which was very similar to the one that flew out of Dracula's body just now.

"Uh—" Chen Fei was slightly startled, and put the ball into his bag.

Then, continue to chase Michael and the magic dragon.

The two were injured, and facing Chen Fei's full pursuit at the moment, they were getting closer and closer.

Seeing that death was about to come, both of them showed hopelessness on their faces.

But at this moment, the desert sky suddenly flickered.

Immediately, it seemed as if the entire ground was rumbling and shaking.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying breath spread and impacted from the sky.

This breath is extremely cold, as if from hell.

"what is this?"

For a while, everyone was shocked.

At this moment, a black spot appeared in the sky, quickly approaching here.

The black spot is extremely fast, getting closer and closer, showing a figure.

"Chen Fei, kill me from Forbidden Island and die!"

The figure made a sound, the cold voice, like a sickle of death, chilling everywhere.

The Devil Dragon and Michael, who had been almost desperate, were overjoyed and extremely excited at this moment.

"Well, that is the Master of the Second Palace of Luo, the Master of the Second Palace of Luo, he is here."

"The Lord of the Second Palace Luo has come out, Chen Fei is dead, he is dead."

……… "Luo Er!"

At this moment, Chen Fei's expression became serious, and his expression became serious.

This powerful breath made him feel very oppressive and somewhat difficult to resist.

"Forbidden Island, are you still taking this step?"

There was a sense of determination in Chen Fei's eyes, gritted his teeth, let out a burst of vigor, and slashed towards the two of them.

At this moment, Michael and Devil Dragon were extremely excited. Unexpectedly, under this situation, Chen Fei would not run away, but instead attacked them. He was taken aback for a while.

Immediately, they were shocked and quickly dodged.

But the action was still a bit slow, and with a squeak, the sword qi fell down and hit the two.

Michael let out a terrible scream, and his body burst open in the air.

In the Dan core, a ball flew out again.

Chen Fei made a big move and was in the bag.

The Devil Dragon was lucky. He was not directly hit by the sword qi, but one of his arms was also cut off by the sword qi. At this moment, he was covering his wound and backing frantically.

"call out!"

Chen Fei kept moving, chasing directly, preparing to kill the dragon.

But at this moment, Luo Er has arrived.

His eyes were full of cold killing intent, and he shouted angrily: "You are so bold!"

Just now, he had made his identity clear, but Chen Fei was still in front of him, killing Michael and wounding the dragon.

This is a great humiliation to Luo Er.

As a result, a horrible killing intent came to Chen Fei.

A black chill, like a block of ice, condensed into a big knife in the air, and it slashed Chen Fei down in the air.

Chen Fei condensed the flame sword, whizzed, and greeted him.


The two collided in the air.

In an instant, the world stopped, and the world seemed to shake at this moment.

A terrifying wave of air erupted from the collision, and a violent wind blew up the desert sand and dust.


There was a slight cracking sound, and then, Chen Fei's expression changed. The flame sword in his hand cracked and broke into countless fragments, splashing out all around.

Chen Fei was shocked by the air wave and backed hundreds of meters, a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, his face was solemn, and he looked at Luo Er on the opposite side.

"Luo Er's strength is stronger than mine.

And a lot stronger, at least seven or eight layers of strength in the Elemental Body Realm. "

After the blow, Chen Fei quickly made a judgment in his heart.

"My current realm is in the third level of the elementary body realm, which is close to the fourth level.

Because of the special martial arts and martial intent, it may be possible to burst out the strength of the fifth or even sixth level of the Elemental Body Realm.

But compared with Luo Er, it is still a step behind.

If you keep on fighting, I'm afraid you will definitely lose. "

Chen Fei's eyes rolled, thinking of various ways quickly.

At this moment, Luo Er showed a little surprise in his eyes, "Unexpectedly, you took my move and you didn't even die.

It seems that I underestimated you before. "

"However, the result is still the same, die!"

With a cold snort, Luo Er's figure looked like a phantom, and he appeared in front of Chen Fei with a dark and icy knife, slashing.

Chen Fei could only grit his teeth, condense his true vitality, and resist desperately.

Suddenly, bursts of collisions and explosions continued to occur.

The two fight as a group.

However, if you look closely, you can find that Chen Fei was almost completely pressed and beaten by Luo Er, and could only resist the opponent's attack.

But every time I resisted, I would get hurt.

Wounds continued to appear on his body, blood stains spread, and blood spilled from the air.

……… Such a scene made the countless Chinese audiences who supported Chen Fei in front of the screen, at this moment, could not help but feel anxious again.

Originally, they were all preparing to celebrate Chen Fei's victory with one enemy and four.

Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, a master of Forbidden Island would squeeze Chen Fei down, with almost no resistance.

"Could it be that Master Chen is really going to lose?"

"The people from Taboo Island are really that amazing?"

………At the same time, Chen Fei’s opponents are now active again.

"Haha, did you see it?

This is the strength of Taboo Island, the existence of crushing.

Fans of some people, don't blow up somehow, does your face hurt? "

"Forbidden Island, an extremely powerful existence.

Cooperating with them is a wise decision of the top management. "

Someone retorted: "The people of Forbidden Island killed innocent people indiscriminately and didn't treat you as human beings. Didn't you see what happened to the soldiers just now?"

"Just now, it was just an accident.

Then Chen Fei bought people's hearts and deliberately pretended to be, you really believed it, it was ridiculous. "

"Even if it is true, so what?

Forbidden Island is strong enough, only strong, can protect us. "

"The master of Taboo Island, killed Chen Fei, don't let him continue to confuse the crowd."

………There was a mess on the Internet, and when Xu Ning and others saw such a scene, they smiled on their faces and said in a relaxed voice: “Luo Second Palace Master takes action, everything is over.”

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