
Chapter 2927: ? Lost

Chen Fei, who had just killed three top masters, felt powerless in front of Luo Er at this moment.

Chen Fei gritted his teeth and almost aroused all of his strength, the true vitality aura was unhesitatingly aroused, and all nine martial intents came into operation, shrouded in front of him, facing Luo Er's attack.

However, when Luo Er's offensive, one-strike bombardment hit Chen Fei, Chen Fei still felt that it was an unstoppable force.

The violent energy almost shreds his body directly.

Moreover, Luo Er's offensive contained a series of subtle divine and soul attacks, constantly invading Chen Fei's divine sea.

Fortunately, Chen Fei Shenhai had exercised much stronger than ordinary warriors, and in the face of these spirit attacks, he barely resisted.

However, Chen Fei could barely support him either physically or spiritually, although he was not defeated for the time being.

But if it continues, there will only be one result, and it will undoubtedly be defeated.

"Am I going to lose here?"

Chen Fei gritted his teeth, his eyes full of unwillingness.

And at the moment, Luo Er, who was opposite, had a thin face with a cold expression, and he couldn't see any expression.

But in his heart, he was very surprised.

The aura he had explored by himself, Chen Fei only had the strength of the third level of the Primordial Body Realm, which was close to the fourth level.

It was a few small realms away from his current strength of the eightfold elementary body realm.

Not to mention, he was originally a master of the four levels of the Primordial Soul Realm, but because of the suppression of the environment, he could only display the strength of such a realm.

In fact, his combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the ordinary Yuan-body realm eightfold warrior.

Therefore, in Luo Er's expectation, Chen Fei could be killed by a maximum of three moves.

But now, he has played against Chen Fei for twenty or thirty moves, and Chen Fei has resisted all of them and has not yet lost.

"This kid is a little weird?

There seems to be more than one kind of Wu Yi. "

Luo Er looked at Chen Fei and squinted, "Could it be because of the tree heart seed?"

Thinking, there is no answer.

Luo Er didn't waste time anymore, snorted coldly, and whispered to himself: "Kill him, it doesn't matter what it is.

After all, it was just a kid with the triple body realm. "

In the cold snort, Luo Er's offensive became fierce again, and the roar came.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, violent winds rose, and yellow sand filled the sky.

At this moment, as if the end is coming, the whole world is about to collapse.

Chen Fei felt this terrifying oppressive force, gritted his teeth fiercely, aroused all his breath and resisted Luo Er's offensive.


A fierce offensive came, bombarding Chen Fei's defensive gas shield.


However, in just a few seconds, Chen Fei's Qi Jin protective cover appeared a few cracks, and it was almost impossible to hold it.

"Is it really bad?"

There was blood oozing out between Chen Fei's teeth.


The cracks were still increasing, and Chen Fei's protective gas shield was crumbling.

At this critical juncture, suddenly, a few buzzing sound of breaking wind approached quickly.

Several streamers blasted towards Luo Er from different directions.

"Sneak attack! Find something dead!"

Luo Er snorted coldly, waved a few vigorous backhands, and hit it.

Suddenly, those streamers were directly crushed.

And because of this short delay, Chen Fei's defensive gas shield did not shatter, giving him a chance to take a sigh of relief.

"Master, go to the ice and desperate situation."

At this moment, a shout rang.

Then, more than a dozen dark shadows rushed out from various places and attacked Luo Er together.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei immediately recognized these people.

This is the person of the double-edged organization, the person whose master stayed outside.

It turned out that they had been by Chen Fei's side, waiting for the critical moment to help Chen Fei.

It's just that the strength of these people is only the strength of the first and second levels of the Elemental Body Realm, and it is impossible to be Luo Er's opponent at all.

"You are not his opponent--" Chen Fei said.

Black Shadow said: "Master, our life belongs to Senior Xuanyuan.

Our task is to protect you, if you sacrifice, we will not survive. "

"Master, we won't be able to take it off for long. Go to Frozen Desperate Realm and find Senior Xuanyuan."

Chen Fei gritted his teeth. He wanted to stay and fight side by side, but he also knew that by staying, he couldn't change much.

"Take care!"

Chen Fei looked at the black shadows who rushed up in desperation, said to take care, then turned around, and ran away in the direction of the ice-bound desperate situation.

"Want to escape!"

Luo Er squinted his eyes and was about to stop Chen Fei from escaping.

However, those more than a dozen black shadows rushed forward desperately.

"Luo Er, your opponent is us."

Luo Er glanced at these people, his eyes seemed to look at ants, indifferent and disdainful, "You are not qualified."


With a wave of his hand, Luo Er shot out a burst of energy.

The few people who rushed to the front were directly hit by Qi Jin, and with a bang, they exploded in an instant, turned into a rain of blood, and fell from the sky.

Such a tragic scene, but still can not make the rest of the timid.

They shouted one by one and continued to pounce, even if they could only stop Luo Er for one second, it would be worthwhile to buy Chen Fei one more second of escape time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The explosion sounded, and each body burst into a cloud of blood in the air.

Of these people, almost none of them can hold on to a move before Luo Er.

But they still rushed up without fear of death.

Such a tragic and tragic scene, along with the live footage, spread to the world.

For a time, countless viewers were stunned.

There was no sound, no quarrel, only the silent majesty on the screen, slowly spreading out and spreading all over the world.

At this moment, Chen Fei, who was madly running towards the ice-bound desperate state, could no longer see the scene in the desert.

But the explosion sound seemed to be particularly loud, as if it was bursting in Chen Fei's ears.

Chen Fei gritted his teeth, tears in the corners of his eyes, "I will definitely avenge you."

"call out!"

The speed increased again, Chen Fei ignored the physical damage, squeezed the body's potential crazily, and ran at extreme speed.

In the rear, more than a dozen black shadows finally stopped Luo Er for less than five minutes.

After quickly resolving them, Luo Er snorted coldly, in the shape of electricity, and chased Chen Fei in the direction of fleeing.

In this way, one escaped and the other chased.

A thrilling pursuit was broadcast live in front of a global audience.

Some were worried about Chen Fei, while others were shocked by Luo Er's powerful strength and admired them all.

As time passed by, Luo Er was getting closer and closer to Chen Fei.

At this moment, Chen Fei gritted his teeth and ran wildly.

Finally, a blank whiteness appeared before his eyes.

Suddenly, Chen Fei was overjoyed, "Ice-bound desperate situation is coming!"

Rushing into the ice and snow, passing the frozen building, Chen Fei rushed directly to the entrance of the last ice-bound impossibility.

Chen Fei remembered that it was a crack in the ice.

After jumping in, he entered the ice-bound desperate state.

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