
Chapter 2937: ? Luo Er hits

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a loud crackling sound, sometimes exploding in the empty ice road.

Pieces of crushed ice splashed around.

A team of seven or eight people, in the ice road, and the double-edged people became a group.

When Chen Fei and Master arrived, they happened to see Yu Huan being knocked into the air by Luo Er's palm, spouting a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out upside down.

"Brother Huan!"

Chen Fei immediately rushed over, hugged Hu Huan, input a touch of true vitality, and began to heal Yu Huan's injuries.

"Master, don't worry about me, you can't let people from Taboo Island come in."

Yu Huan's mouth is full of blood.

"Brother Huan, don't worry, we won't let them in."

Chen Fei quickly injected the wood meaning for Yu Huan to heal his injuries, and then placed it in the corner and rushed up by himself.

At this time, Luo Er had already confronted Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

The two are obviously old acquaintances. Luo Er looked at Xuanyuan Jiangshan, and said arrogantly, "Xuanyuan Jiangshan, the great future of Taboo Island was waiting for you back then, but you didn't cherish it. You have come to this step.

This makes me very disappointed! "

Xuanyuan Jiangshan said solemnly: "Three traitors, let me be your servant, are you worthy?"

These words hit Luo Er's sore spot.

In an instant, Luo Er's expression became cold, staring at Xuanyuan Jiangshan, and said: "It seems that Gu Tianzhong, the old fellow, has brainwashed you! The treasures of heaven and earth are inhabited by the virtuous, so why not betray? Betrayal.

The disputes between the three of us and the ancient family were just different opinions. "

"The shameless man is just an excuse for whitewashing his betrayal.

Do you think it is useful for me to say this? "

Xuanyuan Jiangshan sneered.

"You--" Luo's blue veins violently burst at the corners of the two temples, really angry.

He shook his head and said in a disappointed tone, "Originally, I wanted to give you a chance to see if you change your mind.

But you disappointed me so much. "

"I can disappoint you, that's what I hope."

Xuanyuan Jiangshan Road.

Luo Er didn't say much any more, he snorted coldly, killing intently, "A bunch of ants, I don't know how to cherish it. If that's the case, then die."

In an instant, Luo Er's killing intent broke out, his speed surged, and with a bang, he rushed towards Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan's complexion sank, and his aura exploded. The strength of the Sixth Layer of the Elemental Body Realm burst out and collided with Luo Er's aura.

Suddenly, two strong energies slammed the ice road to pieces, and it shook constantly.

The vigor of the two constantly collided and impacted, like two ferocious beasts fighting each other in the Colosseum.

Although it now seems that the two seem to be evenly matched, on par.

However, Chen Fei, who had fought against Luo Er, keenly sensed that the master's strength was still worse than Luo Er, and he was vaguely at a disadvantage.

If the fight continues, Xuanyuan Jiangshan can be said to be undoubtedly defeated.

"Master, I'll help you."

Chen Fei's breath broke out and rushed over.

On the other side, Luo Er, after being escaped by Chen Fei last time, had no contempt for it.

Seeing Chen Fei coming to kill, he immediately shouted, "Stop him!"

Immediately, the six or seven subordinates he had brought rushed forward and surrounded Chen Fei.

Although these subordinates are far inferior in strength to Luo Er, they are considered to be the backbone of Taboo Island. They are masters at the rank of Vice-Hallmaster and possess about the strength of the first or second level of the Elemental Body Realm.

Such a group of six or seven masters broke out, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Even if it is against some good-strength Yuanti realm triple warriors, it will not fall behind.

However, what they didn't expect was that Chen Fei was not an ordinary elementary body realm triple warrior.

Moreover, now Chen Fei, after recuperating, has already entered the fourth level of the Yuan body realm, and his strength has improved to a higher level.

Therefore, Chen Fei at this moment was like a fierce tiger.

Directly aroused the "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra", powerful muscles, with terrifying physical power, rushed into the crowd.

The Zhenyuan offensive inspired by the nine kinds of martial intent is so changeable and unpredictable that these people are caught off guard.

"Boom, pop, ah!"

As a result, in just a few minutes, the six or seven people who had besieged Chen Fei were directly killed by Chen Fei, reducing their staff by almost half.

"Lord Luo Er, the information is wrong, this kid's strength has at least reached the fifth level of the Elemental Body Realm."

The rest of the people felt the pressure doubled and could only ask Luo Er for help.

At this moment, Luo Er had already suppressed Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

But it is not that simple to solve him quickly.

After all, Xuanyuan Jiangshan's martial arts cultivation base, although initially learned with them on Forbidden Island, but after escaping from Forbidden Island, he followed Gu Tianzhong to learn the remaining martial arts.

Therefore, the flaws they had deliberately left in the practice before were not in Xuanyuan Jiangshan's body, and they couldn't be directly controlled or even obliterated like the Devil Dragon and others.


With another scream, another subordinate was shot through the heart by Chen Fei and died suddenly.

The rest of the people have already started fighting and retreating.

"Lord Luo Er, we can't hold it anymore."

"A bunch of trash!"

Luo Er shouted angrily, slammed Xuanyuan Jiangshan back with a slap, and pulled away and attacked Chen Fei.

However, Xuanyuan Jiangshan immediately caught up and entangled Luo Er.

At the same time, he shouted to Chen Fei: "I will haunt him, boy, quickly kill those guys."

"Yes, Master!"

Chen Fei shouted, the offensive became more and more fierce.

The remaining three people were beaten up and vomited blood continuously and backed down.


A burst of energy penetrated the heart, blood gushing out, Chen Fei once again killed one person, and only two people remained.

When death came, the two of them lost their fighting spirit, and turned and ran away frantically.

Chen Fei immediately caught up.

However, just as Chen Fei had just turned a corner, he suddenly felt that his Shenhai seemed to tremble slightly, and his spirit aura fluctuated.

This feeling is very slight, passing by in a flash, and it is almost hard to notice.

But Chen Fei immediately noticed the abnormality, and said in his heart, "No, there is a situation."

Under instinct, Chen Fei immediately aroused nine kinds of martial intent, forming a layer of protective shield to block his vital parts, and at the same time, the spirit of spirit surged.

Almost when Chen Fei had just made preparations, an afterimage of "shooing" rushed towards Chen Fei, attacking Chen Fei's heart.

Looking closely, this afterimage was not someone else, but the dragon that was killed by Chen Fei.

At this moment, his injuries seem to have recovered a lot.

Holding a curved dagger in his hand, a layer of grayish-brown mist lingered on it, quickly hitting it.

The dagger pierced Chen Fei's martial shield, and the powerful vitality aura immediately began to collide and confront.

At the same time, the grayish-brown mist on the dagger spread quickly, penetrating the shield of martial intent, and directly impacted Chen Fei's head Shenhai.

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