
Chapter 2938: ?Total Luo Er

"This, is this a divine attack?

This dagger can actually carry out a double attack of the body and the soul. "

Chen Fei was shocked, and at the same time hurriedly mobilized the spirit aura in the Shenhai to fight the gray-brown mist.

The mist hit Chen Fei's soulful aura, and immediately made a "sizzling" sound, as if sulfuric acid was poured on the wood.

Chen Fei felt that his soul was corroded, and a sharp pain made his head feel as if it was about to split.

However, the grayish-brown mist was also under the envelop of Chen Fei's spirit, and it was a little bit consumed and quickly reduced.

"Damn, fight with you."

Chen Fei endured the pain, gritted his teeth fiercely, and directly mobilized a large amount of spirit aura, ignoring the pain and wrapped it in the gray-brown mist.

Suddenly, a strong pain hit, Chen Fei felt his head explode.

But the huge amount of spirit aura, like a big pot of water poured down, dilutes the mist "sulfuric acid", and then quickly wears away and reduces.

In the end, the grayish-brown mist was abruptly wiped out by Chen Fei with his soulful aura.

Although Chen Fei felt that his head was about to explode, the sharp pain brought more anger.

The anger turned into killing intent, and Chen Fei's eyes were scarlet, like a **** demon, and he pounced on the dragon.

The Devil Dragon was defeated by Chen Fei once, and this time he finally got the dagger from the Lord of the Second Palace of Luo and prepared to attack Chen Fei with a lore.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fei would have resisted his sneak attack, instead he wanted to counter-kill himself.

The intense fear made the Devil Dragon no longer have any intent to fight, and even dropped the dagger, turned and fled.

"Want to escape, is it possible?"

Chen Fei gave a cold snort and ran after him.

He pointed it into a sword, and a qi glow slashed across the ice road, and slashed on the devil dragon.

The dragon fleeing in a hurry, without any resistance at all, was directly split in half, and blood spewed out.

Chen Fei also found a light green ball in his body, and he made a big move and put it in his pocket.

"Master, I will help you."

Turning around, Chen Fei killed him and came back.

When Luo Er heard the movement, his expression was gloomy and angry. He glanced at the dragon that had turned into a corpse and yelled, "Trash, rubbish!"

Then, his vitality suddenly exploded, his momentum rose greatly, and dozens of attacks were sent out instantly, and he attacked Xuanyuan Jiangshan fiercely.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan was lost for a while, and he was beaten back again and again, with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Luo Er took the opportunity to speed up and deceived himself, a long sword made of true essence in his hand, slashed towards Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan was shocked, knowing that it was too late to dodge completely, so he could only sideways avoid key parts and use his back to resist Luo Er's sword.

"call out!"

The blade whistling, sharp and powerful.

Seeing that it was about to fall on Xuanyuan Jiangshan, at a critical moment, Chen Fei condensed a flame sword in his hand, struggling to slash the long sword in Luo's second hand.

The sword collided in the air, and the huge force directly caused Qi Jin to break apart.

The breath exploded, Chen Fei was shocked and backed a few steps, a touch of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, and he was obviously injured.

However, Luo Er's knife was also blocked by Chen Fei.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan hurriedly got up, protected in front of Chen Fei, and at the same time asked, "Are you injured?"

"Master, little injury, I'm fine."

Chen Fei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.


Xuanyuan Jiangshan looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Master, you know my character. I am not the kind of person who is not afraid of death. I will not make fun of my life."

"Master, don't waste time, take advantage of his helper hasn't come yet.

Our master and apprentice joined forces and killed him. "

Upon seeing this, Xuanyuan Jiangshan showed a hearty smile, "Okay, our master and apprentice, we will kill the enemy together today."

In an instant, the two's breath erupted, and Chao Luo killed the past two.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan’s cultivation level reached the sixth level of the Elemental Body Realm. Although Chen Fei only has the fourth level of the Elementary Body Realm, his strength is no less than the fifth level of the Elementary Body Realm, and even the Yuanti realm due to the special skills and martial arts. The monk of the sixth layer of the realm.

At this moment, the two have joined forces, and they are very powerful.

The breath screamed, the true essence surged, two-way flanking.

Suddenly, Luo Er, who had eight levels of strength in the Elemental Body Realm, was forced to retreat again and again, causing a lot of injuries on his body.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei was even more overjoyed, shouting, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

"Master, he is not our opponent.

Work harder and kill him. "

In an instant, the two of them's offensive was like a tide, rushing over.

Luo Eryi felt a little unable to cope with it. There were continuous wounds on his body, and the blood stained his clothes.

"You—I want to kill you!"

The wound on his body angered Luo Er, making him look grim, and shouted, the offensive suddenly skyrocketed, fiercely rushing towards Xuanyuan Jiangshan.


With a heavy blow, Xuanyuan Jiangshan couldn't hold Luo Er's impact, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and his body retreated a few steps.

Seeing this, Chen Fei hurriedly aroused his martial intentions and rushed up, "Master, I'll come!"

"Don't you—" Xuanyuan Jiangshan wanted to stop Chen Fei.

But before he finished speaking, Chen Fei had already rushed forward and confronted Luo Er head-on.

"Fight against me head-on, you are looking for death!"

Luo Er looked at Chen Fei who was coming from the front, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"[Penqudao] go to death!"

In Luo Second Hand, a group of terrifying vigor condensed, and he patted Chen Fei head-on.

Chen Fei gritted his teeth and did not dodge, because the master was behind him.

He quickly aroused nine kinds of martial intent, condensed into layer after layer of shield, blocking in front of him.

At the same time, the true vitality aura condenses into a long sword, and the offensive keeps moving towards Luo Er.


Qi Jin bombarded Chen Fei's chest with a strong Zhen Yuan impact, and a direct blast sounded, and the air wave smashed the narrow ice tunnel into a spherical crater.

The Zhenyuan martial intent that Chen Fei protected in front of him was shattered layer by layer, and it seemed that it could not withstand Luo Er's impact.

However, the last remaining layer of stone intention shield, after shaking and flickering for a while, was carried down extremely firmly without breaking.

"Blocked, how is it possible?"

When Luo Er saw this, he couldn't help being stunned.

And Chen Fei, seizing the opportunity, whizzed down with the flame sword in his hand.

Luo Er hurriedly dodged, but because of the lack of focus just now, his movements were a bit slower at this moment.

In the end, unable to evade, his left arm was hit by the flame sword and directly chopped off.


Luo Er let out a scream, but his actions were strange. He threw a small round ball with his right hand, then grabbed the chopped left arm and quickly retreated.

The small ball banged and exploded in the air, swaying a cloud of grayish-brown mist, covering the ice road.

Chen Fei immediately aroused the wind, rolled up a gust of wind, quickly dissipated the gray fog, and then chased up.

"Master, he is injured, let's chase after him!"

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