
Chapter 2939: ?Forcibly broke out

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Jiangshan hurriedly set off to catch up.

At this moment, he looked at Chen Fei's back and couldn't help feeling secretly, "This kid has only cultivated for less than 30 years, and his strength has surpassed me.

This brat! "

The two continued to chase Luo Erkuang.

At this moment, Luo Er, while running away, aroused the true essence, and connected the broken left arm.

The pain from the arm port constantly stimulated Luo Er.

But what irritated him more was the two chasing after him.

Taluo Er is a monk from the Earth realm. The lower realm came to this barren human spirit realm. He always considered himself superior, and regarded the people of the earth as ants.

This time he came out of Taboo Island and shot himself.

It was the mentality of squeezing a few ants to death, and then easily controlling the world.

But the result was completely beyond his expectations.

The ant Chen Fei in his eyes was not pinched to death in the first fight.

Now, in the second attack, the ants were still not pinched to death.

Instead, he was bitten by the ant, and even put himself in danger.

This kind of humiliation made Luo Er feel very angry. He couldn't wait to explode with all his strength and pinched the two ants behind him to death.

But reason still made him resist the urge to retaliate. If he could do his best, his Primordial Soul Realm's fourfold strength, needless to say, could really crush Chen Fei and Xuanyuan Jiangshan to death like an ant.

However, this is not the Earth Elementary Realm, this is the Earth.

The suppression of the will of the world is not a joke.

When he was in the Earth Realm, he had heard that someone once descended to the spiritual realm of a certain person, regardless of the suppression of the will of the world, forcibly exploding his strength, and eventually directly burst the meridians, exploding his body, and died miserably.

Luo Er didn't want to die in such a place, so he didn't gritted his teeth and forcibly broke out to improve his strength.

Instead, they are constantly fleeing through the ice road, buying time, and waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

After all, before he came in, he had sent someone to notify Luo San and Taboo Island.

After making up his mind, Luo Er didn't want face anymore. Almost all his true vitality aura was used for speed, and he ran away frantically.

Chen Fei and Xuanyuan Jiangshan also saw each other's thoughts, gritted their teeth, and pursued them vigorously.

"He wants to delay time and can't let him succeed."

Chen Fei gritted his teeth.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan's eyes lit up, and he pointed to a diverging ice road in front of him, and said to Chen Fei, "I'm familiar with this place.

You are chasing after, I take a short cut to stop him. "

"it is good!"

Chen Fei nodded and ran after him.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan flashed and entered the side road.

"There is only one person, where did Xuanyuan Jiangshan go?"

Luo Er noticed the changes behind him, and he couldn't help but condensed his eyebrows, revealing a hint of doubt.

However, he was injured at the moment and couldn't think about it carefully. He still ran away at full speed.

However, just at a ninety-degree corner in front of him, a burst of vigor suddenly came out and hit Luo Er who was fleeing around the corner.

Luo Er was caught off guard and was beaten upright. His body was directly knocked back and fell to the ground, spouting blood.

Behind him, Chen Fei immediately pursued, with a flame sword condensed in his hand, and he slashed unceremoniously.

"not good!"

With awe-inspiring killing intent, Luo Er also noticed the crisis.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, at this moment, he didn't care about the suppression of the will of the world.

After a while, there was a crack in the body.

Immediately, the aura on his body rose, and suddenly increased to a level.

"call out!"

Chen Fei's flame sword was smashed by Luo Er quickly condensed a long sword.

"what happened?"

Chen Fei noticed the anomaly and couldn't help but make a sound.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan's complexion slightly condensed, and he said: "He is forcibly enhancing his strength despite the suppression of the will of the world.

Now he is about to return to the ninth level of the Primordial Body Realm. "


Chen Fei was surprised.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan was calm, and said, "Stay back a little bit, stretch the distance, don't try hard.

This forced breakthrough will cause the suppression of the world consciousness to become stronger, and his own body will also be damaged.

We wait for him to be injured and weak before we do it again. "

"it is good!"

Chen Fei nodded, stepped back immediately, and stretched a certain distance.

Luo Er had just forcibly increased his strength and reached the ninth level of the Elemental Body Realm, and wanted to take the opportunity to explode and kill the two.

However, he didn't expect Xuanyuan Jiangshan to see his thoughts at a glance, and directly distanced him, letting his expectations come to nothing.

Luo Er wanted to catch up and kill the two of them, but the muscles of his body twitched, and his head was in the Shenhai, as if the sky collapsed. A thick layer of slate fell down, pressing on his Shenhai, letting He felt his head dizzy and his mind slowly blurred.

"No, the suppression of the will of the world has begun to work."

Luo Erxin is not good, so he quickened his pace to chase Chen Fei.

But Chen Fei was wary, and immediately distanced himself from him, not allowing him to approach.

At the same time, the two of them are still shooting out a series of Qi Jin, long-range attacks, eroding Luo Er's strength.

In this way, time passed by every minute and every second.

Luo Er forcibly ascended to the ninth level of the Elemental Body Realm, and began to slip a little bit.

Chen Fei and Xuanyuan Jiangshan glanced at each other, revealing a touch of joy, "He can't hold it anymore."

However, the two were still very vigilant and did not rush forward.

After nearly ten minutes, Luo Er's breath had already returned to the eighth level of the Primordial Body Realm.

Chen Fei tentatively attacked several times, Luo Er could barely resist, but he didn't have the strength to fight back.

"Master, he can't do it anymore, kill him!"

Chen Fei rushed up, and the flame sword in his hand condensed and pierced Luo Er's heart.

At this moment, Luo Er seemed to be dying, and he had no power to fight back.

But, just when the flame sword was about to touch his heart.

Luo Er suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a stern look, his right hand exploded with a strong vigor, and suddenly attacked Chen Fei.

"It's not good, it's hit."

Feeling the powerful aura of vigor, Chen Fei knew that he was in the midst of it.

Luo Er's appearance is pretending, he is not weak enough yet.

He deliberately pretended to be weak, led himself to the bait, then made a violent blow to kill himself.

In desperation, Chen Fei didn't care about his frustration, and immediately gathered his will to form a shield in front of him to resist Luo Er's violent blow.

At the critical moment, Xuanyuan Jiangshan turned into an afterimage, rushed over, stood in front of Chen Fei, and resisted the blow.


He bombarded Xuanyuan Jiangshan with anger, knocked him out, smashed hard against the solid ice wall of the ice road, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.


Chen Fei screamed.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan said with blood in his mouth: "Kill him!"

Chen Fei's eyes were scarlet, bloodshot in his eyes, and his long sword whizzed at Luo Er.

At this moment, Luo Er, after a violent shot and defeated the sky, his body was also very weak.

Seeing Chen Fei's murderous intent, Luo Er also felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Chen Fei, don't kill me.

I have a lot of good things, such as medicinal materials, exercises, martial arts, and even the position of the master of the Earthsha Palace, I can pass it on to you. "

Luo Er seduced.

But at this moment, Chen Fei was unmoved, his eyes full of killing intent, his long sword burning with bright red flames, stabbed over.

"No--" Luo Er's eyes showed a desperate and indignant cry.

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