
Chapter 2940: ? Still not giving up


The long sword pierced into Luo Er's heart, and a burst of blood splashed up.

Luo Er's complexion was white, but he didn't immediately lose his mobility. Instead, he gritted his teeth and aroused a spirit of energy, rushing out of a distance of hundreds of meters.


Chen Fei shot Luo Er's energies to pieces, and then looked at Luo Er who was fleeing desperately.

At this moment, he also had to sigh with emotion. The master of the Yuanyuan Realm was indeed powerful, his heart stabbed with a sword, and he didn't die immediately.

However, sighing with emotion, Chen Fei immediately caught up and prepared to tie Luo Er.

However, just when Chen Fei was about to catch up with Luo Er, a sudden change occurred.

With a loud bang, the ice on the ice road was directly smashed to pieces.

A fat figure rushed over with two other people in his hands.

Taking a closer look, Chen Fei immediately recognized the person.

The fat figure is not someone else, it is Luo San, the lord of the human spirit palace.

The two people he held in his hands were Luo Er's men who had just escaped.

"Brother, save me."

Luo Er, who was extremely weak, hurriedly shouted with hope in his desperate eyes when he saw Luo San's arrival.

Chen Fei also reacted immediately, his eyes drenched, his killing intent howled, his movements kept moving, and he attacked Luo Er.

"Boy, dare you!"

Luo San shouted angrily, a majestic breath enveloped directly, and he slapped Chen Fei with a palm.

The terrifying coercion of this breath was similar to Luo Er who had just come out, and he had the strength of the eighth layer of the Elemental Body Realm.

At this moment, the coercion came down, and Chen Fei suddenly felt a great pressure, and his body seemed to be a little stiff.

But at this moment, Chen Fei gritted his teeth severely, and regardless of Luo San's coercion, the Qi sword in his hand stabbed towards Luo Er.

Killing Luo Er, this is Chen Fei's thoughts at the moment.

Luo San obviously also saw Chen Fei's thoughts. His originally kind eyes became fierce at this moment, with an icy killing intent, "Boy, you're looking for death!"

boom! The aura strengthened again, bombarding Chen Fei's body.

The long sword in Chen Fei's hand was finally shattered when it was less than half a meter away from Luo Er.

With a "poof", Chen Fei spit out a mouthful of blood and flew back.

Then Luo San leaned down, took out a few pills, and stuffed them into Luo Er's mouth.

After taking the pills, Luo Er's pale and weak complexion quickly recovered his blood, and he even stood up gradually, and the breath on his body also recovered some.

Upon seeing this, Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Chen Fei, who still had blood on their mouths, couldn't help but darken their eyes, and their expressions were a little desperate.

Their master and apprentice teamed up, almost desperately before they found a chance to kill Luo Er.

But the most critical moment fell short.

Luo Er was rescued, and Luo San, who was almost the same strength as Luo Er, had arrived at this moment.

Chen Fei and Xuanyuan Jiangshan, who are currently injured, are almost impossible to be their opponents.

"Boy, return to the ice road and find your master."

Xuanyuan Jiangshan whispered to Chen Fei.

"Master, you--" Chen Fei knew what the master meant, and his expression sank.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan wanted to say something, but at this time Luo San stepped over and said, "You are beyond my expectation to be able to force my second brother to this situation.

However, to achieve this step, you should pay the price. "

As soon as the voice fell, Luo San's offensive had already come surging.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Chen Fei didn't want to say much, and hurriedly gathered their breath to resist.

However, the two of them were injured. When they were hit by this attack, their bodies flew upside down for several tens of meters, spouting a mouthful of blood, and their faces became paler.

After the first blow, Luo San continued to attack without stopping.

Chen Fei and Xuanyuan Jiangshan glanced at each other, there was no word, but the meaning of their eyes was obvious.

With the current state of the two, it is almost impossible to defeat Luo San.

A choice must be made, leaving one person to pester the other person, and the remaining one, looking for a chance to escape.

At this moment, the two of them almost both motioned each other to leave in their eyes and stay by themselves.

However, without waiting for them to make a choice, Luo San's offensive struck again.

The two people who received another blow became paler.

The situation is getting more and more critical. At the critical moment, a faint sigh came from the depths of the ice road.

"Gu San, I shouldn't call you Luo San now.

After so many years, don't you give up! "

Accompanied by a faint voice, Gu Tianzhong in a long robe and white beard appeared in front of the two of them and waved his hand gently to block Luo San's offensive.



Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Chen Fei looked at Gu Tianzhong with joy in their eyes.

The faces of Luo San and Luo Er on the opposite side changed drastically, and their expressions became gloomy.

"Gu Tianzhong, you finally came out."

Gu Tianzhong looked at the two and said lightly: "Back then, the three of you betrayed me.

After so many years, do you still want to kill them? "

Luo San said solemnly: "Gu Tianzhong, between you and us, has long been the enemy of life and death.

Now, is it useful to say this? "

"You and us must die."

Luo Er gritted his teeth.

Gu Tianzhong's eyes sank, and he said coldly, "There must be death.

Do you think it must be me who died? "

At the same time as the words were uttered, a majestic breath erupted from Gu Tianzhong's body, and instantly enveloped the entire ice road, full of oppressive breath.

"This, the breath of the Ninth Layer of the Elemental Body Realm!"

Luo San and Luo Er were shocked, but they soon calmed down, backed up quickly, avoiding the head-on conflict with Gu Tianzhong.

At the same time, Luo Er said: "Gu Tianzhong, with your injury, forcibly broke out, the body will not be able to resist for long."

"Kill you, enough."

Gu Tianzhong snorted coldly and attacked the two.

The two quickly retreated, desperately stimulating the true essence, and resisting Gu Tianzhong's offensive.

Upon seeing this, Xuanyuan Jiangshan wanted to step forward, "Master, I will help you."

However, at this moment, Gu Tianzhong's voice spread into the two people's Shenhai, "You two, hurry up and heal your injuries.

The two of them are not troublesome.

The real trouble is Luo Yi. "

"Yes, Master!"

Xuanyuan Jiangshan gritted his teeth, dragged Chen Fei away from the battlefield, found a place, took out a lot of bottles and pots and various herbs, and then sat down cross-legged.

The two choose their own herbs and use them to heal their injuries.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Jiangshan thought of something, and asked Chen Fei: "You killed all four of them?"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "They are all killed! Master, what's wrong?"

Xuanyuan Jiangshan said, "After killing them, there was a pale green ball in their bodies. Have you noticed?"

Speaking of this, Chen Fei immediately took out the light green ball he had collected from the four of them, "Master, is this it?"

"Yes, this is the thing.

Your absorption of refining will help you heal your injuries and even improve your strength. "

Xuanyuan Jiangshan Road.

Chen Fei was surprised, "There is still this effect.

Master, what is this sphere?

If we can heal, we will be one of us. "

With that, Chen Fei was about to pass the ball to Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

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