
Chapter 2941: ? Absorption Healing

But Xuanyuan Jiangshan waved his hand and said, "It's not very useful for me, you use it yourself, you have absorbed it all."

"Master, this—" Chen Fei wanted to say something else.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan explained while healed, "This pale green ball is the essence of the heart seed of the World Tree."

"Back then, the five of us picked up the world fruit.

After eating the fruit, the core was too hard, so I left the core.

However, the four of them ate all the cores. "

"Later, after we arrived at Taboo Island, we learned that we were eating world fruit.

The seed is a tree heart seed, very precious, even Luo Yi and the others want it.

Therefore, the five of us, in a tacit understanding, did not mention the seeds of the tree. "

"The seed of the tree heart has the effect of improving the soul. The four of them who took the core at that time were too weak, and the effect of the seed of the tree heart was very limited.

It wasn't until later, after stepping into the metaphysical realm, that the effect of the tree heart seed began to gradually appear. "

"However, the four of them have limited talents, especially the talents in spirits, which are very average.

The absorption and refining of the tree core seeds are slow, so the refreshing effect is not as good as expected. "

"I also know that my spiritual talent is average, and most of it is a waste of taking the tree heart seed, so I haven't taken it and kept it."

"Your kid's spirit talent is very good, and the tree heart seed is very suitable for you.

After refining, it will not only help the advancement of the soul realm in the future, but now it can also strengthen the Shenhai and improve its strength. "

"So, it's about to be refined!"

Xuanyuan Jiangshan looked at Chen Feidao.

"Master, it's better to be one and half.

If you take it, it will definitely have an effect. It is better than not taking it. "

Chen Fei said.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan shook his head and said, "The five fruits are the first fruits of the World Tree after it has matured.

If taken separately, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Take it all by one person, the effect will be better. "

"Yes—" Chen Fei hesitated.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan glared at Chen Fei, "Boy, don't hesitate.

Your master is injured, and I don't know how the battle is going.

You quickly take it, heal your injuries and improve your strength, and go out to help your master, this is the most important thing. "

"Yes, Master!"

Chen Fei nodded, took a deep breath, and inhaled all the four light green **** into his abdomen.

Suddenly, the four auras flowed through Chen Fei's limbs, passing through the core meridians, and finally converging into the Shenhai of his head.

At the same time, a similar aura rose in the Shenhai.

The five auras come together, blend with each other, and finally become a round light green ball, which looks like a fruit.

The fruit exudes a cool breath, like a small green sun shining on Chen Fei's Shenhai below.

The shining divine sea, absorbing the refreshing breath, slowly became stronger.

Chen Fei felt that his head became clear at once, and his whole body was instantly refreshed and full of vitality.

The spirit aura in Shenhai also became agile.

As soon as the thought moves, the soul flexibly impacts, transforms into various shapes, and circulates.

It can be said to move with one's heart.

"My soul control has become stronger."

Chen Fei felt the change and was delighted.

Later, he tried to practice his two exercises "Nine Suns Burning Heaven" and "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra". The speed of practice was faster than before, and the speed of absorbing the aura from the outside world became faster. Up.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing.

This is to teach people how to fish, to increase the speed of practice, it is even more rare than to directly increase the strength! "

Chen Fei was overjoyed.

Then, he thought of something, "Will Wu Yi's words be enhanced?"

Thinking of it, Chen Fei immediately began to try.

Inspire martial intentions and condense them out.

But as a result, he was a little disappointed. The energy of this tree heart seed didn't seem to enhance Wu Yi.


Chen Fei sighed and shook his head, but suddenly, he found that his core seemed to have grown a bit.

Chen Fei's core is very special. It is not an ordinary sword, spear, halberd, stone animal or the like, but a sapling, and nine branches grow on the sapling, representing nine different martial intents.

The seed of the tree heart failed to enhance the martial intent, but it allowed Chen Fei's pill seedlings to grow stronger.

"Unexpectedly, it has this effect.

This is amazing. "

Chen Fei was overjoyed. The growth of Dan core is much rarer than the enhancement of martial intent.

After all, for the vast majority of cultivators, after the core is condensed, it can be said to be finalized, and it is difficult to change it.

Dan nuclear can be regarded as a container, and Wu Yi is equivalent to the water in the container.

Ordinary monks can only rely on insight to absorb, increase the water in the container a little bit, and cannot change the size of the container.

Chen Fei's pill core is quite special, but in principle, it is just a relatively complicated container that can hold different types of water, and there is still no difference in principle.

But now, the energy of the tree core seed can actually make Chen Fei's core, which is the container of water, bigger, making it more water.

This is definitely a very rare effect.

"My core is condensed in the world tree.

And this tree heart seed happened to be the fruit of the world tree's first maturity.

They were originally one.

Perhaps for this reason, the tree heart seed has such a magical effect for me! "

Chen Fei suddenly thought of a reason, and couldn't help but feel that his fate was too miraculous.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei did not have the time to feel the change of fate.

He condensed his mind, seized the time, while absorbing the breath of the little green fruit in the sky above the sea, while stimulating the Mu Yi in the core of the pill, he quickly recovered from his injury.

In less than half an hour, Chen Fei felt light, and all his injuries had recovered.

Although it has the magical healing effect of Mu Yi, if it had been before, Chen Fei's recovery speed would not have been so fast.

This time, the improvement of the pill core by the tree heart seed was also faint, which made Chen Fei's Wuyi effect a bit stronger.

After he recovered, Chen Fei immediately got up and injected Mu Yi into Master's body to help him heal his injuries.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan was hit by Luo Er head-on several times, and his injuries were more serious than Chen Fei's.

With the injection of Mu Yi, Xuanyuan Jiangshan's injury is also improving rapidly.

At this moment, there was a sudden bang, and the ground shook, the ice squeezed and made a sizzling noise.

An invisible icy chill spread from the depths of the ice path, causing Chen Fei to shiver involuntarily, and couldn't help turning his head to look into the depths of the ice path, "What's the matter?"

Xuanyuan Jiangshan said, "It's because of Master's fighting!"

"We have to speed up and help Master."


Chen Fei nodded and quickly aroused Mu Yi to help Master quickly heal his injuries.

Finally, another quarter of an hour later, Xuanyuan Jiangshan's injury was almost healed.

The two immediately got up and rushed towards the direction where Gu Tianzhong was fighting.

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