
Chapter 2942: ?Fight again

At this moment, the battle between Gu Tianzhong and Luo Er and Luo San has entered a white-hot stage.

The strength of Gu Tian Zhong Yuan Body Realm Nine Layer was of course stronger than Luo Er and Luo San.

After all, the two have only the eighth level of the Elemental Body Realm, and Luo Er is still not lightly injured, and the strength that can be exerted now is extremely limited.

But even so, Gu Tianzhong could not quickly suppress the two and behead them forcibly.

Because Gu Tianzhong's own injuries are not optimistic.

Every time he shoots, it is obvious that he has a feeling of holding back, and he does not dare to exert too much force.

Therefore, although Gu Tianzhong could beat Luo Er and Luo San, he could not kill them in a short time.

Chen Fei and Xuanyuan Jiangshan saw the current problem and rushed over.

"Master (Master), we are here to help you."

As they spoke, the two rushed over quickly.

Regardless of the danger, Xuanyuan Jiangshan directly rushed forward and flexed forward, facing Luo Er with a fierce attack. The momentum was strong and fierce, and Luo Er was suppressed for a time.

Chen Fei didn't move slowly here, and he rushed out, directly rushing towards Luo San, his breath rushing forward.

Seeing the opponent selected by the two, Gu Tianzhong couldn't help showing a look of worry for Chen Fei.

But soon, his eyes were certain, as if he saw something in Chen Fei, the worry in his eyes turned into surprise, "This breath is the seed of the heart of the tree, it is very rich.

Jiang Shan gave him all the seeds of the tree heart! "

"This little guy is a good seed!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Gu Tianzhong's mouth, and he whispered to himself, "Did the vibration just arouse that thing?

Perhaps a miracle will happen to this kid. "

"Master, you recover!"

Chen Fei yelled at Gu Tianzhong. He had just noticed that the aura on Master's body was obviously a little unstable, obviously because of the battle just now, which caused his injuries.

After yelling, Chen Fei rushed forward and rushed forward with Luo San with a bang.

In an instant, the qi burst, a strong wave of qi spread, and Luo San actually rushed back a few steps.

"How come your injury healed so quickly--" Luo San's face was obviously surprised, and he looked at Chen Fei incredulously.

However, Chen Fei didn't talk nonsense with him, and once again rushed forward, with the offensive in his hand, constantly launching fierce attacks on Luo San.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The Qi Jin burst and the sound continued.

However, Luo San was more and more frightened as he fought. Chen Fei not only recovered from his injuries quickly, but his strength also improved significantly.

Before that, in the four levels of the elementary body realm, he supernormally displayed the fifth level of the elementary body realm, even close to the sixth level of combat effectiveness.

And now, he went even further, his combat effectiveness had reached the strength of the seventh level of the elementary body realm, and he was not far from the eighth level of the original body realm.

Luo San suffered some injuries from the fight with Gu Tianzhong, so he couldn't fully display the eight-fold combat power of his original physical realm.

Therefore, after fighting against Chen Fei, he fell into a faint disadvantage.

"I don't believe it anymore. Your kid's background is mine. I see how long you can last."

Luo San gritted his teeth, his fat body was shocked, his aura suddenly strengthened, and a fierce impact came out, and he bumped into Chen Fei.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

For a time, there were constant shocks in the ice road, explosions, rumblings, and cracking noises.

In a blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

Luo San's complexion became serious, and even his fat body at this moment seemed to have become a little thinner because of the excessive effect.

"How long can this kid resist?

We fought hundreds of moves, and he hasn't weakened much. "

Luo San gritted his teeth and felt the pressure doubled.

At this moment, he turned his head a little and looked aside.

The situation on Luo Er's side is also not optimistic.

Although Xuanyuan Jiangshan's combat effectiveness did not directly improve like Chen Fei's, but he recovered most of his injuries, relying on fierce fighting and rushing, he still suppressed the seriously injured Luo Er.

Both fell into a disadvantage.

On the other side, there is also a top expert who recovers from his injury, and he must wait for his injury to improve.

At that time, as soon as Gu Tianzhong shot, the two of them would definitely die.

Thinking of this, Luo San felt a sense of horror in his heart.

With a "boom", he confronted Chen Fei again, and Luo San was shocked by his vigor, causing his body to sway and retreat several tens of meters.

Seizing this opportunity, Luo San turned around and began to run wildly.

"This--" Chen Fei was a little surprised by this action. He didn't expect that the hallowed Palace Master would be beaten by himself and fled.

However, after a brief surprise, Chen Fei immediately caught up.

On the other side, Luo Er saw Luo San's movements, and his pale face became paler.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, he also turned and started to flee.

"Can't let them escape.

chase! "

Xuanyuan Jiangshan screamed and chased up.

At this moment, Gu Tianzhong, who was sitting cross-legged to recuperate from his wounds, opened his eyes and squeaked, got up and rushed out, quickly catching up with Chen Fei and Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

"Kill them!"

At this moment, Chen Fei was shocked by the harshness in his words.

After all, since seeing his master, in Chen Fei's impression, he has always been an image of a respected old man.

At this moment, Chen Fei realized that his master was a genius of Nanyan City, the Great Yan Mansion of the Earth Realm, and a ruthless person who killed countless enemies.

"it is good!"

Converging their minds, Chen Fei and Xuanyuan Jiangshan nodded together, their speed increased again, and they chased away.

In front, Luo San and Luo Er almost flee desperately through gritted teeth.

However, the ancient clock behind him was faster, and he was more familiar with the terrain here.

Therefore, the distance between the two parties has been continuously narrowed.


Less than two hundred meters away, Chen Fei and Xuanyuan Jiangshan launched an attack.

One after another, Qi Jin rushed out, causing Luo Er and Luo San to be chaotic and chaotic.

At the critical moment, Gu Tianzhong's figure flashed, and his speed surged instantly. He approached the two directly, with his hands out, blooming with golden light, and grabbed them.

Luo Er and Luo San felt the aura of Gu Tianzhong, their complexions suddenly changed when they saw the big golden hands sideways.

"Beast Hunting Seal!"

This is one of the ancient school's unique knowledge, which was originally used to capture and deal with monsters.

After it was extended, it was also used to deal with some ancient slaves and prisoners.

Now, Gu Tianzhong resorted to this trick to the two of them, it can be said that he has regarded the two of them as enemies of life and death in his heart, and he wants to kill them directly.

"Boom, boom!"

The breath of the hunting beast seal is getting closer and closer, and the pressure on the two of them is getting greater and greater, and their complexions are rapidly reddening.

Seeing that the big hand was about to fall, the two looked at each other, revealing a touch of determination, nodded to each other, and then gritted their teeth and shouted: "Blast!"

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