
Chapter 2948: ?World shaking

Chen Fei and the others fought fiercely in the ice and snow.

Unexpectedly, their breaking out of the sky soon shocked the whole world.

The satellites of various countries in the world detected the turbulence and changes in the North Pole almost immediately.

Therefore, governments of various countries immediately adjusted their angles and photographed this area.

The battle situation here also quickly appeared in front of people all over the world following the live satellite footage.

The four men fought fiercely, and each shot was equivalent to the explosion of a small missile. Each time they met, they could crush a huge ice block hundreds of meters long and wide.

The earth is shaking! This was originally a slightly exaggerated adjective, but at the moment it was used to describe this battle, but it seemed extraordinarily appropriate.

People all over the world, countless people looking at the picture in the camera, feeling the shock of the shaking of the ground, are all stunned.

"This, is this still a human?"

"This is the gods coming to the world, can it be that this is the battle between gods and demons recorded in ancient legends."

"Too shocking, this power is even more powerful than a nuclear bomb!"

"Does anyone know who the player is against?"

… Compared to foreign audiences, Chinese audiences at this moment seem to be more concerned.

Because, among the four people in the fierce battle, there is a familiar face—Master Chen Chen Fei.

Suddenly, countless Chen Fei supporters on the Internet became active again.

"Master Chen is still alive, I know that Master Chen will not die."

"The previous masters of Forbidden Island, I don't think so."

"Master Chen is invincible, and I will always support Master Chen."

"Master Chen is still alive, isn't the official response to the previous incident yet?"

……… Netizens were so excited that they almost made official calls.

The officials also convened an emergency meeting and looked at the live broadcast in the camera with serious faces.

In the meeting room, Xu Ning, as the team leader, looked particularly heavy, looked at Zhao Gang sitting next to him, and asked in a deep voice, "Zhao Gang, you are the person responsible for contacting Taboo Island. What is going on?"

At this moment, Zhao Gang, with a solemn expression, looked at the information, and quickly said: "According to the previous information, the Lord Luo Second Palace found the entrance to the frozen impasse just one day ago, and notified Luo San Palace Lord and Taboo who was in the capital The lord Luo Yi of the island, then led someone into the ice-bound desperate state and wanted to kill Chen Fei."

"It's just that it didn't take long.

Lord Luo San Palace received the message and also took people to the Frozen Extremis, seeming to have gone to support Lord Luo Second Palace. "

"And a few hours later, our contact on Forbidden Island received news that there was an alteration in Tianluo Palace, and it was suspected that the lord of Luo Yi Palace was out.

Moreover, after Luo Yimiyao went out, there seemed to be another small-scale battle in Taboo Island, and some people left. "

"It can almost be inferred that the three palace masters have all entered an ice-bound desperate situation, fighting against Chen Fei and the forces behind him.

As for the specific results of the battle in the Frozen Territory, we have no way of knowing. "

After listening to Zhao Gang's narration, many of the people present changed their faces and looked surprised.

"Didn't it mean that the Lord of the Second Palace of Luo can squeeze Chen Fei to death by himself?

Why now, Luo San and Luo Yi's palace masters have made their moves, making it this way? "

"Could it be that Chen Fei is stronger than we thought?"

"No, you said Chen Fei and the forces behind him, what forces are they?

Why haven't you mentioned it before? "

Someone noticed the key issue and asked aloud.

Zhao Gang was taken aback, and then explained: "That's it, Chen Fei's master is Xuanyuan Jiangshan, and he formed an organization called Double Blade, which has been fighting against Taboo Island.

The three palace masters have always regarded them as enemies and wanted to eradicate them. "

"Judging from the current situation, the double-edged organization is stronger than we expected. There are other masters behind Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

Those two in the picture should be.

It should be relying on them to force the two palace masters to rush to help Luo Er Gongzhu. "

However, Zhao Gang's explanation in this way has caused more doubts.

"Behind Chen Fei is Xuanyuan Jiangshan. A hundred years ago, our number one master in China, the invincible sword **** Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

Why don't you tell us such important news? "

"Senior Xuanyuan has helped us repel many invading enemies. He is our hero of China.

Chen Fei is the hero's apprentice, and we are dealing with him now, it is unrighteous. "

Someone glared at Zhao Gang and questioned.

Zhao Gang hurriedly explained: "The Lord of the Second Palace Luo said that Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Chen Fei are not worth mentioning, they can be destroyed at hand.

That's why I didn't care. "

"Is this called easy to destroy?"

"Believe what others say, Zhao Gang, you don't do the work of negotiating!"

"If it doesn't work, then change."

Many people became dissatisfied.

Zhao Gang was already young, relying on his father, Zhao Jingguo, to take over this position after his death.

Now, facing the persecution of big bosses who are a lap older than me, I feel a little at a loss for a while.

Upon seeing this, Xu Ning frowned slightly, and said aloud: "The affairs of Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Double Blade are recorded in our internal data. The previous confirmation was that the level was not high, so I didn't focus on it.

It now appears to be a misjudgment, but it has little effect. "

Xu Ning spoke, and many voices were suppressed.

However, some people still snorted and said dissatisfied: "The situation has become like this, is it still said that it has little effect?"

"If you had known that Chen Fei had Xuanyuan Jiangshan, a double-edged organization, and even more mysterious masters.

At the beginning, we did not necessarily choose Taboo Island as a partner and agreed to their demanding requirements. "

"Perhaps, choosing Chen Fei to cooperate with the double-edged organization behind it is another scene at this moment."

As soon as this remark came out, many people at the scene changed their faces and started talking in a low voice.

After all, in the cooperation with Taboo Island, Taboo Island is extremely strong, and China's officials have made many concessions.

Especially after the recent establishment of the Budo Pavilion, many people from Taboo Island were born, and they were unscrupulous. There were many incidents among the people, which aroused the anger of the people, and there were many voices of protest in various places.

Although these voices were finally suppressed strongly, the people present were not less scolded, and the pressure they faced was much greater.

Therefore, when it was pointed out at the moment that there was a second way, or even a better way, when someone chose to choose, everyone was naturally upset at this time.

Seeing that the discussion below is getting louder and louder, the situation is a bit out of control.

Xu Ning frowned fiercely and clapped the table and said: "Which way to choose was originally decided by Mr. Zhou, and most of you agreed. Now let's talk about it. What's the point!"

"And, don't forget, in the current battle situation, it is the Lord Luo Yi who has the upper hand.

The ultimate winner is most likely Taboo Island.

Our choice is not wrong. "

Xu Ning's remarks suppressed the discussion.

Upon seeing this, Xu Ning nodded, then pointed to the screen, and said: "Now, our focus is on this battle.

Can the Lord of the Palace of Luo Yi win, do we have any means of participation, and our follow-up measures after one party wins..." Finally, the meeting entered the topic, and everyone began to discuss.

And at the moment over the North Pole, in the ice, snow and cold wind, the three of Chen Fei, after hundreds of fierce battles, already felt a little strenuous.

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