
Chapter 2949: ?True Ice Soul Orb

Chen Fei looked at the Gu Tianzhong and Gu Yu whose wounds were cracked, his expression dignified, and gritted his teeth and said to himself: "You can't continue like this, you must find a way!"

"Outside, can't I really use the power of the Ice Soul Orb?"

With doubts in his heart, Chen Fei tried to infuse the spirit aura, controlled the ice layer near the breach, and wanted to attack Luo Yi.

However, after those ice layers are broken, they can only be slightly ejected from the ground less than ten meters high, and they lose control and cannot attack.

"Is there really no way?"

Chen Fei's teeth bit his lips with a fine blood stain.

At this time, Gu Tianzhong and Gu Yu were completely suppressed by Luo Yi, and their injuries continued to increase.

Chen Feineng could clearly see that the action of the two of them had slowed down, and there were some signs that they could not support it.

If you think about it, this is normal.

Gu Tianzhong was injured in his body, and has not healed for hundreds of years.

Now forcibly dragging the injured body, fighting with the three palace masters for so long, the old wounds on his body may have been affected long ago.

Although Gu Yu did not fight for as long as Gu Tianzhong, his situation was not optimistic.

Being imprisoned in the dungeon of Tianluo Palace for hundreds of years, suffering various tortures, Gu Yu suffered no less injuries than Gu Tianzhong.

At this moment, the two are fighting one after another, and the old injuries recur, and the body may not be able to support it at any time.

"You must find a way!"

Chen Fei gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, Chen Fei thought of something, "Just now, I injected a touch of soulful aura, and I could only control the ice in the ice-bound desperate state to leave the ground for more than ten meters.

If I inject more spirit aura, will I be able to control the ice in the Frozen Realm, attack a greater distance, and even threaten Luo Yi. "

Thinking of this, Chen Fei didn't hesitate, and immediately began to try.

In the Shenhai, the sea water-like spirit of the soul, the waves surging, directly rise like steam, and flow into the ice soul beads of the Shenhai sky.

Divine Soul breath entered, and immediately spread along the thin passages inside the Ice Soul Orb.

Chen Fei felt that he had become more proficient in his control of the ice-bound desperate situation.

Even with a single thought, you can control a certain ice course to deform and turn and change the terrain.

"It works, continue!"

Chen Fei was overjoyed, and continued to arouse the spirit aura in the Shenhai, continuously injecting into the ice soul bead.

The divine sea was turbulent, and the divine soul aura was diminishing almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the spirit aura in Chen Fei's divine sea was consumed by half.

At this moment, he felt that the ice soul orb had not been filled yet.

"How much divine spirit can this ice soul orb absorb?

I have consumed half of it, can't I still be satisfied? "

Chen Fei was a little surprised.

However, he tried to control the ice layer and checked the effect.

This time, the broken ice can fly nearly a kilometer away.

It can almost be used as a small fort, constantly attacking Luo Yi in the air.

However, this offensive is still too weak, it can only cause some interference to Luo Yi, and can hardly hurt him substantially.

"No, the distance is not enough, and the control is not enough.

carry on! "

Chen Fei gritted his teeth, ignoring the consumption of the soul, and continued to stimulate the soul and enter the ice soul orb.

As a result, Chen Fei's Shenhai was like a waterhole with a flood discharge opening, and the water surface dropped rapidly.

Soon there was only one third left.

"Isn't it full yet?"

Chen Fei felt a little strenuous.

Divine Soul consumes too much, and the pressure on Chen Fei is also quite large.

Moreover, after the spirit is consumed, it is much more difficult to slowly recover and replenish it than to cultivate the true vitality aura.

Just when Chen Fei hesitated, worried that he did useless work.

Suddenly, Chen Fei felt the Ice Soul Orb tremble slightly.

Suddenly, Chen Fei was overjoyed, "Is it almost full?"

Therefore, Chen Fei did not hesitate to infuse the little remaining spirit aura into the ice soul orb.

Finally, when less than a quarter of the spirit aura in Chen Fei's divine sea remained, a white film formed on the surface of the ice soul orb, blocking the entry of the spirit aura.

Then, the Ice Soul Orb was quietly suspended in the sky above the sea of ​​God.

"It's full, I can completely control the Frozen Despair now, right?"

With excitement and doubt, Chen Fei was ready to try the effect of control.

And just when Chen Fei was thinking about it, the Ice Soul Orb spun.

At the same time, Chen Fei felt the ground shake.

He looked down and found that the mountain where the Frozen Boundary was located had started to tremble and move.

"what happened?

Is there a problem with the control? "

Chen Fei was shocked.

At this moment, the ice soul orb in the sea of ​​gods was spinning faster and faster, and the amplitude of the tremor was getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, the ice on the ground was shaking more and more severely.

Even Luo Yi and the others who were fighting hard couldn't help slowing down the speed of the battle and looked towards the ground.

In the live broadcast, there were countless viewers who witnessed all this and were extremely shocked.

"This, this is--" Chen Fei was surprised, and suddenly rushed upwards.

He quickly raised a few hundred meters, Chen Fei looked down again, his face was full of shock.

Because, from a height, it is on the white ground at this moment.

A sphere spins and trembles in the ice layer while rising upwards.

And that sphere is just frozen in desperation.

The arc of the ridge that Chen Fei thought was too round, when viewed from a high place at the moment, it happened to be an arc of the sphere protruding from the ground.

"Could it be that Frozen Despair is also a sphere similar to the Ice Soul Orb, but the size is much larger!"

Chen Fei guessed.

At this time, most of the sphere on the ground has risen from the ice, and the spherical shape can be directly seen.

It is round and round, more than ten kilometers in diameter, like a star in the sky, falling to the earth.

"This is so big, can it really be controlled?"

Chen Fei was horrified and tried to control the movement of the Ice Soul Orb in the Shenhai.

Suddenly, a mysterious feeling connected the Ice Soul Orb with this ice-bound desperate state.

Almost at the same time Chen Fei's thoughts arose, the Ice Soul Orb and the huge orb moved at the same time.

Even the little changes in the internal passage of the Ice Soul Orb were all reflected on the orb.

"No, it's wrong, I guessed wrong.

This is simply not an icy extremity, it is not a special zone where ice soul orbs fall on the earth and affect the formation of the environment. "

"This huge orb is the Ice Soul Orb itself.

The ice soul orb that oneself absorbed can be regarded as the core of the ice soul orb, and once you control it, you can control the entire ice soul orb. "

"Therefore, there is no difference between China and foreign countries.

Because the entire Frozen Despair is the Ice Soul Orb, a treasure, a weapon. "

"In fact, for so many years, Gu Tianzhong and Luo Yi have entered and exited many times, and the treasures they have been searching for are right in front of them, and even they themselves have entered it.

It's just that no one has ever been able to control the core and shake the ice-bound desperate situation, and no one has discovered this. "

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