
Chapter 2950: ?Suppression and Pursuit

Now that Chen Fei discovered this key information, he became excited.

"I can control this huge ice soul orb!"

Thinking of this, Chen Fei directly controlled the Ice Soul Orb to rise from the ground, preparing to attack Luo Yi's direction.

However, the Ice Soul Orb at this moment was too big to be controlled.

Moreover, Gu Tianzhong and Gu Yuzheng and Luo Yi fought together and attacked rashly, possibly hurting them.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's heart moved, "Can this ice soul orb be made smaller?"

Almost as soon as his thoughts emerged, inside the ice soul orb above the sea of ​​gods, the aura of the soul began to surge, and the ice soul orb trembled.

Then, the huge sphere outside, in front of everyone, began to shrink.

With such a scene, Gu Tianzhong couldn't help but look at them, their faces were full of surprise.

"Xiao Chen, this is--" Gu Tianzhong looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei didn't have time to explain anything, and said: "Master, you and Senior Gu Yu take a break, I will deal with him."

While talking, Chen Fei looked at the sphere that had shrunk to about five meters in diameter in front of him, and felt almost the same.

Divine Soul thought moved, Shenhai's Ice Soul Orb moved lightly, and this huge ball moved along with it, and quickly slammed towards Luo with a booming momentum.

Luo Yi was taken aback by Chen Fei's offensive, and hurriedly dodged Chen Fei's attack sideways.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei's spirit thoughts flashed quickly, and the huge sphere in the sky changed its direction and chased Luo Yi.

Such a huge sphere impacts at a very fast speed. Logically speaking, it has a large inertia and it is difficult to suddenly change its direction.

But now, under Chen Fei's manipulation, the sphere completely ignored these laws of physics.

The ball that originally rushed towards Luo Yi could instantly turn the direction of ninety degrees with Chen Fei's thought, and chase Luo Yi at the same speed.

The sphere at this moment was not a sphere at all, but a ghost, wrapped in Luo Yi.

Luo Yi tried his best to dodge, but he couldn't get rid of the chase of the ball. He could only watch the huge ball getting closer and hitting him.

"If you can't avoid it, let's do it hard!"

Luo Yi gritted his teeth, no longer dodge, the Yuan Qi in his body turned, the pill core martial intent burst out, the powerful strength of the Yuan soul realm first layer, gathered in his palms, and patted the huge ball.

"Break it to me!"

Boom, with a loud noise, Luo Yi's palms slapped heavily on the ball.

The tremendous strength rushes up with the vitality.

However, the ball did not shatter as expected, and it was not even repelled, but it trembled slightly.

Then, a huge recoil force sent Luo directly into the air, turning over ten times in the air, and almost didn't fall down.

"How is it possible, my attack has no effect at all!"

Luo Da was shocked.

However, Chen Fei didn't stop, controlling the huge ball, and bumped into it again.

Luo couldn't hide and carry it. He could only blast against the ball again and again, and was shocked out, spouting mouthfuls of blood.

"No, if this goes on, I will definitely lose!"

At this moment, Luo Yi felt anxious in his heart, desperately thinking of a way, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing that Chen Fei controlled the ball to collide again, Luo Yi had no choice but to turn around and began to run wildly.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei hurriedly controlled the ball to catch up.

The speed of the orb was very fast, but Chen Fei felt that the consumption of the spirit aura in the ice soul orb was also increasing rapidly in the sky above the sea.

And with the consumption of the soul, Chen Fei had to replenish the aura of the soul from the sea into the ice soul orb.

The little spirit aura that had been left became less and less, and Chen Fei also felt that his head was dizzy and a little dazed.

"Directly controlling the ice soul orb attack is too expensive for the soul."

Chen Fei immediately made a judgment, "You can't rely on the Ice Soul Orb and Luo to kill time and time again, you must find the right opportunity, one blow is fatal.

Otherwise, after my soul is consumed, I'm afraid I won't be able to control the ice soul orb. "

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's heart moved.

The ball shrank again and returned to Chen Fei's palm, turning into a white ice ball the size of a table tennis ball.

Holding the ice beads, Chen Fei turned his head and shouted at Gu Tianzhong and Gu Yu, and then chased Luo Yi, "Master, senior, I will kill Luo Yi."

Gu Tianzhong and Gu Yu, who were recovering from their injuries, glanced at Chen Fei and then at the huge spherical pothole on the ground.

"That bead, is it an ice-bound desperate situation?"

"It should be the function of Ice Soul Orb!"

"He's alone, I don't worry, let's go together!"

Gu Tianzhong stopped recovering from his injuries and chased him in Luo Yi's direction.

Gu Yu hurried to keep up.

Such a scene, with the live footage, appeared in front of billions of people on the planet.

Especially the more than one billion Chinese people are paying special attention to this battle.

Countless people are discussing this battle online and in reality.

Of course, at a certain meeting room inside the red wall at this moment, Xu Ning and others are also staring at the big screen intently.

At this moment, Xu Ning and Zhao Gang looked at Luo Yi, who had been hit by Chen Fei to vomit blood again and again, and turned and fled, with very ugly expressions.

Just now many members questioned them, and he used Luo Yi to force them down.

But now, Luo Yi, who he originally thought was sure to win, has fallen into a disadvantage, and he is still suppressed by Chen Fei, which makes Xu Ning's face a little ugly.

Those voices that were suppressed just now began to appear in the conference room again.

"Looking at this, Chen Fei is most likely to win!"

"We really chose the wrong one.

If at the very beginning, he firmly supported Chen Fei and chose to stand on the side of the double-edged organization, that would be great. "

"Chen Fei was originally our hero of China, but we were pushed out instead by ourselves. This is simply - tusk."

"Now it's too late to say this.

Still think about what we should do after Chen Fei wins! Will he take revenge on us with a grudge? "

………Xu Ning clenched his fists, hammered it on the table, and shouted angrily: “Shut up, the battle is not over yet, and the result is still undecided. What kind of decent will each one become.”

The members were silent, but the expressions in their eyes showed that they did not believe Xu Ning's words.

On the screen, the four people took out four thin black lines in the satellite image, crossed the white ice layer, and flew above the blue sea, traveling toward the south at an extremely fast speed.

Chen Fei pursued Luo Yi in front of him, and couldn't help thinking about it, "Luo Yi, where does he want to escape?"

Just as Chen Fei was thinking about it, Luo Yi in front of him suddenly increased his speed, made a violent turn, and rushed forward.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei swiftly accelerated to catch up.

After chasing for about half an hour, Chen Fei's expression changed when he saw scattered islands appearing on the sea.

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