
Chapter 2956: Human hero

"At the last moment, is it going to fall short?"

Chen Fei gritted his teeth, his face full of unwillingness.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, "Right, Ice Soul Orb."

Therefore, Chen Fei immediately injected the little remaining spirit aura into the ice soul orb, and summoned the ice soul orb.

At the same time, Chen Fei also thought of something. With a thought, a figure emerged from the Ice Soul Orb and was thrown far away by Chen Fei.

"Boy, what did you do!"

The figure thrown out was the Xuanyuan Jiangshan who was injured before and recuperated in the frozen territory.

Later, Chen Fei controlled the core of the Ice Soul Orb, completely controlling the Frozen Despair, and Xuanyuan Jiangshan was also included in the real Ice Soul Orb.

Now, Chen Fei's last fight, life or death is unknown, so naturally he would not take the Master to take the risk, so he got him out.

"Master, protect yourself."

Chen Fei exhorted, controlling the rapid rotation of the ice soul orb, exuding a layer of icy aura, and approached the breach.

The surging vitality suddenly slowed down when it encountered the terrifying chill of the Ice Soul Orb, and some of them were even frozen.

Seizing the opportunity, Chen Fei sent the pill core sapling into the breach.

At the same time, he shot a burst of energy to stimulate the core.

Suddenly, on the small pill sapling, green auras radiated out, connected with the world tree itself.

In the faint, two trees with huge differences in size, their auras moved, and they slowly merged together.

Strands of light green vigor quickly circulated in the world tree, condensed to the breach, condensed into pieces of bark, and blocked the breach.

"Effective, really effective."

Looking at the shrinking gap, Chen Fei was delighted.

However, at this moment, he felt his head dizzy, and an extremely tired feeling hit him.

At this moment, he felt a piece of emptiness in his body, the pill core was gone, and his true vitality was almost exhausted.

In the divine sea of ​​the head, the divine soul aura was completely consumed by the ice soul orbs, and there was not much left.

Chen Fei, who had been fighting so hard before, finally reached his extreme at this moment, unable to hold it anymore, his eyelids sank, and his whole body passed out to death.

The fainted body was dragged by the uncontrolled vitality and was directly involved in the world tree, and disappeared instantly.

On the sea in the distance, Xuanyuan Jiangshan saw this scene, heartbroken and anxious, gritted his teeth fiercely, turned and rushed back, wanting to rescue Chen Fei.

However, when he arrived, the breach had been completely repaired, and the violent vitality had disappeared.

Even the whole world tree, in the flickering, became transparent, and finally completely disappeared from sight.

And as all of this disappeared, the violent storms and the shaking of the earth and the mountains gradually subsided.

The dark clouds dispersed, the sun shining down, and the turquoise sea, shimmering, seemed calm and beautiful, as if nothing happened.

"Boy, I have a chance to be a hero, but I don't know to let you master me."

Upon seeing this scene, Xuanyuan Jiangshan's usually old and unrefined face was covered with tears at the moment.

Farther away, the god-level masters sent by the countries all turned around at this moment, watching this scene, there was a moment of silence and no words for a long time.

"Chen Fei, saved us, he is our human hero."

An old Chinese man with a solemn face, then bowed deeply in the direction where Chen Fei disappeared.

When other people saw this, they also bowed and saluted.

Then, this group of masters quickly left, bringing the news back to their respective countries.

At this time, the people of all countries who had experienced chaos, terror and even despair, learned that the disaster had subsided and that the earth had offended them, and they were all very excited and embraced and wept.

Immediately afterwards, all governments of various countries became busy and began to carry out post-disaster reconstruction work.

One week after the disaster, although many of the destroyed cities were still in a mess, many people have not recovered from the grief of the death of their loved ones.

But on this day, no matter who, almost all took to the streets.

At twelve o'clock noon, the busy city suddenly quieted down.

Everyone stood solemnly, looking at the young cheek on the street screen.

The one on the cheek is not someone else, it is Chen Fei.

God-level masters from various countries brought back the news from the scene at that time.

Everyone knows that Chen Fei finally blocked the gap, saved mankind, and saved the earth.

Later, various countries sent many masters to search for Chen Fei's traces in the waters of Forbidden Island, but found nothing.

In the end, all countries together confirmed Chen Fei's death.

At the same time, in order to commemorate the hero who saved all mankind, all countries have decided to unite. Today, one week after the disaster, at 12 noon in China, everyone will observe a minute of silence in memory of Chen Fei.

At this moment, people all over the world looked at the big screen and saluted in silence.

Among them, many people on the streets of Huaxia, with tears on their faces, couldn't help crying anymore.

In the depths of a remote hill in southwest China, Lin Qiuhan, Xu Junshan, Su Momo and others looked at the live broadcast on the big screen with sad faces.

"Brother-in-law, he, is he really dead?"

Su Momo was a little unbelievable, covering her mouth, crying.

Xu Junshan sighed softly and said: "According to the current news, it should be like this."

Speaking of this, he paused, then quickly added another sentence, saying: "But, I contacted Xiao Chen's master, Senior Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

He is still trying to find Xiao Chen, maybe he will have something to gain there. "

"Brother-in-law, he, he-- woo woo--" Su Momo couldn't help it anymore and began to cry.

The cry of her caused Zhang Qiuyue, Chen Ziling, Sun Xi, Zhuo Qingyu, Yu Qingmei and others to sob.

Suddenly, there was a cry in the house.

But Lin Qiuhan, with a firm expression on his face at the moment, didn't let himself cry.

Instead, he squeezed a gentle smile and comforted the women: "That guy is not so easy to leave. I believe that he must be still alive."

"Sister, is it true?"

Su Momo wiped her tears and asked aloud.

Lin Qiuhan nodded firmly and said, "I believe it must be true."

"Sister, I believe it too.

I won't cry anymore, I will wait for my brother-in-law to come back. "

Su Momo wiped her face and held back the tears.

The other women also held back their tears.

Lin Qiuhan smiled when he saw it, "That's right, let's not cry.

What we have to do now is to take care of our body and protect ourselves.

At the same time, think of ways to improve your own strength. "

The women around Chen Fei have more or less received martial arts guidance from Chen Fei, and they are all martial artists.

Originally, they started to practice martial arts only to restore their bodies and keep their bodies in shape.

But now, almost all of them have an idea in their hearts.

"If I am also a martial arts master, if my strength is strong enough.

Then, I was able to help Chen Fei defend against powerful enemies at the scene. "

Holding this thought, the women returned to their rooms one by one with firm expressions and began to practice.

Smiling and sending away a few women, Lin Qiuhan looked at Xu Junshan and said: "General Xu, you also go back to rest!"

Xu Junshan looked at Lin Qiuhan, sighed, and said, "Mr. Lin, you have to take care of yourself."


Lin Qiuhan nodded and sent Xu Junshan away.

Lin Qiuhan was the only one left in the huge living room.

On the big screen TV, news of a silent tribute to commemorate Chen Fei is still being broadcast.

Lin Qiuhan looked at the black-and-white photo on the screen and couldn't help it anymore, tears streaming down.

"How can you leave me like this!"

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