
Chapter 2957: Awakening in the sea

In the chaos and darkness, Chen Fei slowly opened his eyes, but there was still pitch black in front of him, and no light was visible.

"I patched the gap in the World Tree, and then passed out into a coma."

Chen Fei remembered what happened before.

"where am I?

Am i dead? "

Chen Fei was puzzled.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness in his body, and he fell quickly.

Afterwards, with a "poof", Chen Fei felt that he had fallen into the water.

Instinctively made Chen Fei wave his limbs, struggling to float up from the water.

When exposed to the water, Chen Fei saw a turquoise water surface with nothing around.

"Where is this place?

Sea water?

Am i still on earth? "

For a time, many questions emerged in Chen Fei's mind.

At this moment, he felt the position of his lower abdomen tremble slightly, as if a breath was injected into his body.

Suddenly, Chen Fei immediately checked his body internally.

The body's muscles are in good condition, and the meridian vitality breath is still there, but the lower abdomen core is empty, with only a few light green breaths lingering in it.

"Is the Dan core still lost?"

Chen Fei thought in his heart, and checked the Shenhai in his head again.

Above the sea of ​​God, the ice soul orb like a small white sun was floating quietly at this moment, without much movement.

Below, Shenhai, which was almost completely dry before, had a thin layer of liquid inside.

These liquids are Chen Fei's spirit aura.

Before using the Ice Soul Orb, Chen Fei completely consumed the spirit aura of his Divine Sea.

And the recovery of the spirit aura is much slower and more difficult than the general true essence aura.

At this moment, it was a thin layer, and I don’t know how long it took to recover.

Then, Chen Fei exploded into the sea and tried his own strength.

As a result, he smiled bitterly, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Because of the loss of the core, at this moment, his martial arts realm has fallen to the level of the peak of heaven.

However, Chen Fei then tried the power of his body again, which finally made him feel a little relieved.

Before he reached the fourth level of the Primordial Body Realm, his body was already very tempered, now he is trying.

The loss of Dan core did not affect the strength of the body.

Now he blasted out with a punch, even if he was a god-level warrior, it would be difficult to resist.

After confirming his own situation, Chen Fei looked around, preparing to find a direction to leave.

After all, just immersing in sea water is not a good choice.

And just when he looked at the sun to confirm the direction, he had just left hundreds of meters.

Suddenly, he felt that the green breath in his lower abdomen dantian suddenly jumped, and in the faint, it seemed that he was communicating with something, and there was a different kind of connection.

"This, this is—" Following this faint feeling, Chen Fei turned his head to look.

Then, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

In the sea water about a kilometer behind him, a huge tree grows between the sky and the earth.

The bottom of the tree is deep into the sea, and the roots are completely invisible.

The top grows into the air, and the top is not visible.

The whole tree presents a translucent state, looming undulations, like a mirage.

"This is the World Tree. The gap is repaired. I'm still on Earth."

Chen Fei realized something at once.

And that faint feeling is even more acute.

"The breath in my core is connected to the world tree."

Chen Fei's heart moved, and he got close and realized.

And this sentiment made Chen Fei happy and sad all at once.

Fortunately, he felt that he could still have contact with the core, and his core was not completely lost.

Sadly, although I can still feel connected to the Dan core.

But his Dan core has been completely integrated with the World Tree, and there is no way to take it back and put it in his Dantian.

"What is going on in this situation?"

Chen Fei was also a little dazed for a while.

"The Dan nuclear can still be contacted, but it can't control the recovery.

I can't feel the refining of other cores. "

For a moment, Chen Fei didn't know whether this was good or bad.

"In other words, after my sapling core is completely integrated with the world tree, the world tree becomes my core."

Suddenly, Chen Fei thought of something and hurriedly tried to collect the entire world into his own pubic area.

However, the result is obvious-no success.

But Chen Fei had expectations, "Perhaps, when I am strong enough, I can take back this special core!"

Afterwards, Chen Fei felt exhausted for a while, and stopped staying, turned and swam out in a certain direction.

After swimming for about a day, Chen Fei could see the shadow of the land faintly.

"If you swim for a long time, you should be able to go ashore."

Chen Fei worked harder and continued to swim.

Before long, a rumbling engine sounded.

Chen Fei turned his head and found a fishing boat approaching him.

"Boy, why are you here! Are you from Huaxia?"

On the fishing boat, someone dropped a lifebuoy, and at the same time a dark-skinned middle-aged man asked.

Chen Fei froze for a moment, grabbed the lifebuoy, and got on the fishing boat.

"Big brother, thank you, I am from Huaxia."

Chen Fei thanks.

When I heard that Chen Fei was from China, the middle-aged man became more enthusiastic, and hurriedly greeted Chen Fei to go in and change his clothes.

Soon, Chen Fei took a shower and changed his clothes.

The middle-aged man also brought a bowl of hot soup over and asked kindly: "Young man, what is your name and where is the person from?"

Why are you here? "

Chen Fei paused and said: "Brother, just call me Xiao Chen.

I’m from Beijing. I traveled to sea before, but I was caught in a shipwreck. "

"Shipwreck, boy, you are really unlucky."

The middle-aged man sighed with emotion, then patted his chest and said, "However, if I met you, Brother Yu, I'm good luck for your kid.

It just so happened that my fishing boat will return and will be able to dock early tomorrow morning. "

"Thank you, Brother Yu!"

Chen Fei thanks.

At this moment, a crew member hurried in and said to the middle-aged man: "Old Yu, it's not good.

There is a group of moray eels in front of them, the number is at least a few thousand. "


Brother Yu was surprised and quickly got up, "Then go and ask Lao Li to do it."

After speaking, he ignored Chen Fei and left the cabin in a hurry.

Chen Fei was curious, "Isn't that a good thing for the group of conger eels?

Go straight down the net, you can get a lot of good things! Why is Brother Yu looking nervous! "

Thinking of it, Chen Fei also got out of the cabin.

At this moment, more than a dozen fishermen are busy nervously on the fishing boat cleats.

Arrange tools such as fishing nets and harpoons.

These were normal, but when Chen Fei saw that Big Brother Yu had pulled out a few black paint guns, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Is it possible to carry a gun if you are fishing now?"

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