
Chapter 2958: Fishing boat and school of fish

As he spoke, the sea in front of him became restless.

Chen Fei took a closer look and found that the fishing boat had entered the range of the fish school.

A slender eel swimming around the fishing boat.

The fishermen suddenly became nervous.


There was a burst of air, and suddenly, a moray jumped up from the sea and hit the fishing boat.

This sound, like a starting gun, made the whole school of fish restless.

Countless morays leaped and hit the fishing boat.

The huge force actually knocked the fishing boat apart and shook it.

The fishermen on the boat also hurriedly took action and exhausted all means to attack the fish school.

At this time, Chen Fei, who saw these conger eels clearly, couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Because these morays are one or two meters long and have the thickness of adult forearms.

You know, under normal circumstances, the moray is usually only 30 or 40 centimeters long.

These morays are obviously too big.

Then, something that surprised Chen Fei even more happened. Big Brother Yu shot the conger bang, and the bullets were shot out one after another.

Some moray eels were hit and plunged into the sea.

But the remaining moray eel emitted a faint blue arc on its body, blocking the bullet's attack.

Moreover, because of the bullet attack, the moray collided with the boat more and more vigorously, and the entire fishing boat seemed to be capsized.

"Damn, what's going on?

Can discharge the gun, is this still a sea eel?

This is the sea monster in the game! "

Even Chen Fei was shocked at the moment.

As for Big Brother Yu, feeling a little unbearable, he screamed at the cabin, "Lao Li, you goddamn, don't take it soon.

Otherwise, we will all be over. "

Following the sound, a long-haired man in his fifties walked out and said with a smile: "Old Yu, add a thousand more and I will shoot."

"Damn, I said five thousand for this trip.

You **** increase the price temporarily, Lao Li, you didn't do that. "

Old Yu scolded.

The old Li didn't rush, leaning on the ship's side, "Lao Yu, five thousand is a normal price.

Now you have encountered a group of conger eels. I think it is at least a second-level sea beast, which is beyond the scope of services previously set. This is not something that ordinary people can deal with. Add a thousand, which is not high. "

Lao Yu was angry and anxious, and said angrily: "Lao Li, do you think Lao Tzu is a novice?

This sea eel group is at most a first-level sea beast, which is a task within the contract.

You don't accept the money, be careful, I will go to the Budo Association to sue you and revoke your martial arts certificate. "

Upon hearing this, Lao Li's complexion darkened and his expression became gloomy, and he said coldly: "Lao Yu, if you do this, you won't be authentic."

"I won't collect your money.

This school of eels, deal with it yourself! "

After speaking, Lao Li turned around and walked towards the cabin.

Old Yu was angry and angry, but looking at the fishing boat that was shaking more and more severely, and watching some injured crew members, he felt helpless again. He could only gritted his teeth and said: "One thousand, I added it.

You hurry up. "

Hearing this, Lao Li stopped, turned and looked over, with a smile on his mouth, hehe said: "One thousand, that's the price just now.

Now it's two thousand. "

"My grass, Lao Li, you fucking—" Lao Yu was really angry and cursed.

Lao Li said indifferently, "Lao Yu, threatened to go to the Martial Arts Association to sue me and revoke my martial arts certificate, but you are the first.

Since you are unkind, my unrighteousness is nothing. "

"It's two thousand now. It's older than if you don't agree.

Keep waiting, after a while, I'm afraid it won't be the price! "

Lao Yu's face was flushed and very angry, but he was helpless: "You--" Lao Li looked like he was watching a good show, and he didn't panic at all.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Fei felt a lot of new words popping up, and he couldn't understand it for a while.

However, he couldn't take care of these at this moment, and took the initiative to walk up, "Big Brother Yu, I'll help you."

"Xiao Chen, go back quickly.

This is a group of first-class sea beast eels, not something you can deal with. "

Brother Yu said.

Chen Fei didn't care so much, he stepped forward, shook a few times at the school of fish, slapped a few vigor, and instantly killed dozens of moray eels.

The remaining moray was irritated at once, emitting blue electric lights on his body, and wanted to attack Chen Fei.

But Chen Fei moved faster, moving his hands one after another, and more than a dozen Qi Jin burst out of the air.

Suddenly, hundreds of sea eels were killed directly, and the sea water was dyed bright red.

The remaining conger eels were frightened by being beaten up, and they dispersed and disappeared into the sea water quickly.

The sea returned to calm, and everyone on board heaved a sigh of relief.

Brother Yu came over, patted Chen Fei on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Xiao Chen, I didn't expect you to be a warrior, thank you very much."

"Brother Yu, it's nothing, it's just smooth."

Chen Fei smiled.

But at this time, a cold snort sounded, and the old Li walked up to Chen Fei with an unhappy expression, and glared: "Boy, it's not like robbing business.

You kid, violated the rules. "

"What are you talking about, I don't understand.

I just help Brother Yu. "

Chen Fei said.

Old Li snorted coldly, "Still pretending to be.

Don't you know that the Budo Association has regulations that if someone has already taken up a task, other warriors can't intervene if it is not actively requested.

Otherwise, it is a violation of regulations. In serious cases, the martial arts certificate can be cancelled directly. "

"Budo Association, Budo Certificate?

what is that? "

Chen Fei was at a loss.

At this time, even Lao Yu was a little surprised, looking at Chen Fei, "Xiao Chen, are you not a registered martial artist of the Budo Association?"

"Registered warrior, I am not!"

Chen Fei shook his head, "Budo Association, registered martial artist, Brother Yu, what is going on, why haven't I heard of it?"

"I haven't heard of it, Xiao Chen, don't make a joke.

It has been three years since the Martial Arts Association was established, and the number of registered martial artists has exceeded 10 million. There is publicity all over the country. How could you have not heard of it? "

Brother Yu said.

Chen Fei shook his head, "I really haven't heard of it."


Brother Yu looked surprised and looked at Chen Fei. "Xiao Chen, how long have you been floating on the sea?"

Chen Fei touched his head and said, "I, I don't know how long.

Anyway, it seems that time is not short.

I remember that at that time, it seemed that the news was saying that the world tree had broken, the end was coming, and disasters would come to the world. "

"That was all three years ago. At that time, Master Chen heroically sacrificed, blocking the world tree breach and saving us humanity."

Brother Yu said, "Xiao Chen, have you been wandering at sea for three years?"

"Ah-three years!"

At this time, Chen Fei was speechless for a while.

He didn't even think that he was in a coma, and three years passed.

And the world seems to have undergone a lot of changes.

"Brother Yu, I, I really can't remember.

What happened in the past three years, can you tell me? "

Chen Fei asked.

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