
Chapter 2973: Treasure hunter

However, this look quickly faded, "However, since three years ago.

The situation began to change, the animals in the mountains became ferocious, and it became more and more difficult for us to hunt. "

"Two years ago, my grandfather was hunting in the mountains and met a wolf and was bitten to death by the wolf."

"The mountains are not safe anymore, so we moved out and came here.

However, three months ago, a group of people came here and arrested my dad to lead them as a guide.

Later, my father never came back.

Some people say that there was a battle in the mountains and my father died in it. "

Speaking of this, the little girl's complexion was visibly darkened, and her slightly dark face showed a touch of sadness.

As for Chen Fei, he thought of the battle recorded in his wife's letter.

My heart suddenly moved, "Three months ago, fighting.

Could it be that Li Yun's father was the guide who was arrested by the group of Poison Cloud Palace. "

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's eyes were cold, and a chill came to his heart.

"Poison Cloud Palace, Qunfang Palace, Crazy Dragon Palace, you will wait for me."

Chen Fei's chill, slightly threatening, made the little girl Li Yun shiver, and couldn't help rubbing her arm, "It's so cold!"

Chen Fei quickly recovered his chill and said, "Where are these two people?"

Li Yun said: "I don't know them, but they said they are going to hunt for treasure in the mountains, and let me lead them as a guide.

I don't want to, they just want to force me over. "

"If it weren't for you, big brother, I would--" When this was said, the little girl paused and looked up at Chen Fei, her dark eyes filled with gratitude, "Big brother, you are my savior. may I know your name?"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and said: "My surname is Chen, so you can call me Brother Chen."

"Well, Brother Chen! Thank you!"

The little girl stood up and bowed to Chen Fei with a serious and respectful look on her face.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps mixed with human voices approached here.

"What's the matter with you two?

It's been so long, and even a little thing can't be done well, so I have to come and check it personally. "

The voice of an arrogant young man rang.

Then, the voice became surprised.

"What did you guys do, what are you doing lying on the ground?"

The two wiped off the blood from the corners of their mouths, got up from the ground, moved to the young man's side, pointed at Chen Fei, and spoke quickly.

Suddenly, the young man's complexion sank, stared at Chen Fei, and said: "You, the one who hit me?"

Chen Fei frowned, guarded the little girl Li Yun behind him, looked at the young man, and said, "They should fight."


The man snorted coldly, arrogantly, "I, Lu Yuan, should you fight or not? It's not your turn to decide."

"Boy, give you three seconds, kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistakes."

This man named Lu Yuan commanded condescendingly.

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and his eyes sank, revealing a chill.

Three seconds passed quickly. Lu Yuan saw Chen Fei's motionless and frowned. He was about to get angry, "Did you not hear me?"

Hurry up--" However, just at this moment, another footstep came, and at the same time a young female voice rang.

"Lu Yuan, what happened here?"

As soon as he heard the sound, Lu Yuan suddenly changed his face, with a smile on his face, and turned to meet the approaching woman.

"Aying, it's nothing big, I'll take care of it soon!"

While talking, a beautiful woman, about twenty-four or five years old, walked over with six or seven people.

Judging from the woman's dress and the people around her, it is obvious that this is a rich lady.

The woman came over, glanced at Chen Fei and Li Yun, and then asked, "Did something happen?"

Lu Yuan spoke first: "Two untouchables injured my subordinates. I am about to deal with them."

Then, Lu Yuan winked.

The people following him came around Chen Fei and wanted to start their hands.

Chen Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, his body condensed, ready to do it.

When Li Yun saw this, her face turned pale with fright.

Although Chen Fei showed a good hand just now, now the other party has seven or eight people here.

She worried that Chen Fei was not their opponent.

Therefore, Li Yun mustered up the courage and shouted: "I, I am willing to be your guide.

You are not allowed to touch Brother Chen! "

"Uh-" everyone at the scene was taken aback and looked at Li Yun.

The woman seemed to realize something and asked: "Little sister, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Aying, this kind of pariah, don't need—" Lu Yuan spoke first.

But the woman walked directly in front of Li Yun, grabbed Li Yun's somewhat dirty hands, showed a smile, and said softly: "My name is Xu Ying, can you tell me what your name is and what happened just now? "

Li Yun plucked up the courage and said: "My name is Li Yun. The two people asked me to be a guide just now. I don't want to. They want to do it to me.

Brother Chen shot and stopped them. "

The words were simple, but Xu Ying quickly figured out what was going on.

Her eyebrows drooped slightly, she looked at Lu Yuan with some dissatisfaction, and said: "Lu Yuan, we are here to find something, don't force others."

"Aying, I let my hand come down and ask for a guide.

I didn't expect them to do things like this. "

Lu Yuan put aside his responsibility.

Xu Ying said: "No matter what, if others don't want it, they can't force it.

Besides, we have a map, so it's not impossible to find it ourselves. "

"Aying, this dense forest is too deep, even if there is a map, it is difficult to find a place without people familiar with it.

Several groups of people have been here before, but they haven't found a place. "

Lu Yuandao.

Xu Ying shook her head and said: "I really can't find it. That's no way. There is no chance."

"But, that's Chen Fei's treasure. We finally got the map. Come here this time—" Lu Yuan was a little excited.

But when he was halfway through the conversation, he suddenly realized that he had missed his mouth, shut up instantly, and glared at Chen Fei and Li Yun.

The two were expressionless, as if they didn't know anything.

But at this moment, Chen Fei's heart surged quickly.

"They are also looking for my treasure, and they also have a map. I wonder if it is true or not?

What is behind it? "

Chen Fei thought about it.

Xu Ying waved her hand and said to Lu Yuan: "Let's go!"

Lu Yuan turned his head and glanced at Li Yun, seemingly unwilling.

However, Xu Ying spoke, and he waved his hand and turned to take someone away.

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

"Uh-are you okay?"

When the other party turned around, Xu Ying asked aloud.

Lu Yuan stared at him fiercely, and said in a deep voice, "Boy, what do you want to do!"

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