
Chapter 2974: Take the initiative to act as a guide

Chen Fei ignored Lu Yuan's fierce eyes, but looked at Xu Ying and said, "If you need a guide, so can I."

"you can?"

Xu Ying was slightly surprised.

Lu Yuan also squinted his eyes and said, "Are you also a hunter?"

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "I am not, but I am quite familiar with this place."


Xu Ying was a little excited.

Lu Yuan thought of something, and said in a deep voice, "Does your kid have any other ideas?

Tell me the truth? "

Chen Fei spread his hands and said, "Of course I have other ideas."

"What is it?"

Lu Yuan stepped forward, his expression gloomy.

Xu Ying's expression also became serious.

Chen Fei smiled and said: "You two don't need to be so nervous, I'm not interested in inquiring about you.

It’s just that I want to make some money. "

"Looking at the two of them, they should be rich, so I--" Chen Fei rubbed his fingers while speaking.

Lu Yuan squinted, "How much do you want?"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes and stretched out a finger, "Ten thousand."

As soon as the number was reported, Lu Yuan hummed coldly, "It costs 10,000 yuan to take a path.

Your kid is very greedy! "

"Both of them are rich people. This little money shouldn't be a problem."

Chen Fei smiled.

Lu Yuan said, "Ten thousand yuan is not impossible to give you.

However, that is for you to take us to find the right place, otherwise, you don't even want to get a penny. "

Chen Fei patted his chest and promised: "No problem, I promise to find a place.

Otherwise, no cents will be taken. "

Upon seeing this, Lu Yuan looked at Xu Ying and cast inquiring eyes.

Xu Ying turned her head, looked at a 30-year-old woman behind her, and asked aloud: "Sister Han, what do you think?"

This sister Han looked serious, with a pair of slightly raised eyes, looking at Chen Fei, staring at it.

Finally, she said: "This kid, I don't think my mind is so simple.

Perhaps, there are other ideas.

Moreover, Lu Yuan's subordinates were knocked down by him, indicating that his skills were not bad, and he had two chances.

So, I suspect that maybe he has other purposes. "

With that said, Xu Ying nodded and agreed with Sister Han's thoughts.

And Lu Yuan came over and said, "What can I do if I have an idea, no matter how great, I'm just a kid in a small town.

He dared to have other ideas, and when the time came, he would just kill them. "

"We have been in the mountains for two days. Without the leadership of acquaintances, it is difficult to find a place quickly."

"Moreover, that news is about to be announced.

If we don't hurry up, when the time comes, more and more people will come, our chances will be small! "

Hearing what Lu Yuan said, Xu Ying's complexion couldn't help but nodded and said, "That's the truth."

Lu Yuan smiled confidently: "If this is the case, then agree to it!"

After speaking, he walked to Chen Fei and said, "Boy, ten thousand yuan.

Successfully lead the way and find a place.

If you dare to lie to us, don't blame us for being impolite. "

Chen Fei nodded quickly, "Don't worry, you two."

"Let's go!"

Lu Yuan waved.

Chen Fei looked at the little girl Li Yun behind him, waved goodbye, then entered the team of Lu Yuan and Xu Ying and walked into the forest.

Looking at the back of Chen Fei leaving, Li Yun couldn't help but clenched her fist secretly, and said in her heart: "Big Brother Chen saved me, and now I am taking the place of me, risking to be their guide.

Brother Chen is my savior, and I must repay him. "

………In the team, Chen Fei got the map in his mouth from Lu Yuan.

After a closer look, Chen Fei found that the location of his cabin was clearly marked on the map.

It's just that the time when the map was drawn should be three years ago.

Now, the world has changed, and the terrain has changed a lot.

Therefore, Lu Yuan, Xu Ying and the others, after wandering in the mountains for two days, still couldn't find a place.

While pretending to look at the map to identify the direction, Chen Fei quickly thought about it.

"On the map three years ago, our location was marked.

Although not very accurate, the general position is correct.

This shows that at that time someone marked our location and secretly dealt with us. "

"Judging from the news previously seen in the county town, at the beginning, the official ban was not allowed to openly search for the treasure of the hero Chen Fei.

But now, the situation seems to have loosened, and the map has been leaked out.

It seems that the situation has changed. "

Chen Fei thought.

Lu Yuan was a little impatient, "Boy, you stared at the map for a long time, do you know him?"

Chen Fei said, "Master Lu, isn't this map the current one?

It looks like it's been a few years, the changes are a bit big, I need time to slowly identify. "

"It's the map from three years ago!"

Lu Yuan said casually.

"The map three years ago has changed a lot. It takes some time to find it."

Chen Fei said.

"Can you kid, if it doesn't work, I'll change someone as soon as possible?"

Lu Yuandao.

Chen Fei said, "Don't worry, Shao Lu, I will find it.

Besides, Shao Lu, you are here to find Master Chen's treasure, and many people are staring at it. "

"How does your kid know?"

Lu Yuan was tight and stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

Even Xu Ying squinted her eyes and looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Shao Lu, Miss Xu.

You all mentioned Master Chen just now.

Besides, there have been so many foreign warriors in our county recently, and they are basically for the treasure of Master Chen. This is easy to guess. "

"A lot of people are here, can anyone find it?"

Xu Ying asked fluently.

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "Most people just rushed over after hearing a rumor, trying to try their luck.

Basically nothing. "

"However, Shao Lu and Miss Xu have this map in their hands, which is much better than ordinary people.

It's just that I don't know where this map came from. Is it accurate? "

Chen Fei asked tentatively.

Lu Yuan said casually: "Don't worry, you kid, the map is accurate.

It just depends on whether you know the way. "

It was Xu Ying who looked at Chen Fei a few more times and said, "It's getting late, let's continue!"

Chen Fei didn't continue to say anything, and took a group of people around the mountain for a while.

Along the way, some tentative questions were asked.

However, there is not much gain.

In the end, when Lu Yuan was almost impatient, Chen Fei finally led the two into a valley.

This valley is where Chen Fei's house is located, but it's just outside.

Moreover, after Chen Fei's own disguise, even if he walked in, it was difficult to find out.

"It should be here."

Chen Fei looked at the map.

"Is this really?

Why is there nothing, did you kid make a mistake? "

Lu Yuan looked at Chen Fei distrustfully.

Chen Fei hadn't even started to explain, but Xu Ying narrowed her eyes and said: "It should be this, the breath is a bit special."

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