
Chapter 2975: Mountain treasure hunt

"Aying, is this really?"

Lu Yuan leaned over and asked aloud.

Xu Ying nodded and said, "Even if this is not Master Chen's hidden treasure, it must be extraordinary.

Let's go in and have a look. "

Hearing this, Lu Yuan turned his gaze, looked at Chen Fei, waved: "Boy, lead the way."

Chen Fei stepped back quickly, with a look of fear, waved his hand and said, "A few, I'm just a guide.

Pathfinder is not my job.

Besides, this place is dangerous at first sight. "

After speaking, Chen Fei waved his hand, ready to leave.

But Lu Yuan stared at him and frowned, "Isn't he just wanting to add money?

Come and lead the way, I will add another ten thousand for you. "

Chen Fei still shook his head.

Lu Yuan was a little angry, "You kid, do you want me to do it?"

While talking, Lu Yuan was about to do it.

"Lu Yuan, count—" Xu Ying on the side saw this and wanted to persuade a few words.

But just as she spoke, the 30-year-old sister Han next to her rolled her eyes, pulled Xu Ying, and whispered: "Miss, we are not familiar with this strange place. Let him lead the way. Safety."

"But--" Xu Ying couldn't bear it.

At this time, Lu Yuan had led people to surround Chen Fei, "Boy, don't lead the way.

You can't get that ten thousand yuan.

Also, don't want to leave here today. "

With such a posture, Chen Fei seemed to have no retreat. He could only sigh, and said, "Well then!"

Immediately, Chen Fei led the way and walked into the valley.

Lu Yuan and Xu Ying followed carefully with them.

At first, everything was normal, but slowly, a layer of mist suddenly filled the valley.

Lu Yuan looked up and found that Chen Fei seemed to be walking further and further away. He couldn't help but yelled, "You kid, slow down, wait for us."

However, Chen Fei did not slow down. Instead, he walked faster and faster. His figure quickly sank into the fog, and no one could be seen.

Lu Yuan and his men hurried after a few steps, but Chen Fei could not be found anymore.

"Master Lu, that kid is gone."

"Why the fog is getting thicker? There is something wrong with this place."

"All gather together, don't go away."

At the same time, Chen Fei walked out of the valley with his hands on his back. Looking at the dense fog behind him, he shook his head and whispered to himself: "These guys, it's a warning to make you suffer."

"It's just that more and more people have come to hunt for treasure recently.

There was also the joint attack of Poison Cloud Palace, Qunfang Palace and Crazy Dragon Palace.

It seems that the situation has begun to change.

My hero's name seems to be useless! "

Thinking in his heart, Chen Fei turned around and walked back to the hunter's cabin just now.

However, the little girl Li Yun was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did the little girl go?

There will be no danger, right? "

While Chen Fei was secretly worried, a surprise voice rang, "Brother Chen, you are back, so soon! Where are those people?"

"Well, I'm back."

Chen Fei turned his head and saw the little girl Li Yun running towards him excitedly, "Xiao Yun, what are you doing?"

"Brother Chen, I brought you a good thing?"

While talking, the little girl took out an oil-paper bag from the close-fitting animal skin bag and handed it to Chen Fei.

"this is?"

Chen Fei took it and opened the oil paper bag, which contained a roll of parchment.

Li Yun flushed cheeks, and said excitedly: "Brother Chen, this is what my grandfather left for me.

Before, I hid it somewhere else, and now I just got it back.

My grandfather said, this is a treasure map. There is a precious herb in the place marked on the map. It is very precious and can be sold for a lot of money. "


Chen Fei's eyes lit up.

However, he immediately looked at Li Yun and said, "Xiao Yun, this is your family heirloom.

I can't accept it, you—" While talking, Chen Fei wanted to return the sheepskin roll to Li Yun.

But the little girl looked stubborn, put her hands behind her back, and shook her head.

"Brother Chen, my grandfather, my father is gone.

I have no other relatives now.

Brother Chen, you saved me. You are my benefactor and my relative. "

"But--" Chen Fei looked at the determined little girl, nodded and said, "Okay, I will accept this treasure map.

Xiaoyun, your mind, I also know. "

"That's great, Brother Chen, when shall we go hunting for treasure?"

The little girl looked excited. Obviously, she was still very excited about this kind of treasure hunt.

Chen Fei looked at the look of expectation of the little girl, smiled and said: "You take a rest, we have a meal, and then set off."

"That's great, I'm going to cook immediately."

The little girl was excited and jumped back into the cabin.

The smoke curled up, and soon, a meal of Shanzhen was ready.

Li Yun and Chen Fei had a full meal and filled their stomachs.

Then, after a while of preparation, Li Yun changed into a hunter's action, walked out of the cabin, looked at Chen Fei at the door, smiled, "Brother Chen, I'm ready."

"Let's go!"

Chen Fei nodded, and then led the little girl into the forest.

Li Yun's grandfather is an old hunter, and the marked map is very detailed. In addition, Li Yun is familiar with this place, and the two are moving very fast.

Of course, with the continuous deepening, encountering various beasts is also inevitable.

If Li Yun were alone, it would be very difficult to deal with a first-level beast.

When encountering a second-level fierce beast, there is only one escape.

However, now with Chen Fei, everything is much smoother.

Whether it is a first-level fierce beast, a second-level fierce beast, or the more rare third- and fourth-level fierce beast, it is a trick in Chen Fei's hands.

So, in less than half a day, the two came to the location of the precious plants marked on the map.

This is a dense forest, and there is silence around it.

"Brother Chen, is this here?"

Li Yun looked around, but didn't see any precious plants.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei let go of his aura and explored the surroundings, and soon found a cluster of rich aura.


Chen Fei pointed out the direction and moved quickly with Li Yun.

Soon, the two of them saw a giant tree. Under the giant tree, there was a scarlet herb growing, exuding a strong fragrance of medicine.

"found it!"

Li Yun's face was full of surprise.

Chen Fei took a closer look, and was very surprised, "Seven-leaf Red Shouwu, a rare good thing, is useful for tempering my flesh, and may improve my Yuan body cultivation."

"Brother Chen, it's useful to you, then let's go pick it soon!"

Li Yun was excited and was about to step forward.

But Chen Fei grabbed her, pointed at the giant tree, and said, "Look!"

"What are you looking at—" The little girl followed the direction that Chen Fei pointed, and looked up at the giant tree.

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