
Chapter 2976: Red Fire Anaconda

At this sight, Li Yun's complexion changed drastically, she backed back again and again, staggering under her feet, and almost didn't fall to the ground.

"Snake, big snake.

Fierce beast--" On that giant tree, there was a big red snake entwined with a cold light in both eyes, and a pair of triangular eyes stared at Chen Fei and Li Yun. It was obvious that they had been spotted.

Chen Fei supported Li Yun and said, "It should be the Red Flame Fire Boa, a fifth-level fierce beast."

"What, level five fierce beast, I, let's run away!"

Li Yun became nervous.

The fifth-level fierce beast, for her, is almost a legendary existence.

Chen Fei was indifferent, smiled lightly, patted Li Yun's head, and said, "It's okay if you have Brother Chen here."

"Yes, but that's a fifth-level fierce beast, fifth-level!"

The little girl couldn't help but emphasized again.

"Don't be afraid, just entering the fifth level, not too strong."

Chen Fei said lightly.

This Scarlet Fire Anaconda is stronger than the White Frontal Moon Wolf King that I encountered before, but in the final analysis, it is only a fifth-level fierce beast, and it is only a first-time entry, which is equivalent to entering the half-god realm three years ago. Of warriors.

Even if Chen Fei lost his core, his surface was only the peak of the heavenly rank, that is, the cultivation base of the fourth-level martial artist.

But relying on the powerful physical body tempered by the four-tiered Primordial Body Realm, it was not a problem at all to smash this Scarlet Flame Boar to death.

After speaking, Chen Fei patted the little girl's head, comforted, and prepared to do it.

But at this moment, a sudden noisy footsteps quickly approached here.

Then, the grass was separated, and a group of people rushed over in embarrassment.

When he fixed his eyes, Chen Fei was also a little stunned.

The people here turned out to be Lu Yuan and Xu Ying just now, but compared to the glamorous clothes just now, these people are now a lot more embarrassed.

Many tears were made in the gorgeous clothes by the branches, and there were stains and blood on his arms and faces. There were even a few people whose wounds were still bleeding drippingly.

Lu Yuan and Xu Ying rushed over and saw Chen Fei and Li Yun, they couldn't help but be stunned.

However, Lu Yuan immediately looked angry, pointed at Chen Fei, and shouted sharply: "You kid, dare to show up in front of me.

Kill him for me! "

With an order, the entourage behind Lu Yuan was about to rush up to deal with Chen Fei.

Chen Fei squinted his eyes, shielded Li Yun behind him, and said: "You want to kill me, what does Lu Shao mean?"

"Are you still acting stupid?"

Lu Yuan stared at Chen Fei fiercely, "Your kid deliberately led us into the valley, and as a result, there was a trap inside.

We almost got stuck inside, but you left alone.

What else can you say! "

Not only Lu Yuan, but also Xu Ying, with a serious face at this moment, took a few steps forward and looked at Chen Fei.

When Chen Fei heard the words, he spread his hand and said: "Lu Shao, what you said is wronging me."

"Shao Lu, Miss Xu.

The map is provided by you, and the location is also marked on the map.

I just took you to where you want to go and completed my task.

Could it be that I did something wrong?

Speaking of which, Master Lu, you promised me 10,000 yuan, but haven't you given it to me? "

"You--" Lu Yuan suffocated, "How do you explain the trap in the valley?"

"Lu Shao, at this point, it would be even more wronged.

I don't know that there are traps in the valley. Besides, Lu Shao thinks that I set those traps?

Could I have that kind of strength? "

Chen Fei defended.

Now, even Lu Yuan was speechless.

Although Chen Fei had a bit of skill, the traps in the valley could only be arranged by a sixth-level martial artist, and it was impossible for Chen Fei to complete it.

However, his party suffered a crime in the valley, and Lu Yuan felt angry in his heart, "Then you kid, how did you leave the valley?

With our strength, how can you leave smoothly after being trapped for so long? "

Chen Fei spread his hands, with an innocent expression, "I don't know this either.

I walked inside, not aware of any traps, and walked out after passing through the mist. "

"How could it be so easy--" Lu Yuan looked frustrated and couldn't wait to do something to Chen Fei right away.

But at this time, Xu Ying said, "Lu Yuan, don't be impulsive.

The things in the valley are too strange, and it is unlikely to have anything to do with him. "

"Aying, I—" Facing Xu Ying, Lu Yuan's attitude was obviously softened.

Just as he was about to say something, suddenly, a subordinate next to him leaned over, pointed in a direction, and said to Lu Yuan: "Lu Shao, look over there."

Lu Yuan looked over, his eyes lit up suddenly, "Aesculus aculus, this is a good thing.

Top herbs! "

With such a sound, everyone's attention was immediately focused on the past.

Xu Ying and Sister Han next to them also looked over, suddenly showing surprise.

"Quickly, go get the herbs!"

Lu Yuan gave his orders and let his subordinates do it.

Sister Han next to Xu Ying has bright eyes and seems to be a little eager to try.

Li Yun, the little girl behind Chen Fei, couldn't help it when she saw this scene. She stood up and said: "Stop it, Brother Chen and I found this first."

"You found it first?

Ha ha! "

Lu Yuan sneered and looked at the two of them, "What evidence do you have that you found it first?"

Although Li Yun was scared, she still said, "We have the sheepskin scroll left by my grandfather, with the location marked on it, and it's here."

"is it?

I didn't see any sheepskin rolls. "

Lu Yuandao.

Li Yun still wanted to argue, Chen Fei spoke at this moment, "Does Lu Shao want to catch up from behind?"

"Treasures don't come first, and whoever has the strength owns the thing!"

Lu Yuandao.

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and looked at Lu Yuan Yuan and said, "Shao Lu meant that he was ready to grab it?"

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows with a look of arrogance and disdain, "I'll grab you, so what?

Are you a wild man, dare to fight against me? "

Hearing this, Chen Fei was silent for a few seconds, then his complexion changed, then suddenly stepped back, and smiled: "Since Lu Shao wants it, please, please!"

"You still know what you are interested in!"

Lu Yuan chuckled, and walked towards Qiye Chishouwu.

On the other side, Xu Ying and Sister Han couldn't help showing an unexpected look on their faces when they saw this.

However, nothing happened.

When Lu Yuan and the others approached the giant tree, they suddenly let out a scream.

A fishy wind blew, and a huge scarlet snake rushed out, biting a Lu Yuan's subordinate in his mouth, and quickly swallowed it down.

Lu Yuan was shocked and backed away again and again, "Ferocious beasts, there are fierce beasts!"

Here Xu Ying and Sister Han were also shocked, and hurriedly backed away and distanced themselves.

"Red Flame Fire Boar, a fifth-level fierce beast."

Sister Han recognized the big snake, her complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly said, "Miss, the fifth-level fierce beast, we are not opponents, run away."

Lu Yuan apparently recognized it too, and ran wildly.

However, their group of warriors who are the strongest, but level three, has no room for escape in front of the fifth level of the Scarlet Flame Anaconda.

The fire boa crawled up quickly, the huge snake vomiting, a scorching and highly poisonous aura gushing out.

If the human body is contaminated to a point, it will quickly corrode and fester, falling to the ground and die.

However, in just a few seconds, Lu Yuan's attendant was so dead that only the last one was left.

At this time, the Huobo was about to catch up with Lu Yuan.

Seeing the critical situation, Lu Yuan was terrified, his eyes showed a fierce color, and he slapped the last follower with a palm.

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