
Chapter 2983: Phone message

Regardless of the other party's unkind tone, Chen Fei said: "I want you to help check the word'white wolf'. It may be an individual or an organization..." Chen Fei was still explaining, while on the other side of the phone. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Han Qian's expression changed drastically, and she exclaimed, "White Wolf, what happened to him?"

"Do you know White Wolf?"

Chen Fei heard the other's surprise and asked aloud.

Han Qian knew that she had missed her mouth, and quickly said in a deep voice: "I have never heard of it, and I don't know what white wolf is.

We can't help you with this matter.

Also, don't call me again, and don't contact Miss Xu again. "

After speaking, Han Qian hung up the phone directly.

Then, she put Xu Ying's phone back where she was, took out the phone by herself, and made a call, "Housekeeper Lu, this is Han Qian.

Is there something wrong with White Wolf's actions? "


Did you hear something? "

Steward Lu asked.

Han Qian said: "Just now, Chen Feng called me and asked me to check White Wolf for help.

I speculate that something is wrong with the White Wolf. "


Steward Lu's tone sank and said, "Thank you for your news, I will investigate immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Steward Lu hurriedly left, contacted White Wolf to investigate the situation.

A quarter of an hour later, the housekeeper Lu came to Patriarch Lu Aotian's room with a gloomy expression, and said respectfully: "Patriarch!"

"Something wrong?"

Lu Aotian said solemnly.

Steward Lu whispered: "Patriarch, the action on White Wolf's side is very likely to be missed."

"how come?"

Lu Aotian was shocked, and then asked in a deep voice, "What the **** is going on, what happened?"

Steward Lu hurriedly said, "Just now, Han Qian called me and said that Chen Feng..." After telling the story quickly, Steward Lu said finally, "White Wolf and the other two can no longer be contacted.

According to our inquiries with local people, some people have seen fights at the door of their homes. "

"So, the most likely inference right now is.

The White Wolf missed, was defeated by that Chen Feng, or even killed. "

"That kid!"

Lu Aotian slapped a palm on the armrest, staring angrily.

Steward Lu bowed and asked, "Patriarch, if the kid continues to investigate, he will easily find our Lu family through the clues of the White Wolf.

What shall we do now? "

Lu Aotian was silent for a while, and finally his eyes fell, and he said coldly: "White wolf can't do it, then send someone over and send someone more powerful."

"Yes, Patriarch!"

After getting the order, Butler Lu resigned.

...... But Chen Fei, who said that at this moment, finished the conversation with Han Qian, frowned.

He was not surprised by Han Qian's attitude.

But the astonishment revealed in Han Qian's words, apparently she knew White Wolf.

This allowed Chen Fei to confirm his determination to continue the investigation.

Since Xu Ying couldn't get in touch with him, Chen Fei thought of being left in Yuncheng by himself and taking over boss Sun's boss Liu and Hu Xiaohu.

So, Chen Fei made a phone call, "Boss Liu, help me find someone who is called White Wolf. He has good skills..." After the call, Chen Fei lit a few flames with his fingertips and landed on three corpses. , Quickly burned, and finally turned into a pile of ashes.

After the solution, Chen Fei clapped his hands, returned to the house and comforted the little girl Li Yun.

After all, although the little girl is a hunter, she has seen many scenes where her prey is killed.

But it was the first time I saw such a close-up murder scene, and I was still very scared.

After some comfort, Li Yun was relieved.

And the boss Liu also called Chen Fei.

"Mr. Chen, the person you want to check has news."

Chen Fei quickly said: "Say!"

Boss Liu immediately said: "Mr. Chen, this white wolf is quite famous in Yuncheng's generation.

In the beginning, it was just a small gangster on the street, competing with others for territory, fighting and killing.

He even had conflicts with Sun Lincheng's people. "

"At that time, Sun Lincheng sent someone over to almost wipe out the White Wolf and his subordinates.

But at a critical moment, Xu Aotian, the Lu Family Patriarch, came forward to save the White Wolf and resolve the grievances. "

"Since then, White Wolf has kept a low profile on the road, and has basically become Lu Aotian's thug, helping the Lu family solve various things."

Hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes moved, "The Lu Family?

Is there someone named Lu Yuan? "

Boss Liu said: "It is true. Lu Yuan is the second son of Lu Aotian and the second generation of the famous dude in Yuncheng.

However, recently because she was pursuing Xu Ying, the eldest lady of another big family, Xu Ying, she was somewhat restrained. "

"Mr. Chen, how do you know Lu Yuan?

Is it related to the White Wolf? "

Boss Liu asked.

Chen Fei said coldly: "Lu Yuan is dead, and White Wolf is also dead."

"What, how could this be?"

Boss Liu was shocked, "Mr. Chen, you, what did you do?"

Chen Fei didn't want to explain too much, and said: "I'll talk about this later, you first tell me about the Lu family and Xu family, how are they going?

With such strength, what level is it compared with the previous Sun Lincheng? "

Boss Liu paused, holding back his curiosity and doubts, and introduced: "The Lu family and the Xu family were originally in the medicinal material business and opened martial arts centers. They could only be regarded as second-tier families in Yuncheng.

But three years ago, the spiritual energy changed. These two families happened to take advantage of the east wind, and many warriors appeared in the family. Their strength quickly increased, defeating other families in Yuncheng, and became the two big families in Yuncheng. "

"If Sun Lincheng claims to be the emperor of the underground world of Yuncheng, then the Xu family and Lu family are the dominators of the bright world of Yuncheng."

"No matter how strong Sun Lincheng is, no matter how many masters he has.

But there are some things that can't be done on the stage and have to be done secretly. "

"The Xu family and the Lu family are completely different.

The two of them, in terms of the strength of the martial artist, are just slightly higher than Sun Lincheng.

The strongest is only the strength of a fourth-level martial artist, not too strong. "

"However, these two families are outside their homes, but they have their own other help.

The old man of the Xu family, Xu Lingfeng, relied on his exquisite medical skills and the ability to cultivate medicinal materials to find a notorious post in Yuling Pavilion. It can be said that with the background of Yuling Pavilion, most people don't dare to move at all. "

"The Lu family is stronger than the Xu family.

The Xu family relied on the name of Yuling Pavilion, the strongest of the Xu family, or only the strength of a fourth-level martial artist.

However, the Lu Family has a fifth-level warrior.

That was Lu Aotian's eldest son, Lu Yuan's older brother Lu Hao. "

"Lu Hao has learned martial arts since he was a child and has a good talent.

I went to the capital four years ago and entered the fiery Qintian Martial Arts Hall at that time as a teacher.

Later, the world changed drastically.

Qintian Martial Arts Hall was destroyed.

But Lu Hao did a good job, and later he entered the No. 1 martial arts school in Beijing and became a true disciple of genius. "

"Just six months ago, Lu Hao sent a good news back, that he officially entered the realm of a fifth-level martial artist.

The reputation of the Lu family rose to a new level, gradually overwhelming the Xu family.

Moreover, according to the trend, it won't take long for the Lu family to completely overwhelm the Xu family and become the true first family of Yuncheng. "

"There are also rumors, precisely for this reason.

Xu Jiacai agreed to let his eldest, Xu Ying, have a relationship with Lu Yuan, the second generation of the infamous dude.

After all, they wanted to keep this thigh before being completely abandoned by the Lu family. "

After listening to Boss Liu's account, Chen Fei understood the strength of the Lu family and Xu family, "I know."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei raised his head and looked in the direction of Yuncheng, his eyes cold, with a murderous intent.

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