
Chapter 2984: Uphill sacrifice

"Lu Family, I didn't go looking for you, but you are here!"

Chen Fei gave a cold snort, and an icy breath emerged from his eyes.

"Master, are you okay!"

At some point, the little girl Li Yun quietly touched Chen Fei's side.

Chen Fei immediately suppressed his killing intent, smiled at Li Yun, and said, "I'm fine.

Have you rested? "


Li Yun nodded, and then glanced at Chen Fei, looking like he wanted to talk but stopped.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei asked, "Why, I have something to tell Master?"

"Master, I, I have a request!"

Li Yun mustered his courage and looked up at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei smiled and said: "What's the matter, you can talk about it!"

Li Yun took a deep breath, looked at Chen Fei's eyes, and said, "Master, I, I want you to accompany me up the mountain."

"Go up the mountain, why?"

Chen Fei was a little confused, "What scared you just now?"

Li Yun shook her head and said, "Master, I want to go up the mountain to pay homage to my family."

"Honor your family! Why at this time?"

Chen Fei was a little surprised.

Li Yun explained softly: "Master, I met those two people just now, I really thought I was dead.

At that time, I was all ready to see Grandpa and them. "

"However, Master, you showed up in time and saved me."

"I want to go to my grandfather's grave with you, Master, and tell them that you are my savior and my master.

From now on, I will follow you, Master. "

Listening to Li Yun's last words, Chen Fei was slightly surprised, his mouth moved, and he wanted to say something.

But Li Yun spoke first: "Master, I know you are definitely not an ordinary person.

I can follow you to learn martial arts, that is my blessing.

Originally, I shouldn't have extravagantly asked to follow you, Master. "

"But Master, you saved me twice, and now I have no other relatives.

You are my relatives, and I want to follow you forever. "

Chen Fei's heart trembled, in fact, according to his thoughts.

After teaching Li Yun for a while, she will leave after she is on the right track in the martial arts.

After all, his first goal is to try to find a way to restore his strength and go to the Qingmu Palace Master to find his wife Lin Qiuhan and the others.

And this process is definitely not peaceful.

If you bring Li Yun with you, you will only encounter more dangers.

Unexpectedly, Li Yun would notice Chen Fei before he spoke.

"Xiaoyun, it's not a good thing to follow me! At that time, the danger you will encounter may be ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times what you are today.

I am worried—" Before Chen Fei finished speaking, Li Yun looked firm, "Master, you saved my life.

My life is yours, no matter how dangerous it is, I am not afraid. "

"If you feel that I am not qualified to be your apprentice, then I will serve you as a maid, wash and cook for you, and boil water for massage. As long as I can follow you, I will be satisfied."

Chen Fei hesitated a little, but in the end he couldn't bear to refuse the sincere little girl, nodded and said: "Well, then, I promise you.

You don't have to be a maid for me, just continue to be an apprentice. "

"Thank you Master!"

Li Yun had a sweet smile on her face, very excited.

Chen Fei rubbed her head smoothly, and said with a smile: "Then when shall we go up the mountain?"

Li Yun said: "Just tomorrow!"

"it is good.

Have a good rest today! "

Chen Fei said.

The next day, after buying some sacrifices, Chen Fei and Li Yun went up the mountain together.

The two were very fast, and arrived at their destination after an hour.

This is a flat land halfway up the mountain, surrounded by lush trees, and you can see a small stream gurgling by, singing insects and birds, and the environment is very quiet.

In the shadow of the grass and trees, you can see three small mounds.

The weeds were pushed aside, revealing the tombstone in front of the mound.

The weather-beaten tombstone is engraved with the names of Li Yun's grandfather, father and mother.

The girl who was strong and optimistic in daily life dimmed instantly at this moment.

Chen Fei stepped forward, patted Li Yun's shoulder lightly, and cast a comforting look.

Afterwards, the two worshipped three departed relatives together.

Finally, Li Yun got up, waved her hand behind her, and whispered, "Grandpa, Dad, Mom.

I have a master, so don’t worry about me anymore, I will live well. "

The downhill is faster than the uphill. Forty minutes later, the two returned to their doorstep.

"Master, it's getting late, I'll go cooking right away."

Li Yun said with a smile, and was about to open the door and enter the courtyard.

But at this moment, Chen Fei felt several violent killing intents.

"Xiaoyun, come back!"

Chen Fei shouted sharply, quickly shot, and pulled Li Yun back.

Almost at the same time, the courtyard gate exploded with a bang, and two human figures came out through the air with a sharp cold light.


Chen Fei's eyes dazzled, he shielded Li Yun behind him, took a step forward, and fisted out with his arms.

"kill him!"

The two screamed coldly, and the offensive became fiercer.

However, when Chen Fei's fist hit the two of them, their expressions changed drastically, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Chen Fei's seemingly ordinary punch, the strength contained in it completely exceeded their expectations, that terrifying force was simply not something they could resist.

It was almost too late to whine.

Chen Fei's fists were like meteorites falling from the sky. With a bang, they smashed their chests and fell to the ground, and the breath dissipated in an instant.

And at this moment, obliquely, four dark shadows have just shot out.

They originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the first two to get involved in Chen Fei, and then they attacked from the side and gave a fatal blow.

But I didn't expect that the two in front could not even stop Chen Fei's blow.

As a result, it caused the embarrassing situation that is now impossible to advance or retreat.


One person gritted his teeth and shouted.

Four of them shot at the same time, with sharp moves and skillful coordination.

Obviously not an ordinary thug.

However, when I met Chen Fei, the result was the same without any change.

"Bang, bang! Ah, click, bang!"

The sound of fists and feet hitting the flesh, the sound of broken bones, and even the sound of blood spurting out, sounded one after another.

Then, there was silence, and all four of them fell to the ground.

Chen Fei walked up to several people, glanced around, and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you?

Who sent you here?

White wolf, do you know each other? "

The four of them glanced at each other, revealing a touch of determination, biting their lips, as if they would rather die than surrender.

When Chen Fei saw this, he didn't say much, and directly shook out two vigorous vigor, and killed the two thugs.

Then, he looked at the remaining two people, and said coldly: "Only one can live, and I will speak after I think about it."

The remaining two glanced at each other, their eyes changed drastically.

"I said, I said!"

"We are sent by the Lu Family in Yuncheng, and the Lu Family will kill you—" "The previous White Wolf was also sent by the Lu Family."

"Lu Aotian, the head of the Lu family, suspects that you have something to do with the death of Lu Er Shao Lu Yuan.

So send us to kill you. "

The two of you confessed all the problems in one word.

Chen Fei nodded and looked at the two of them, "Not bad!"

Then, with a cold look in his eyes, Chen Fei waved his hand to exhale.

"No—" "If you say it, you can live by opening your mouth."

The two exclaimed, but the Qi Jin has penetrated their hearts, the breath quickly dissipated, and fell to the ground, turning into two cold corpses.

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