
Chapter 2985: Go to Cloud City

"Do it again!"

Chen Fei's eyes were extremely cold, with a strong killing intent, "Lu Family, I won't destroy you, you are not reconciled!"

Behind him, Li Yun, with a lingering heart, came to Chen Fei and said, "Master, you, are you all right!"

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

"Xiaoyun, clean up.

We are ready to go! "

Chen Fei said.

"Go, where?"

Li Yun asked.

Chen Fei said, "Yuncheng, Lu Family!"

Li Yun's eyes changed, and she nodded obediently, without asking any more questions.

At this time, the cold light in Chen Fei's eyes almost shot out and penetrated people.

At this moment, Chen Fei's cell phone rang a ring.

When I took a look at the phone, Chen Fei was a little surprised by the name of the caller ID. It turned out to be Miss Xu Ying Xu.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Chen Fei finally answered the phone, "Hey!"

"Mr. Chen?

This is Xu Ying. "

Xu Ying's tone on the other end of the phone was a bit hurried.

"This is Chen Feng, is there anything wrong with Miss Xu?"

Chen Fei's tone was cold.

Xu Ying on the other end of the phone seemed to have heard the abnormal tone of Chen Fei. She paused, but then she said, "Mr. Chen, did you call me the other day?"

"At the time, I was not there.

Sister Han answered the call. Maybe she said something bad to you.

I apologize to you now, this is not my intention. "

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei's tone softened slightly, "Miss Xu, don't worry about it, it's not a big deal."

Xu Ying's tone was still hurried, and she continued to say: "Mr. Chen, the Lu family already knows about the death of Lu Yuan.

The Lu family is very likely to send someone to deal with you, you must be careful. "

"They have already sent someone!"

Chen Fei said coldly.


Xu Ying was stunned for a while, and was silent for a few seconds before asking, "Mr. Chen, what happened?

Are you OK! "

Chen Fei said lightly: "I'm fine!"

Xu Ying hurriedly said: "The Lu family must have misunderstood this matter.

I will make it clear to the Lu family that Lu Yuan's death was due to the Red Flame Fire Boar, and it has nothing to do with you, Mr. Chen. "

"Thank you Miss Xu!"

Chen Fei's tone was indifferent.

Xu Ying continued: "Here, this way, Mr. Chen, is it convenient for you to come to Yuncheng?

I can act as a middleman, go to Lu's house with you, and explain things clearly to them. "

"I believe that as long as you make things clear, everything will be fine."


Chen Fei shook his head and said in his heart.

However, he did not say this, but said coldly: "Thank you Miss Xu for your kindness.

Yuncheng, I will come. "

"When will you come, Mr. Chen, I will send someone to pick you up."

Xu Ying said.

Chen Fei said, "Don't bother Miss Xu."

Xu Ying insisted: "Mr. Chen, I am responsible for this matter.

I didn't take good care of Sister Han and asked her to leak the news, causing the Lu family to misunderstand you.

I will be responsible to the end, please trust me. "

Feeling the sincerity in Xu Ying's tone, Chen Fei paused and said, "When I arrive in Yuncheng, I will contact you."

"Mr. Chen, you must contact me.

Don't go impulsively.

When the time comes, everyone will have a good talk and make things clear so that no deeper misunderstandings will occur. "

Xu Ying said.

Chen Fei said lightly: "I understand!"

After finishing the call, Chen Fei put away his mobile phone and went into the house to tidy up.

Half an hour later, Chen Fei was carrying a backpack, and Li Yun followed.

The two looked back at the small courtyard where they had just lived, and after waving goodbye, they turned and left together.

From Lincang County to Yuncheng, there is only one shuttle bus a day.

Time has passed today.

However, fortunately, Chen Fei made a fortune from Sun Lincheng in Yuncheng, and there was no shortage of money.

I bought a modified car directly, traveled by myself, and drove to Yuncheng.

Originally, this kind of personal travel is very dangerous in this era.

After all, the various fierce beasts and bandits along the way are all deadly characters.

Ordinary people don't dare to go on the road alone.

Officially operated shuttle trucks will arrange official martial artists to **** the entire journey.

If private vehicles want to travel, they basically have to hire warriors to guard them.

However, the cost of hiring warriors is really expensive, and most people simply cannot afford it.

However, for Chen Fei, it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

With his strength, he doesn't need to hire a warrior to protect him, he can just go on the road alone.

When I drove on the road, because of the scarcity of vehicles on the road, Chen Fei directly raised the speed to the highest speed and rushed towards Yuncheng all the way.

Along the way, I also encountered several raids by fierce beasts, and even a rare raid by flying fierce beasts.

However, in the face of Chen Fei's powerful strength, these fierce beasts were shot to death by Chen Fei's energy before they approached the vehicle, turning them into a pile of corpses.

Therefore, in less than two hours, the car drove outside the city of Yuncheng.

You can see the checkpoint at the gate of the city from afar.

Chen Fei slowed down and waited to enter the checkpoint for inspection before entering the city.

On the other hand, Li Yun poked her head out of curiosity, looking at the tall and prosperous city in front of her, full of envy and interest.

After all, she grew up so big that she spent most of her time in Lincang County, and she hadn't been to big cities a few times.

And the few times I have been there, before the world changed.

She has never been out of Lincang County since the great changes started three years ago.

Coming to Yuncheng with Chen Fei this time was also a novel trip for her.

Chen Fei looked at the lively and curious little girl, the hostility in his heart was slightly reduced, and his eyes showed a soft touch. After deciding to solve the Lu family's affairs, he took the little girl to get better in Yuncheng and played happily. Satisfy her curiosity.

Although there were not many vehicles entering the city, due to the cumbersome inspections, the convoy lined up nearly 500 meters.

Chen Fei controlled the car and moved slowly with the flow of traffic.

Around it is a cleared bush.

However, judging from the traces on the ground, it was cleared manually.

But the animals and plants in the wild grow very fast, and the grasses still spread quickly toward the road.

Open the car window and you can even smell the fresh green leaves in the grass.

Just when Chen Fei looked at Li Yun's smiling face and sniffed the air.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's eyes changed, and he looked at a tuft of grass on the side of the road.

"call out!"

Directly shot out with a burst of energy.

There was a muffled hum in the grass, and a figure shook by.

At the same time, several Qi Jin shot out from the grass.

"Sneak attack!"

Chen Fei's eyes were cold and he banged twice, directly smashing the vigor from the opponent, and at the same time opened the door of the car and rushed towards the figure.

In the passenger seat of the car, Li Yun looked stunned and hurriedly called out: "Master--"

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