
Chapter 2986: Attacked into the city

Chen Fei turned his head and shouted, "Stay in the car and don't leave.

Protect yourself and I will be back soon. "

While talking, Chen Fei chased the leaping figure.

However, just when Chen Fei had just chased him less than 20 meters away.

Suddenly, his ears trembled a few times, his eyes rolled, and he looked up to the sky.

In the sky, a brilliant firework exploded.

One after another, flowers, with flames, fell towards the highway.

And the place where it fell was exactly where Chen Fei's vehicle was.

When Chen Fei saw this, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted, "Xiao Yun, come out!"

Because these blooming fireworks are not flowers.

It was a scorching cannonball, which flew over with a lethal whistling sound at this moment.

"Master, what did you say--" Li Yun didn't hear Chen Fei's words clearly, so she poked her head out and asked.

At this time, the shells fell amid the breaking wind of "shoo, shoo, shoo."

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There were explosions and rumblings.

Vehicles waiting to be inspected into the city were hit by artillery shells, and they fell apart and turned into a pile of scrap iron.

The shock wave set off by the explosion shocked the steel parts of the vehicle and the bright red human body, then fell and scattered on the ground.

Countless miserable howls and screams screamed on the highway.

At this moment, the highway here seems to have become a **** on earth.

Explosions, fires, ruins, blood, and shouts all impacted the eyes and nerves of the people around them.

Chen Fei gritted his teeth and stared, facing the shock wave and firelight of the explosion, relying on the true vitality, rushed to the original location of the vehicle.

"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun--" he shouted anxiously, but all he saw was a pile of burnt iron, and a mess of flesh and blood in the iron.


In an instant, Chen Fei felt that his head had been hammered heavily.

My mind was dumbfounded, and my thoughts were blank.

A wave of sadness and anger that had never been seen before since awakening came to his heart, causing Chen Fei's eyes to become bloodshot and extremely scarlet.

At the same time, in a tall tower somewhere on the city wall, several men in dark green uniforms looked over here through binoculars.


Did it hit?

Is that kid dead? "

"Hit, but the surname Chen is not dead, he got out of the car early."

"Damn, how could this be?

How did he find us? "

A man with a scar on his face spat and cursed.

At this time, from the communication device in his ear, a companion's voice came, "Boss, we were hidden by the roadside and he found it.

Get off early. "

"That can be found, do you eat shit, a bunch of waste!"

The Scar Man scolded.

"Boss, this is not the time to talk about this.

What are we going to do next?

Do you want to continue the attack? "

"Of course you want to attack. This is a death order from the Lu Patriarch.

We will all be punished if we fail to complete the task. "

The Scar Man shouted angrily, "Fuck me, kill him!"


At this moment, Chen Fei, with scarlet eyes, suddenly felt a few strong winds coming towards him from the surroundings.

Turning his head, he could see a few afterimages, quickly rushing towards this side, and the target surrounded by him was obviously him.

At the same time, a sound of da da da sounded.

A rain-like bullet poured down from the tower of the city wall and covered Chen Fei.

"Death, you all have to die."

Chen Fei's eyes were cold, looking at the afterimages around him, his figure was like electricity, and he rushed out.

Afterwards, the four people who had surrounded Chen Fei saw a terrifying scene.

Chen Fei was so fast that he rushed in front of them without saying a word. He grabbed them with both hands, pulled them hard, and tore them in half.

In less than three seconds, two people had been torn apart by Chen Fei.

This is not at all that they surrounded Chen Fei, but Chen Fei alone surrounded them.

"Escape, devil, he is the devil, run away--" The remaining two, full of horror, turned and fled in a hurry.

But when they spoke, Chen Fei had already caught up.

The two immediately became a pool of flesh and blood.

As for the barrage falling in the air, Chen Fei snorted coldly, condensing the true essence on his body, and directly blocked the bullets, without hurting him at all.

In the tower of the city wall, the scared man and them were shocked.

Until one of his subordinates came to mind first, "Boss, he is here, he is here!"

Only then did Scar Man come back to his senses, and when he took a closer look, he found that Chen Fei was rushing towards the city wall at a very fast speed.

He was shocked immediately, and hurriedly shouted: "Run, run away!"

"Let the city guard stop him, quickly, stop him!"

At this time, Chen Fei had already rushed to the bottom of the city wall.

Here, there are live ammunition with guns, otherwise the city guards guarding and inspecting vehicles.

Among them, there are many certified martial artists.

The explosion just now made them extremely nervous.

Seeing Chen Fei rushing at this moment, he shouted sharply and stopped him, "The incoming people stop!"

"The people on the wall, shot at me, didn't you see it?"

Chen Fei asked coldly.

A warrior of the city guards had a serious face and said, "No outsiders are allowed to enter the city without inspection, otherwise, they will be treated as a beast to attack the city and kill it."

"It's a good one to kill!"

Chen Fei sneered and said, "The city wall should be the area guarded by your city guard.

As a result, not only did you not manage your own turf, but you also prevented me from arresting the prisoner.

This has to make me suspect that your city guard is a group with them.

Are you also involved in this attack? "

"Don't talk nonsense! Do you know what the charge is for slandering the city guard?"

The warrior of the city guard shouted angrily, holding a long knife in his hand, aggressively.

"To condemn me, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

Chen Fei gave a cold snort and continued to move forward.

The city guard warrior's eyes were cold, and he gave an order, "Stop him!"

In an instant, a group of people were surrounded.

But Chen Fei was so fast that he rushed out of the encirclement and rushed to the warrior holding the sword, knocked him into the air with one palm, and then flicked his fingertips, breaking the long knife in his hand into two Cut off and fall to the ground.

When the other members of the city guard saw this, all of them were almost stunned, standing still, completely forgot to move.

After all, the warrior just now was their captain.

In their eyes, the genuine second-level licensed martial artist is an absolute master.

But now, even Chen Fei can't catch one of his tricks.

When the city guard was in a daze, Chen Fei kicked a few times and rushed to the city wall.

Looking at the tower where Scar Man was, Chen Fei rushed towards him with strong killing intent.

The Scar Man was shocked and hurriedly said: "Quickly, stop him!"

However, at this moment, life is at stake, who would listen to his orders, turn around and run wildly, completely ignoring his meaning.

At this time, Chen Fei had already killed them.

"Shoo, hoo," a few broken winds rang, and several people fell instantly.

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