
Chapter 2987: Chairman Wu and Lord Luo

After killing a few people, a burst of footsteps approached here quickly and densely.

Then, a trembling voice rang, "No, don't move."

Chen Fei glanced around and saw the following group of uniformed personnel, a total of thirty or forty people, all gathered on the wall around the tower at the moment, and surrounded Chen Fei.

"You want to stop me?"

Chen Fei glanced at these people and said coldly.

Suddenly, a group of people couldn't help but backed up a few steps.

In the end, one of the forty-year-old leaders stood up and looked at Chen Fei and said, "This gentleman, we are from the Cloud City Guards.

Your behavior just now violated Cloud City’s defense regulations. Please cooperate with our work and accept our investigation. "

Chen Fei glanced at him and said coldly, "What if I don't cooperate?"

"This—" The leader suffocated and wanted to say something cruel, but when he saw Chen Fei's cold eyes, the cruel words hesitated at the corner of his mouth and couldn't say it.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei said, "I know, you are just following orders.

It is not impossible for me to cooperate with the investigation. "

"Mr. Trouble."

The leader said quickly.

Chen Fei raised his right hand and said, "Wait a minute.

I haven't finished! "

"It's okay to ask me to cooperate with the investigation, but before investigating me.

I want to know the origin of these people on the tower.

Who allowed them to carry so many heavy weapons on the site of the city guard? "

"This--" The leader was speechless, speechless.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei said coldly: "If you don't explain this to me clearly, then don't talk about the investigation."

"Yes—" The leader wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't dare to speak.

But at this moment, there was a sharp shout, "What's the matter, what are you doing here?

Did anyone catch it? "

"Chairman Wu!"

Everyone in the city guard hurriedly bowed to greet.

Immediately, Chen Fei saw that a middle-aged man in his forties, with his hands on his back, walked towards this side proudly.

"Captain Liu, what's going on?

The prisoner is here, why not arrest them? "

Chairman Wu glanced at Chen Fei and questioned the leader just now.

Captain Liu quickly lowered his head and explained: "Chairman Wu, this gentleman wants us to promise something and he can cooperate with our investigation."

Hearing this, Chairman Wu raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean by this?

We are the city guard, when should we discuss conditions with criminals?

Quickly, arrest me. "

"Chairman Wu, the strength of this gentleman--" Captain Liu looked embarrassed.

But Chairman Wu didn't listen to him at all, waved his hand and said, "What about strong strength?

You are the city guard, the force that guards the city of Cloud.

In the face of a powerful prisoner, it's a decent way to be restrained. "

"Catch people, right now!"

With an order, Captain Liu gritted his teeth and could only bite the bullet and walked forward.

"Mr., please cooperate with our investigation."

"What the mother-in-law is doing, is this still arresting people?"

President Wu looked dissatisfied when he saw this.

At this moment, Chen Fei pushed Captain Liu away and walked directly in front of this Chairman Wu, and said: "Chairman Wu, are you the head of the city guard?"

"You, what do you want to do?"

Chairman Wu was a little frightened, and quickly backed away a few steps, and then shouted to Captain Liu and the others, "What are you doing in a daze, don't you want to catch him soon."

Captain Liu and the others stepped forward, and Chen Fei waved his hand and blasted them to the ground.

However, with this shot, he deliberately controlled the power, but knocked them to the ground without hurting them.

Then, Chen Fei continued to move forward and looked at Chairman Wu and said, "You are the person in charge of the city guard, then I want to ask you.

How did these people appear here?

Why can they have such a heavy firepower.

In this regard, I hope to get your explanation. "

"You, me, why should I explain this to you!"

Chairman Wu said.

Chen Fei narrowed his eyes, grabbed President Wu by the collar, and said with force: "You don't need to explain, then I don't mind killing one more person."

"I, I'm the president of the Yuncheng Budo Association, and I'm an official person. If you dare to move me, that's a wanted order."

Chairman Wu threatened.

Unmoved, Chen Fei grabbed the collar's right hand and kept exerting force.

President Wu's cheeks are getting redder and even purple.

At this moment, an old voice rang, "Young man, be merciful."

Hearing the sound, Chen Fei turned around and saw a gray-haired, 70-80-year-old old man wearing a Tang suit walking over.

"you are?"

Chen Fei's eyes showed a questioning look.

The old man said: "I am Luo Wei, the lord of Yuncheng.

President Wu, the city guard, are all managed by me. "

"City Lord!"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes, looked at City Lord Luo, and said, "Since these are all managed by City Lord Luo, then I hope City Lord Luo answers my question!"

Lord Luo's eyes changed slightly, and he glanced at the embarrassing explosion scene below, and said in an official tone: "We Yuncheng will definitely investigate this matter with all our strength. After finding the result, we will notify you as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei narrowed his eyes and stared at City Lord Luo for a few seconds.

Then he said: "If I remember correctly, Lord Luo, I didn't seem to tell you that my last name is Chen.

How did you know my last name is Chen? "

At the end of the question, Chen Fei's eyes, with an icy chill, with a fierce oppressive aura, shrouded towards City Lord Luo.

City Lord Luo, who was originally calm and serious, couldn't help but change his complexion at this moment, with a panic on his face.

However, he quickly stabilized his emotions and looked at Chen Fei and said, "Mr. Chen, I know your personal strength is good.

However, no matter how strong the individual is, it is still too tender to contend with a city. "

"There are some things, Mr. Chen should think twice before acting!"

"That's good for everyone!"

On the side, Chairman Wu also nodded quickly and said, "Chen Feng, what Luo City Lord said is correct.

If you are interested, let me go immediately. "

"Besides, isn't that a little girl who died? It's not a big deal.

If you need it, I will look back for you to find a few more to ensure that you will be served comfortably! "

Chen Fei, who was almost expressionless, heard the disapproving words of Chairman Wu at the moment, his eyes sank instantly, and a killing intent shot out of his eyes.

City Lord Luo sensed the change in Chen Fei's momentum and hurriedly winked at Chairman Wu, "Chairman Wu, shut up."

Then, he didn't care about revealing himself, and quickly explained to Chen Fei: "Chen Feng, Chairman Wu's words are unintentional.

We also regret the death of your apprentice.

We will definitely investigate this matter clearly—" "Investigate clearly! "

Chen Fei sneered, his voice was cold, "No need, I'll do it myself!"

In an instant, Chen Fei's right hand exerted force, and with a click, he smashed Chairman Wu's neck.

Then, as if throwing garbage, he threw Chairman Wu from the tower of the city wall, fell to the ground, and smashed it into a pool of bright red.

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