
Chapter 2991: Black cloud over the city

"You, you--" Xu Xu pointed at Chen Fei, his fingers trembling because of anger, "Come here, give me—" Hearing the order, the Xu family's guard behind him slammed, ready to go. To do it.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei glanced at everyone in the Xu family, and finally looked at Xu Xu and said, "Want to do it?

I don't mind Bong to the end! "

"You--" Xu Xu was furious and couldn't wait to order Chen Fei to be killed on the spot.

But at this moment, Chen Fei's cold eyes were as deep as a pool of water, and he couldn't see through.

And the wave of his body that was not too strong, but the extremely cold killing intent, made Xu Xu faintly feel a trace of fear.

Therefore, the final attack order was stuck in Xu Xu's throat, unable to speak.

"Don't dare?

Then just stay with me, otherwise, this is just the beginning! Humph! "

As if he could see through Xu Xu's lust, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, sneered, and flung his sleeves away.

Boss Liu, Xiaohu and others followed immediately and left together.

Seeing the vehicle disappearing from sight, Xu Xu gritted his teeth severely, stomped on his foot, and smashed an extremely hard tile on the ground.

Then he shouted coldly: "All go back! In the past few days, people in the Xu family are not allowed to go out without my order."

......... Soon, Yuncheng Lu's family! In the luxurious manor, Lu Aotian, the head of the Lu family, sat in a chair with a cold face.

Beside him is Mrs. Lu, who is full of resentment and unwillingness. She is losing her temper against her opponent at the moment.

"What do you guys do, a bunch of rice buckets?"

"It's been three times, with so many people, it turns out that even a country boy can't solve it.

What is the Lu family still keeping you for? "

"Now, immediately kill that Chen Feng for me and avenge Yuan'er."

The people kneeling down shivered and dared not let out the atmosphere.

At this time, Steward Lu ran for a while and rushed into the hall, "Patriarch, I have something important to report."


Lu Aotian said.

Steward Lu hurriedly said, "Patriarch, I just received news from the Patriarch of the Xu family.

Then Chen Feng was okay, and he took people to the Xu family to find trouble. He beheaded Han Qian at the Xu family.

Now, he is coming to kill the Lu family. "

"What, killed someone in Xu's house! Xu Xu just let him leave like this?"

Lu Aotian showed a look of surprise.

Steward Lu continued: "Patriarch Xu also said that Chen Feng has another identity.

Sun Chenglin was destroyed by him, and boss Liu and the big and small tigers who are now in charge of Sun Chenglin's site are all his people. "

"Sun Chenglin, he killed it! The new underground emperor of Yuncheng is him!"

Hearing this, Lu Aotian was also slightly surprised.

However, he immediately showed a sneer, "So what?

It's just a group of mobs. "

"Let him bring someone here, the Xu family dare not move him, my Lu family dare!"

"It just so happens that I, Lu Aotian, beheaded him in public to avenge my son."

Lu Aotian came up against the crime.

At this moment, Madam Lu was covering her mouth, crying, and whimpered: "Kill him, you must kill him.

I want everyone to see what is the end of killing my Yuaner! "

Lu Aotian patted his wife on the back lightly, and comforted: "Don't worry, I will repay Yuaner's hatred."

...... Less than half an hour later, a piece of news spread quickly in Cloud City, arousing the great interest of millions of people in Cloud City.

The Lu Family of the First Family of Cloud City publicly stated that Chen Feng, the new emperor of the Cloud City Underground World, would take the initiative to come to the Lu Family to apologize within an hour in order to pay tribute to the spirit of Lu Yuan, the second youngest of the Lu Family.

If not, the Lu family will launch an all-out attack.

As soon as this news came out, it instantly detonated in Yuncheng.

After all, during this period of time, Sun Lincheng suddenly fell, and the new underground emperor of Yuncheng became a big news. Countless people were speculating about who the new underground emperor was, but there was no definite news.

And now, the Lu Family directly disclosed that the new underground emperor of Yuncheng was named Chen Feng.

What's more, the new underground emperor Chen Feng actually killed Lu Yuan, the second youngest member of the Lu family.

This is definitely a more exciting news.

After all, everyone in Yuncheng knew that the Lu Family and the Xu Family were two big families, and even City Lord Luo Weiluo didn't dare to provoke them easily.

Among them, the Lu family is particularly the case, it can almost be said that it is the first family of Yuncheng without a doubt, no one dares to mess with it.

Lu Er Shao Lu Yuan is also the second generation of the famous dude in Yuncheng.

I don’t know how much I have done all kinds of bullying, beating and snatching.

But no one can move him.

Some time ago, there were rumors that Lu Er Shao Lu Yuan died outside. Many people in Yuncheng clapped their hands secretly and applauded the unknown hero who killed Lu Yuan.

Of course, they also understand that this unsung hero will probably not have any good results.

Sooner or later, the Lu Family will find out. When that happens, the Lu Family's endless anger will greet him.

And now, the unsung hero is really found out.

Even more coincidentally, this unsung hero happens to be another hot spot recently, the new underground emperor of Cloud City.

Therefore, following the Lu Family's statement, a storm quickly gathered in Yuncheng, attracting countless people to watch.

The First Family of Cloud City, against, the Underground Emperor of Cloud City! This unprecedented battle is about to unfold.

For a while, the whole city became nervous about it.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and the cool breeze howled, a bit of a dark cloud over the city.

………With the passage of time, the prescribed time of one hour passed quickly, and only the last ten minutes were left.

At this moment, groups of people gathered outside the Lujia Manor.

At the outermost are the ordinary people who gathered around to watch the excitement, and at the innermost are representatives of the major forces in Cloud City.

For example, major commercial companies, Budo Associations, security companies, and so on.

Among them, the most eye-catching is the Xu family and Luo Weiluo's two parties.

Needless to say, the Xu family has been promoting the marriage of Xu Ying, the eldest daughter of the Xu family, and Lu Ershao Lu Yuan.

It is a matter of course for the Xu family to appear here at this kind of moment.

The appearance of City Lord Luo at this moment is somewhat intriguing.

After all, Lord Luo, as the nominal supreme in charge of Cloud City, manages the safety of the entire city.

Under normal circumstances, in the event of such a large-scale conflict, Lord Luo should come forward to mediate.

But at this moment, the gray-haired City Lord Luo was sitting on a wooden chair, looking at the expensive and majestic gate of Lu's Manor, motionless.

At the side of City Lord Luo, a deputy looked at the time with a clear look of worry on his face. He looked at City Lord Luo and said, "City Lord, there are only five minutes left."

"What shall we do next?"

Obviously, the deputy is asking Lord Luo's attitude.

City Lord Luo snorted and said displeasedly: "Isn't it obvious what to do?

Need to ask me? "

"Ah, this--" The deputy was speechless for a while, not knowing what to do, so he could only gritted his teeth and asked again, "Subordinates are dull, please let City Lord Luo express!"

City Lord Luo closed his eyes and said quietly, "Cloud City is the Cloud City of China and the Cloud City of the People.

When has there been any underground emperor! "

As soon as the words came out, the deputy woke up instantly and quickly said, "City Lord Luo, I understand."

"Just understand, get ready!"

Lord Luo ordered.


The deputy stepped back and began to command the hundreds of elite soldiers of the city guard, busy.

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