
Chapter 2992: Live confession

The movement on City Lord Luo's side has aroused the attention of many people, and it has also enriched everyone's discussions.

"City Lord Luo let his subordinates take action, this is a statement!"

"That's for sure, the Lu Family is much better than any underground emperor!"

"The underground emperor, the official did not recognize this.

Lord Luo supports the Lu Family, isn't that natural?

Besides, the relationship between the Lu family and City Lord Luo has always been good. "

……… In the crowd, Xu Xu saw this scene with a resentful smile on the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said: "That kid, he is dead."

Standing on the side, Xu Ying, hearing her father's words, could not help but clenched her fists, her mouth moved, but she didn't make a sound, and shouted in her heart: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, come on!"

Time passed by every minute, and it seemed that the time set by the Lu family was approaching.

But at this time, at the entrance of Lujia Manor, there was no movement from anyone.

The onlookers couldn't help but become noisy.

"It's almost time, why haven't people come yet?"

"I shouldn't be afraid, dare not come!"

"It's quite possible, after all, it's the Lu family, not everyone can mess with it."

"Maybe I ran away long ago."

"No, I've been waiting here for more than an hour. You can't miss the good show!"

………When people were talking about it, suddenly, a rumbling engine sound quickly approached here.

Everyone moved and looked at the source of the sound.

I saw a car and a truck, rumbling, approaching the entrance of Lujia Manor like a roaring beast.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd.

"The car is coming, is that Chen Feng?"

"I can't see clearly, but it should be! At this time, no one dared to come to Lu's house."

"Just two cars?

There are only a few people, so Chen Feng is here to surrender? "


The Lu family won't accept it! After all, Lu Er Young Master, but died in the hands of Chen Feng, Lu Aotian would never give up. "

"Look, the show is finally about to be staged."

……… With a "squeak", the two cars stopped at the entrance of Lujia Manor, accompanied by a rush of brakes.

The door opened, Xiaohu and Boss Liu got out of the car first.

On the opposite side, Lu Aotian saw a few people and squinted his eyes with a look of disdain.

And the Lu Family's guards, holding their weapons tightly one by one, are raging, ready to go, ready to take action at any time.

Finally, the last person in the car, Chen Fei, got out of the car.

Lu Aotian's gaze fell on Chen Fei in an instant, looked at him, and cast a murderous intent without concealment.

"Are you Chen Feng?"

A question sounded, and Lu Aotian was the first to speak out.

Chen Fei just glanced at Lu Aotian and did not respond.

This attitude made everyone in the Lu family even more angry.

Mrs. Lu, who was on the side, couldn't help it, pointed directly at Chen Fei and yelled in a frantic manner, "It was he who killed Yuan'er. Quickly, kill him, kill him!"

There was a commotion for the Lu family's guards, and the war was on the verge of breaking out.

However, Lu Aotian raised his right hand to let the guards stay calm.

He stepped forward on his own, walked towards Chen Fei, and screamed, "Chen Feng, it's just a tribulation!"

Chen Fei still did not respond.

Lu Aotian squinted his eyes and took a few steps forward again, his aura becoming more and more oppressive.

At this moment, Boss Liu snorted and said, "Patriarch Lu is so powerful, is this trying to kill us?"

Lu Aotian's eyes sank, fell on Boss Liu, took a look at him, and said, "My son Lu Yuan, he was victimized, and the murderer pays for his life, it is justified!"

Boss Liu said, "I don't care how Lu Yuan died.

But it was definitely not killed by Mr. Chen! "

"Still denying?"

Lu Aotian shouted angrily, swept his eyes around, and said loudly, "On the same day, my son Lu Yuan and Miss Xu's family, Xu Ying, took people to Lincang County.

As a result, he was killed by Chen Feng in the mountains, which is an iron-clad fact.

No one can deny it! "


Boss Liu sneered, "I'm afraid Patriarch Lu's words are unconvincing, right?"

"One person's words?"

Lu Aotian's eyes sank, he paused, then looked at everyone, and said loudly, "Although my Lu family is big, I am not an unreasonable person.

What was the situation on that day, self-evident. "

As Lu Aotian finished speaking, several people appeared on the scene.

Chen Fei glanced slightly, but he was a little familiar.

These people were all guards brought by Xu Ying at the time.

As a result, Chen Fei's gaze shifted, and he glanced over at the location of Xu's house.

Upon seeing this, Xu Ying couldn't help but say: "Father, how can you—" Xu Xu said with a blank expression on his face, "I just asked them to go out and tell the truth!"

At this time, under Lu Aotian's signal, several guards quickly recounted what happened at the time.

Among them, naturally include the attack of the red fire boa.

After speaking, the crowd became lively.

"I actually encountered the Red Flame Fire Boar, no wonder Lu Er Young and the guards didn't come back!"

"However, speaking of it.

That kid really didn't kill Lu Er Young directly! "

"Hehe, isn't this an obvious fact?

The kid obviously had the power to kill the Red Flame Boa, but he deliberately pretended to be invincible, and lured Lu Er Shao into the bait, was killed by the Red Flame Boa, and even deliberately prevented Lu Er Shao's escape at a critical moment. This was clearly murder. ! "

"No, maybe it's just a critical situation and it didn't help."

"The situation is critical?

Then why is the Xu family's eldest daughter and the guards all safe and sound, while the Lu family's entire army is destroyed.

Not to mention that the Scarlet Fire Boar can distinguish the family and choose to attack! "

"But no matter what, Chen Feng didn't kill anyone directly.

Lu Family, this is a bit too much! "

"Lu Er Shao is dead. You talked to the Lu family too much, don't you think it is ridiculous?"

"Anyway, that Chen Feng provokes Lu Er Youngo is wrong.

It was nothing if the Lu family killed him! "

… Listening to all kinds of comments and accusations in her ears, Xu Ying couldn't help it. She took a deep breath and said loudly, “Isn’t things like that?

At that time, Lu Yuan didn't want to **** Mr. Chen's Seven-leaf Red Shouwu before he was attacked by the Red Flame Boars. "

"Even if Mr. Chen didn't rescue him, it would be Lu Yuan's fault first."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone at the scene was shocked, and many people showed surprise.

"Aesculus chinensis, that's a good thing! Why didn't those people say anything just now!"

"If it's Lu Er Shao who grabs things first, then Chen Feng will be lucky if he doesn't rescue him!"

"Even if I didn't grab something, it is normal for me not to rescue him! Why should I have to rescue him, because he is the second master Lu?"

"Didn't Miss Xu have a marriage contract with Lu Ershao?

How do you help Chen Feng speak? "

"What exactly is going on?"


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