
Chapter 3000: Lu Dashao

Xu Lingfeng paused, and then said: "The matter of Madman Chen, I think they will soon learn about it.

In this way, you can contact them, and when appropriate, you can help. "

"Father, what do you mean is that we will help deal with that lunatic Chen.

I don't get it! "

Xu Xu nodded.

Just as the two were talking, a thin figure, hiding in the dark, heard all this.

This figure is exactly Xu Ying who has been closed at home these days.

Just now, she heard the news of Grandpa's return, so she went out, wanting to see Grandpa.

Unexpectedly, I happened to hear the grandfather and father discussing how to contact others and deal with Mr. Chen together.

Suddenly, Xu Ying's complexion changed, and the corners of her mouth moved, and she murmured in her heart: "I am sorry for Mr. Chen, it is I who caused him.

I can't just sit back and watch! "

Thinking of this, Xu Ying stepped back, merged into the darkness, and quietly left Xu's house.

………When the stream of light rushed into Cloud City, Boss Liu and the big and small tigers were shocked, and their faces were full of worries.

Finally, when Chen Fei's practice was over, a few people hurriedly came to Chen Fei, "Mr. Chen, there are a lot of masters in Yuncheng, and we are worried—" Before they finish speaking, Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will come. solve."

"Yes—" Boss Liu was about to speak.

At this moment, a servant outside came quickly, "Mr. Chen, someone outside said that there is something urgent and wants to see you. This matter is very important, and it is related to your safety."

"Mr. Chen sees no one, drive away!"

Boss Liu knew that Chen Fei didn't like seeing people recently, so he waved his hand immediately.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Fei asked more, "Who is the person here?"

Lower humanity: "It's a young woman with her head covered and she can't see her looks!"

"Young woman!"

Chen Fei was startled slightly, then waved, "Let her come in!"


The servant retired.

Not long after, a woman with a covered head walked in quickly.

"Who are you with?"

Upon seeing this, Boss Liu asked vigilantly.

The woman hadn't spoken yet. Chen Fei had already found out the identity of the other party from her breath, and said faintly, "Dignified Miss Xu, why come to me dressed like this."

"Miss Xu, Xu Ying?"

When Boss Liu heard the name, he was surprised and looked at each other.

The woman trembled slightly, and then took off her headscarf. It was Xu Ying.

"Mr. Chen, I know, I and our Xu family, sorry for you."

Xu Ying apologized, "But when I come today, I have something urgent to tell you. Things are very important."

"What an urgent matter!"

Chen Fei said.

"This—" Xu Ying looked around.

Chen Fei said, "They are all people I trust."

Xu Ying nodded, then spoke, quickly telling Chen Fei what she had heard.

After listening, Chen Fei still didn't respond, but Boss Liu became excited, "Xu Lingfeng is back, he wants to unite others to deal with you, Mr. Chen?"

The expressions of Tigers and Tigers at this moment also became serious.

"Yulin Pavilion, Yujian Pavilion, Lu Hao, and official people.

Mr. Chen, there are many enemies this time! "

"Mr. Chen, otherwise, we retreat and avoid our edge for the time being.

After all—" Xu Ying nodded repeatedly, looking at Chen Fei with an eager look, "Mr. Chen, you can leave Yuncheng quickly.

It's too late. "

Chen Fei smiled, nodded slightly to Xu Ying, and said, "Thank you for the warning, Miss Xu, I remember it in my heart."

"However, I will not leave Cloud City."

"Mr. Chen——" "Boss Chen——" Several people on the scene shouted at the same time.

Chen Fei waved his hand and said with a smile: "I know what you want to say.

Don't worry too much, this group of people, I haven't paid attention to it yet.

They want to move me, just come! "

"But--" Several people still wanted to persuade.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Don't you believe me?"

Several people looked at each other, speechless.

………At the same time, in the old house of Yuncheng Lujia Manor, a 30-year-old man was Lu Hao, a young man from the Lu family.

At this moment, he looked at the messy family house with a serious expression on his face.

Behind Lu Hao, followed by a middle-aged man in his early forties, it was He Wu, the deputy investigating team leader who was sent by officials to investigate the killing of City Lord Luo Wei.

He Wu said with a look of anger: "Master Lu, that guy is too much to ruin your family like this.

Just kill this kind of person. "

Lu Hao said, "Leader He, I am here as the leader of the investigation team this time. We represent the official.

You still have to follow the rules in doing things. "

"Yes, the group leader learned the lesson."

He Wu nodded quickly, "What does the team leader mean?

Capture that Chen Feng for a trial? "

Lu Hao's eyes darkened slightly, and he waved his hand and said, "No hurry!"

"I have another mission when I return to Cloud City this time.

That is to find the core of the lava core for Cao Boss. "

"The birth of Dan Core is imminent, and many people have already arrived.

We are now taking action against Chen Feng. If the snipe and the clam are fighting and are profited by other fishermen, it will be no good! "

Hearing this, He Wu immediately agreed and said: "Cao Xu's mission is definitely the top priority.

Lu Gongzi was thoughtful, I was reckless. "

"Then what shall we do next?"

Lu Hao pondered for a moment, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "This time the core of the pill was born, many people have come.

When there are more people, chaos is easy.

Therefore, it is better not to have too many people. "

"Master Lu, what do you mean?"

He Wu asked.

Lu Hao said: "The core of the earth's lava core, not everyone is qualified to compete.

Those cats and dogs are not used to join in the fun, just get in the way. "

"Tomorrow, in my name, we will hold a banquet to invite all the masters to come to Lu's house for a gathering."

When He Wu heard this, he immediately clapped his hands and applauded, "Lu Gongzi, you are going to establish an alliance and drive out all those who have died out of this competition."

"It can be understood!"

Lu Hao said.

"This is a good way."

He Wu hurriedly said, and then he thought of something. He rolled his eyes and asked, "Master Lu, then Chen Feng, would you like to please?"

Lu Hao's eyes sank slightly, he paused, and said with a smile: "Please, of course please!"

"This lunatic Chen, isn't he the most recent emperor of Yuncheng?

We naturally want to invite such a big man! Not only have to invite, but also have a good reception. "

"Yes! I understand!"

He Wu nodded.

………As more and more masters come to Yuncheng, there are more and more rumors about the core of the lava core.

The entire Cloud City has become prosperous and chaotic.

At this moment, a piece of news spread throughout Yuncheng, causing a heated discussion.

Lu Hao, a young man of the Lu family, returned and held a banquet in the old house of the Lu family, inviting warriors of the third level and above in Yuncheng to the banquet.

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