
Chapter 3001: Lujia Yeyan

The news spread quickly in Yuncheng, and countless people in Yuncheng talked about the news.

But at this moment, the big masters and tycoons of Yuncheng are embarrassed one by one, holding the invitation in their hands, some are unable to advance or retreat.

After all, just a few days ago, Chen Fei had just destroyed the Lu Family and became the overlord of Cloud City.

Almost all of these rich and powerful people also came to Chen Fei to show their good times.

And now, Lu Hao, the eldest son of the Lu family, is back, and he specially held a banquet at the old site to invite everyone.

If he agreed to Lu Hao's invitation, he would be fighting against Crazy Chen.

But if you didn't agree to Lu Hao's invitation, you would have offended this young master Lu.

Both parties are not easy to provoke, so all the big powers and tycoons in Cloud City are all hesitant to pay attention to whether or not to attend this banquet.

In the Xu family at this moment, Xu Xu held the invitation in his hand, with a little hesitation on his face, looked at his father aside, and asked aloud: "Father, this banquet, our Xu family, do you want to attend?"

Xu Lingfeng glanced at his son and said, "Of course I want to participate."

"But—" Xu Xu was still a little worried.

Xu Lingfeng waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I am the hall master of Yuling Pavilion, and Miss Mu Yu is also here. What can I worry about?

Besides, I heard that the seventh elders of Yujian Pavilion Lin Hongxuan, Fengxiaogu Mofeng, and Northwest Wolf Zhou Xing had all arrived in Yuncheng, and they all agreed to Master Lu's invitation. "

"Then Crazy Chen, no matter how courageous he is, can he dare to be an enemy of so many masters?"

"Mo Feng and Zhou Xing are here! I didn't expect it!"

Xu Xu was surprised when he heard these two names.

Xu Lingfeng nodded and said: "The core of the earth's lava core, that is a good thing, and there are many people who covet it.

These are only on the bright side, and there are definitely no fewer people coming from behind than on the bright side.

At that time, you should pay attention. "

"Yes, father!"

Xu Xu nodded and said yes.

Then, the Xu family publicly announced that they had accepted the invitation of Mr. Lu and would go to the banquet on time.

With the beginning of the Xu family, many rich and powerful people in Yuncheng also responded to their opinions and agreed to Lu Hao's invitation to go to the Lu family’s old house for a banquet.

All of a sudden, the wind direction in Yuncheng changed drastically. Yesterday, the rich and powerful people who were still at the door of Crazy Chen's courtesy begging to meet, began to prepare gifts today for a banquet at the Lu family.

Boss Liu and the big and small tigers reported various movements outside to Chen Fei.

"Mr. Chen, those guys, one by one, are all clueless.

Now, 80% of the rich, powerful and martial artists in Yuncheng have accepted Lu Hao's invitation.

You--" Chen Fei's expression was indifferent, and he waved his hand and said, "Accept it, don't take it to heart. "

"But, when Lu Hao came, our prestige—" Boss Liu wanted to say something else.

At this moment, someone's voice came from outside, "Mr. Chen, the Lu family sent an invitation letter, saying that you would go to the old house of the Lu family in Yuncheng to attend a dinner at seven tomorrow evening."

"What, the invitation letter is here!"

"Lu Hao is too much!"

"Throw it out, we won't go."

.........However, at this moment, Chen Fei rolled his eyes, thinking of something, and stopped him: "Wait, let's keep the invitation letter!"

"Mr. Chen, you--" Boss Liu looked puzzled.

Chen Fei picked up the invitation letter, opened it and looked at it, it was just an ordinary invitation letter, nothing special.

Putting down the invitation letter, Chen Fei smiled lightly, looked at the confused three people in the room, and said: "Since the other party has invited, I will go and see it."

"But, Boss Chen.

I am worried that they are not good-hearted, then Lu Hao may set up a trap to wait for you, the boss—" Xiaohu hurriedly persuaded.

Dahu nodded in agreement, "Boss Chen, I heard that Lu Hao has a deep-hearted mind and makes an aggressive move.

We don't need to take this risk. "

Chen Fei shook his head and smiled softly: "I know what you mean.

But don’t worry.

I am confident that they can't do anything to me. "

"Besides, even if I don't see you tomorrow.

Until the day the Dan core was born, it was still unavoidable to meet and fight.

It's better to go to the dinner party and feel their enemy attack. It can be regarded as knowing yourself and the enemy. "

After hearing what Chen Fei said, the three of them stopped persuading them, but looked at Chen Feidao with sincere expressions.

"Boss Chen, then we will go with you!"

"Although we are not strong enough, multiple people and multiple helpers are always good."

Chen Fei looked at the eyes of a few people, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, nodded and said, "Then go together!"

………The next evening, when the lanterns first came on, the old house of the Lu family, which had been lonely these few days, was brightly lit and crowded today.

The gorgeously dressed guests, with exquisite gifts, entered the Lu family's old house one after another.

In the Lu Family Courtyard, there were already many people sitting on the seats, and everyone toasted and laughed at each other, so it was so lively.

Among them, the most lively, or the most eye-catching, is the main table located in the center of the Lujia lobby.

The one sitting at this table can be said to be a big man.

Lu Hao in the middle, needless to say, is a student of the No. 1 Wu school in the Lu family, and is also the official appointed leader of the investigation team.

Next to Lu Hao is He Wu, the deputy head of the investigation team.

On the other side, everyone from the Xu family of the big Yuncheng family, including Xu Lingfeng, Xu Xu, and Yuling Pavilion Muyu who came with Xu Lingfeng.

Opposite everyone in Yuling Pavilion, was a man in a robe in his 50s and 60s. He had a gloomy face, holding a gray sword, and a gloomy aura came out of him.

This person is really the seventh elder of Yujian Pavilion——Lin Hongxuan, also the master of Lin Jue of Thousand Illusion Sword! Looking to the sides, there are two men with strange faces.

One of them was in his thirties, dressed in a green robe and holding a folding fan. His face was handsome and handsome, which attracted the attention of many women.

This is exactly Fengxiaogu Mofeng, a hidden force known nearby.

Beside Mo Feng, there was a brawny man dressed in shorts, with a muscular face and a fierce face.

Especially the three long scars on his face are so horrible that people don't dare to look at them.

This is Northwest Wolf Zhou Xing, originally a bandit.

After the spiritual energy awakened, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he became a master of the party.

Owning the mountain as the king, but also developed a group of his own men.

Almost all the other masters in Cloud City and nearby were in their seats.

Looking at the time, there were only less than five minutes left before seven o'clock.

Lu Hao glanced at He Wu and asked softly: "That one, didn't you come?"

He Wudao: "I haven't come yet.

Perhaps, the kid is scared, maybe he didn't dare to come! "

The corner of Lu Hao's mouth raised, and he sneered: "Don't dare to come! I was able to hide from the first day of the middle school, but not to the fifteenth.

Destroy my Lu family, does he really think he can be safe and sound? "

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