
Chapter 3003: I didn't hear

Xie Zhuang snorted coldly, slapped a palm on the table, and stared at Chen Fei: "If not! Then don't blame me Xie Zhuang for being polite."

"No matter who it is, the rules must be said!"

Suddenly, the aura on Xie Zhuang's body burst out and directly enveloped Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei laughed and looked at Xie Zhuang and said, "You want to do it with me?"

"How about doing it!"

Xie Zhuang said coldly.


Chen Fei shook his shoulders. In an instant, a burst of vigor erupted and went directly to Xie Zhuang, making him stagger and almost fell to the ground.

"You--" Xie Zhuang's expression changed.

At the same time, several companions in the room also got up one after another and stood beside Xie Zhuang one by one.

"Mr. Chen, there is nothing wrong with what Brother Xie said, you just do it, it's not so good!"

"Mr. Chen, I know you are strong.

But you have to behave well, otherwise, don't want to get mixed up. "

"Today is Master Lu's dinner, Mr. Chen should pay attention to it!"

"Rules are rules. People who shouldn't sit here should leave!"

………Chen Fei glanced at these people who stood up, and through the introduction of Boss Liu, he also understood.

These people are basically the warriors of the second line of Yuncheng, and they have come to court Chen Fei before.

However, looking at the current posture, he should have moved to Lu Hao's side.

As for the other people who were hesitant, some people got up and wanted to persuade a few words, but they were ripped off.

Someone looked at the main seat where Lu Hao was, and saw Lu Hao who was drinking and laughing, and suddenly understood what was going on.

Lu Hao looked like he hadn't seen it. He made it clear that he didn't want to make an appearance. He wanted Xie Zhuang and the others to make a move first and give Chen Fei a bit of prestige.

That being the case, the people who originally wanted to persuade them to shut up at this moment, each of them widened the distance.

At this time, Xie Zhuang and the others, presenting a semicircle, surrounded Chen Fei, and they were about to start their hands.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei raised the corner of his mouth, smiled, and hooked his fingers at several people, and said, "If you want to do it, then come on!"


Xie Zhuang screamed, and four or five people rushed out together, roaring vigorously, fists and feet roared, and the shot was to go all out.

The strength of this group of people is pretty good, at least a third-level martial artist.

Together, the power is even more impressive, and many guests present exclaimed again and again.

However, when their offensive rushed in front of Chen Fei, Chen Fei just waved his hand at random, shook out, and screamed out, directly knocking several people to the ground.

"Puff--" Xie Zhuang was stunned with a spout of blood, struggling to get up from the ground.

He knew that Chen Fei was strong, but he didn't expect Chen Fei to be stronger than he thought.

With so many people joining hands, he couldn't even stop one of his moves. This gap is a bit too big.

"You--" Just when Xie Zhuang was still in shock.

Chen Fei stepped up to him, raised his right hand, landed on Xie Zhuang's right arm, and stepped on it.

"let me go!"

Xie Zhuang felt the horror and shouted, "Master Lu, help, I—" At this time, Lu Hao on the main seat finally stopped pretending to be out of sight.

Putting down the wine glass, Lu Hao got up and walked over here.

At this time, Chen Fei's right foot had begun to exert force, Xie Zhuang's right arm heard a clicking sound, and the bones of his right arm had begun to shatter.

Xie Zhuang let out a cry of pain, "Ah! No, no!"


Lu Hao speeded up, screamed, and rushed over quickly.

However, Chen Fei remained unmoved. He clicked and smashed the bones of Xie Zhuang's right arm directly, and crushed it a few times, completely abolishing Xie Zhuang's right arm. The severe pain caused him to faint. Past.

At this time, Lu Hao rushed to Chen Fei, full of anger, stared at Chen Fei, gritted his teeth and said: "I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

Chen Fei was expressionless, and said lightly: "Did Master Lu speak?

The distance is too far, I didn't hear it, sorry! "

"You--" Lu Hao was furious, almost couldn't help but shoot on the spot.

However, considering the overall situation, Lu Hao still endured it and didn't do anything.

Instead, he said solemnly, "Mr. Chen, today is my banquet held by Lu Hao. You are here to do it, it's not very good!"

With an expression of disapproval, Chen Fei pointed to Xie Zhuang who had fainted on the ground, and said: "I don't know what is good or bad, the one who bullies me, it should be beaten!"

"You--" Lu Hao said, holding back his anger, "Mr. Xie is also my guest. The seat issue is my negligence, so I didn't make it clear to everyone!"

"Then Master Lu will do better next time."

Chen Fei waved his hand, as if forgiving the other party, "This time, I'll forget it, I won't be held accountable!"

"You--" Lu Hao was so angry that he almost yelled at him, but he still held back and said, "Thank you Mr. Chen for your understanding."

Immediately, he turned his head and said, "Arrange seats for the three distinguished guests, and take Mr. Xie and everyone to the treatment.

Lu Hao has covered all kinds of expenses and resource consumption. "

"Lu Gongzi is righteous!"

Many customers praised it.

But there are still many people who whispered and pointed out.

"The dismissal of Master Lu seems to have failed!"

"This lunatic Chen is really not annoying!"

"Hehe, don't look at that lunatic Chen jumping hard now.

When Lu Gongzi becomes real, he will be good-looking. "

"Yes, after all, the people in the main seat have not done anything yet, those are the real main forces."

"Look, what will happen next!"

………Chen Fei ignored these comments and took Boss Liu and Hu Xiaohu to sit down, and he was not polite. He picked up the food on the table and ate and drank.

Lu Hao held back his anger, returned to the main seat, bowed his hands to everyone present, and apologized: "I didn't deal with it properly, which made everyone laugh."

"The son of Lu is too serious, but the countryside makes people unhappy and forgets about his form."

The personable Feng Xiaogu Mo Feng smiled and said.

On the side, the sturdy northwest wolf Zhou Xing patted his chest and said: "I don't know what is good or bad, if it is Mr Lu needs, I will kill him now!"

Xu Lingfeng and Miss Muyu Yulinge next to him also smiled, and then they said, "Master Lu is too kind, and he can't bear to do anything at will. It's admirable."

On the contrary, Lin Hongxuan, the seventh elder of Yujian Pavilion, squinted his eyes and glanced in Chen Fei's direction, without speaking.

Hearing this, Lu Hao waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your understanding."

"However, this is just a small matter.

Today’s banquet is still focused on major events. "

After speaking, Lu Hao raised his right hand and motioned for a moment. The noisy scene immediately fell silent.

Lu Hao looked around for a week and said loudly: "Today, I, Lu Hao, I invite all my colleagues in Yuncheng to gather here because there is a big event about to happen."

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes turned towards Lu Hao.

Everyone knows that the highlight of this night banquet is coming.

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