
Chapter 3004: Lu Hao's suggestion

Lu Hao looked at the crowd, and then said: "Today, in the forest south of Yuncheng, there is a core of lava core, which is about to be born.

I think everyone here should have heard of this news somehow! "

Hearing this, the scene suddenly became lively, and many people whispered.

Lu Hao coughed and continued: "Pill core was born, and there are many people who want to fight for it.

Everyone who is here today must also be contentious. "

"However, when there are too many people, it is easy to get into trouble.

Moreover, it would be bad if someone else fished in troubled waters. "

"So, I propose that today, all of us in Yuncheng, we should join forces and join forces to fight for the core of the lava core."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene burst into flames, and the discussion directly rose to the sky.

"To unite, this is a good way!"

"But how do you unite?"

"Union is easy to say, but how are the benefits distributed?

If you get the core of the lava core at that time, whose thing is it?

This is hard to say! "

"Also, how does Lianhe ensure that everyone stays together.

If someone agrees with the mouth, but secretly engages in their own little actions, how to guard against it. "

………All kinds of sounds came out for a while.

Lu Hao was obviously prepared for this. He made a downward gesture with both hands and said, "I heard your thoughts.

In this regard, we have discussed some countermeasures, and I don’t know what everyone thinks! "

"Master Lu, please speak!"

Someone spoke.

Lu Hao smiled and said, "The union I'm talking about is naturally not forcing. If you want to join, you can join, and if you don't want to, then forget it."

"Of course, once you join, everyone is a companion.

Companions are not allowed to attack each other.

Otherwise, severe punishment will not be granted. "

"As for the distribution of benefits, you can rest assured.

The people of our union, if they get the core lava, they must release the core, let everyone bid for the auction, and finally mark the highest price. "

"The person who gets the Dan core in the end will be given corresponding monetary or material compensation to other partners in the alliance at the highest price."

Having said this, the scene became lively.

"Auction, compensation, this sounds pretty reliable!"

"I think it's good. We didn't have much chance to get something like Dan nuclear.

It's better to join the alliance and earn a small amount of money in the end, which is also an income! "

"It's not that simple! If you want that money, you can do it naturally.

If we are treated as cannon fodder at that time, then I am afraid—" "Also, if someone promises to join the coalition on the surface, but secretly betrays, how should this be handled?

If this point is not resolved, this combination will not be reassuring! "

...... Lu Hao listened to everyone's discussion, and said: "As for everyone's worry about the betrayer, we have also considered this point."

"I have a batch of temporary martial arts badges here, and those who want to join the alliance must wear this temporary martial arts badge.

This martial artist card is officially certified and is included in the official system. "

"Once someone wears a temporary martial arts certificate, but betrays everyone.

It will be included in the most wanted list by the official system, and become a wanted person worldwide. "

"If there is a traitor who wants to get in, you should weigh the consequences in advance!"

"Of course, after this incident is over, we will naturally invalidate the temporary martial artist certificate and clear all the previous information.

You can rest assured about this. "

After speaking, Lu Hao took out a batch of small metal plates.

But the people below continued to talk, and many people changed their expressions.

"Temporary martial artist card, I know this thing, it will draw blood and aura information, and it will be included in the system.

It is equivalent to a tracking device. "

"Then we put it on, wouldn't it be equivalent to being monitored."

"I'm not worried about being monitored.

This union, I don't want to join anymore. "

"Yeah, he made the information clear, but who knows if it is clear."

"I don't want to be included on the most wanted list, that would be too dangerous."

……… Lu Hao’s hand made a group of enthusiastic people who want to join the alliance hesitated at this moment, and they all gave birth to a retreat.

Someone even got up and said with a smile: "I understand what Lu Gongzi meant.

Thank you Lu Gongzi for your kindness, but I am usually lazy.

It is still convenient for one person to move, so there is no trouble to Lu Gongzi. "

Someone took the lead, and many others stood up and expressed their intention to leave.

"Lu Gongzi, I am afraid this union is not suitable for me."

"My strength is low, so I won't join the joint to drag me down."

This result was clearly expected by Lu Hao.

He looked at the people who got up to leave, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and said, "Naturally, I, Lu Hao, will not force anyone to join the union!"

"It's just that before you leave, there is something to remember."

"On the day when the core is born, the people we unite will go to the land of the core from Yuncheng through the Larch Valley."

"For the sake of safety, if you are not a united person, it is best to go by another road.

In order to avoid any accidents at that time, something will happen, that would be bad. "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of those who stood up and were about to leave suddenly sank.

The following discussion also became intense.

Almost all of you here have learned about Dan nuclear information.

Everyone knows that the safest route to start from Yuncheng to the birthplace of Dan Core is the Larch Valley mentioned by Lu Hao.

There is a caravan passing through, opening a trail, and various equipment and supplies are arguably the most complete.

If you take a detour from other places, it will not only be farther away.

And the dangers of various beasts in the forest will increase exponentially.

The meaning of Lu Hao's remarks clearly means that those who do not join the union are not allowed to pass through Luosong Valley.

This trick directly broke the intention of a considerable number of people who wanted to explore alone.

For a while, many people's faces showed anger.

The warrior who stood up first looked at Lu Hao with anger, and said, "Master Lu is too overbearing! Luosonggu, that's everyone's territory, Master Lu has no reason not to let others pass!"

Lu Hao squinted and smiled, and said, "Special moments, special treatment.

Please understand! "

"If I don't understand it!"

The warrior said solemnly.

Lu Hao's eyes sank, he waved his big hand, snorted, and screamed out, directly hitting the warrior who asked the question, and blasted it to the ground.

"Lu Hao, you--" The warrior who fell on the ground spit out a mouthful of blood, his face full of anger and unwillingness.

But without saying anything, he was dragged out by a group of city guard officers and soldiers.

The eyes of many other guests around also changed.

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