
Chapter 3138: Initial confrontation

The leader of the five is a short, thin man who looks about forty years old.

With a pattern of lightning tattooed on his neck, he stepped out, looked at Chen Fei, and asked, "You are Chen Feng!"

"I am."

Chen Fei said lightly.

The lightning man's voice sank, his eyes glared at Chen Feng, and he said, "I am one of the eight guardians of the Thunder Palace."

As soon as the name of the other party was reported, it caused countless heated discussions on the Internet.

Although many people had already known before that the Thunder Palace dispatched lightning.

But for the majority of ordinary people, it is only at this moment that they really know the identity of the opponent.

For a while, the search information about "Flash Thunder" quickly climbed on the Huaxia Internet. Related introductions and news were quickly turned out, and countless netizens clicked to view and forwarded them, spreading rapidly.

As more and more netizens found information about Flash Thunder, a wave of worry and pessimism could not help spreading among Chinese netizens.

"Flashing Thunder is the eight great guardians of the Thunder Palace, the real high-level personnel of the Thunder Palace."

"I see from the information that Flash Thunder's strength has reached the seventh level and five levels, and Abraham is still a level stronger."

"Chen Feng is probably going to lose this time, his opponent is too strong."

"It's okay if you just lose, you can get a life back.

What I worry about now is that Flash Thunder doesn't want to give Chen Feng a way to survive! "

... "What the **** did the Martial Arts Alliance think, let Chen Feng face the opponent alone, and watched that there is one less one of our masters in China?"

"Upstairs, didn't you watch the news?

This is Chen Feng's personal grievances, and he naturally wants him to deal with it alone. What's all the fuss about this. "

"Thunder Palace said it was a personal grievance, you really believe it.

This is clearly an excuse for the other party to attack us. What's ridiculous is that the Martial Arts Alliance actually took it seriously, and really stood idly by and didn't care at all. "

"The Martial Arts Alliance didn't say that it didn't matter, it was Chen Feng who did his best and said that he had to deal with it alone.

Why are you hitting it again now? "

"Hehe, it's the Martial Arts Alliance! During that time, you kept blowing up the Internet, do you think everyone is a fool, don't you see it?"

………After a series of curse wars, they spread on the Internet again and again.

However, at the moment on the islands and reefs, no one on both sides pays attention to these.

After Flashing Lei reported his home, Chen Fei had no expression on his face, not even the slightest mood swing, and still looked at each other coldly.

With this state, Flashing could not help but frowned, and his face showed a touch of dissatisfaction.

After all, he thought his name was loud enough, and the other party didn't react at all, which made him a little annoyed.

However, after all, he is a top expert, and Flash Thunder will naturally not lose his temper because of this little emotion.

The dissatisfaction on his face only flashed by. He continued to look serious, looking at Chen Fei, and continued to speak: "Today, I am flashing thunder on behalf of the Thunder Palace. Trace you Chen Feng for killing my Thunder Palace members Angus and Jonny. In the case of Abraham and Abraham, you can plead guilty!"

The last scream, like a thunder in a clear sky, suddenly sounded, shocking the countless viewers before the live TV broadcast. For a moment, the heart palpitations were so great that they almost screamed.

"This momentum is too strong.

Across the screen, there is still such a great power, is this the eight guardians of the Thunder Palace, too strong! "

"That feeling just now was too weird.

I felt the sound resounding in my head, shocked so hard that I almost told my secret. "

"Chen Feng is in danger, the other party is too thorough this time."

………At this moment, countless Chinese netizens began to worry about Chen Fei.

But at this moment, Chen Fei, who was intimidated by the flashing thunder, remained motionless, and even raised the corners of his mouth with a mocking smile.

"It's all this time, isn't it ridiculous that Thunder Palace is still playing this kind of bug-caring trick?"

While speaking, Chen Fei pointed his finger forward and lightly tapped.

With a "poof", it sounded like a burst of bubbles.

An invisible film was punctured by Chen Fei.

At this moment, countless viewers watching the live broadcast seemed to hear a soft noise, and then the sound that echoed in their heads disappeared.

Flashing thunder's stern shout also became normal. Although the volume was still loud and the momentum was strong, the shocking effect that was just now lost.

At this moment, some people realized something and couldn't help swearing.

"Damn, the Thunder Palace is too insidious.

It turned out to be such a hand to our audience, secretly using sonic offensives to guide our emotions and let us lean towards them. "

"Not only must we win actual combat, but we must also defeat us spiritually.

The Thunder Palace is too insidious. "

"What to do, I am more and more worried about Mr. Chen."

………At this moment, on the island and reef, Shining's complexion sank, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Because the sonic technique just now was specially arranged by him, it was very hidden, and he wanted to secretly affect Chen Feng's mind.

Unexpectedly, at the very beginning, he was seen through by the other party and broke through with a single finger.

Suddenly, Flashing's complexion sank, and he spoke again: "Chen Feng, you kill my three members of the Thunder Palace.

But I, the Lord of Thunder, is magnanimous, and he is willing to give you a chance. "

"If you are willing to take the initiative to confess your sins and come to my Thunder Palace to bear Jing's guilt, our lord, you can save your life."

Hearing this, Chen Fei smiled.

"why are you laughing?"

Flashing Lei frowned and said, "Chen Feng, don't know what is good or bad, this is the kindhearted heart of our Thunder Palace master, you--" "The kind hearted?

Ha ha! "

Chen Feng smiled.

Then, he turned around abruptly, facing the waters around the island and reef behind him, blasting hundreds of vigor.

The breath screamed, like flying swords, piercing into the sea.

Such a scene caused countless viewers watching the live broadcast to frown, not knowing why.

Especially those Abraham's fans, Chen Feng's sunspots, at this moment, they did not forget to seize the opportunity to attack Chen Feng on the Internet.

"I don't know what is good or bad, they are magnanimous and give him a way of life, I don't cherish it, but dare to do it, haha!"

"I think I am used to it at home, thinking that foreign countries will also be used to him.

See how he died! "

"Let me say that the Lightning Guardian shouldn't let this murderer go.

Kill him and avenge Abraham! "

…… But when many netizens were unwilling to answer their anger, when the camera turned around, a burst of red suddenly rose in the sea around the islands and reefs.

In the surging red, eight corpses floated from the sea, all wearing the uniforms of the Thunder Palace.

"Thunder Palace, you really have a kind heart! While negotiating with me, I didn't forget to arrange someone behind me to carry out a sneak attack on me!"

Chen Fei gave a mocking sneer and looked at the flashing thunder.

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