
Chapter 3139: Four kills with one sword

Flash Lei's face was gloomy, and his expression became more and more ugly.

Just now, he said that the promise of Rao Chen Feng's life was not true, it was just a trick.

For such a dangerous opponent, Thunder Palace would not be so stupid to keep his hands.

He deliberately said that leaving Chen Feng's life was to distract Chen Fei, and then he arranged for his subordinates in the sea to launch a surprise attack.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng still saw through his tactics and turned around to kill all the subordinates he arranged.

………At this moment, the audience watching the live broadcast understands what is going on.

All of a sudden, those netizens who insulted Chen Feng just now were turned over by angry netizens.

"Speaking of the magnanimity of the Thunder Palace, you can see it now!"

"One set on the surface, one set on the back, worthy of the Thunder Palace, still so shameless."

"One by one, continue to lick.

See if your kind-hearted foreign dad will take a look at you. "

………At this moment, on the island and reef, Flash Thunder's complexion became more and more gloomy. The two sides had just confronted, and his careful arrangement of two hands was broken by Chen Feng in an instant.

This made Flash Thunder feel embarrassed and angry, and the gloom on his face gradually turned into a strong killing intent.


With an order, Shan Lei and his four men attacked Chen Feng together.

Even if other methods didn't work, then just beheaded directly.

After all, his flashing thunder is a master of the seventh level and five levels, and the four men around him also have the strength of the sixth level and eight levels.

Under the joint hands, the strength is good.

In an instant, countless vitality auras whizzed and surged, drew the surrounding air, and set off a gust of wind.

The violent wind moved the calm sea, causing the originally calm and mirror-like sea to surge instantly.

A huge wave more than ten meters high, whizzed towards the island and reef, like a roaring beast, about to swallow this small island and reef into its abdomen.

In the violent vigor, a stream of light, with a fierce killing intent, attacked from all directions, almost completely covering Chen Fei, not giving him a little room to dodge.

At the same time, a layer of golden light burst out from the flashing thunder in the front direction.

This layer of light resembled an electric snake, thunderbolt, with the sound of thunder, roaring from the front.

The sky, which was originally a clear sky, seems to have been affected by these breaths at this moment, and clouds of dark clouds have gathered.

At this moment, on the cruise ship, Qin Song and Jiang Hao, who were already more than ten kilometers away, looked at the discolored islands and reefs, and their faces were full of worry.

"This is a fight, Brother Chen, he--" Jiang Hao said with a worried expression on his face.

From the side, Qin Song patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry about Mr. Chen. Since he made such a decision and went to the meeting alone, then he must have his own arrangements."

"The only thing we have to do now is to trust him."

After hearing Qin Song's words, Jiang Hao gritted his teeth and nodded, looking at the direction of the island and reef, and said in a low voice: "Brother Chen, from now on, you will be the second idol in my heart."

Qin Song was a little curious when he heard this, and asked aloud: "The second idol, why isn't it the first?"

Jiang Hao looked at Qin Song seriously and said, "Because in my heart, my first idol is only one person, and it can only be one person."

"Who is so mysterious! Who is the top master at home and abroad?

You President Zheng, or President Long, or Palace Master Qingmu? "

Qin Song guessed.

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "Neither, my first idol is Master Chen Fei Chen!"

"Master Chen!"

Hearing this name that was once familiar but rarely mentioned recently, Qin Song couldn't help but stunned, as if thinking of something far away.

"Master Chen is the hero of China and even all mankind. He is worthy."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao nodded seriously and said, "That's what I think.

Therefore, when the government decided to tear down the statue of Master Chen at the entrance of our school, I was very opposed to it, and even harassed the school committee, but it didn't work. In the end, I was knocked down. "

When mentioning this incident, Qin Song's brows also frowned, "In the beginning, our President Zhong was strongly opposed to this incident.

But it was passed by the people of the Budo Alliance. "

"Hey--" The two sighed, with some emotion.

At this moment, there was a "boom" explosion in the direction of the islands and reefs.

Countless sea water bursts and splashes, forming layers of gray-white waves, which are almost connected with the low hanging clouds, forming a gray space where clouds and water meet on the sea.

In the space, you can vaguely see the flickering thunderbolt of the true essence of all colors, as well as the sound of rumbling and collision, and finally there is no explosion.

"call out!"

Just as the explosion sounded, a crimson vigor cut through the dim space, pulling out a long thin red line, passing through the air, like a knife, cutting away the pale and gray space.

This red line stretched longer and longer, and when it reached the end, the speed was extremely fast, pulling out an afterimage, smashing through the space.

Then, Jiang Hao and Qin Song saw four black spots in the air, and finally fell into the sea.

"what is that?"

Jiang Hao couldn't help but ask aloud without seeing clearly.

At this time, countless viewers who watched the live broadcast also uttered this question in amazement.

Just now, with the surging energies of the two sides, the storm was overwhelming, and the waves and dark clouds were intertwined, turning the whole picture into a gray area, and everyone could not see what was going on.

Only the gleaming light inside and the sound of bursting can be seen.

Immediately, the sudden appearance of the red line shocked everyone.

The live broadcaster was also keenly aware of this, and immediately adjusted the lens to aim at the red line.

Then, countless viewers saw a scene that shocked them extremely.

The red line finally crossed at a very fast speed, cutting through the space, and four black dots flashed past.

The camera zoomed in, and four black dots were captured, which were the heads of the four of Flash's men.

Just now, they scattered everywhere and launched a siege on Chen Fei, but now, Chen Fei's head was severed.

As the red line splits the dim waves and dark clouds, countless viewers can see that the red line is nothing but a red sword in Chen Fei's hand.

And Flash Thunder's four men had turned into four headless corpses at this moment, lying on the ground.

Suddenly, countless audiences were shocked.

"is this real?

With a sword, Chen Feng slashed the four members of the Thunder Palace! "

"Those four, although they are not as powerful as Chen Feng, they are also masters of the sixth level and eighth realm, and they were killed by a single sword.

What realm has Chen Feng's strength reached? "

"Couldn't, Chen Feng will win!"

"I don't think it is possible. The strength of Flash Thunder is a seventh-level and five-level realm, which is not the same level as a sixth-level and eight-level realm.

Chen Feng may have used some means to kill the four people, but against Flash Thunder, he could not win. "


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