
Chapter 3165: Greedy absorption

"This, this familiar breath is the world tree, really the world tree."

Chen Fei became excited for a while, looking at the branch in his hand, feeling particularly excited.

This branch proved that Chen Fei's conjecture just now was correct.

The green beam of light is the world tree.

The green branch in Chen Fei's palm was a branch that fell from the World Tree.

Chen Fei quickly refined the branches of his palms into his dantian position.

Suddenly, Chen Fei felt that his core position, which had been empty for more than three years, suddenly became full.

A green branch, floating in the position of the core of the pill, continuously sucking in the aura of the true essence that has passed by, strengthening Chen Fei's aura.

Chen Fei immediately closed his eyes and meditated in the void.

"Huh, huh, huh!"

I don't know how long it took, Chen Fei's body was vigorously surging from layer to layer.

Finally, Chen Fei opened his eyes, with a look of joy on his face, the corners of his mouth split, and he smiled and said to himself: "I have a core, and finally I have a core again.

Although this branch can not be regarded as all cores.

But it has improved my strength very well. "

The original Chen Fei had already reached the seventh-level and sixth-level realm, and was not far from the seventh-level and seventh-level realm.

But because of the lack of Dan core, it has been unable to truly exert the strength of the seventh level and sixth stage.

Relying on the cultivation technique and the powerful body before, it was considered to have the strength of the seventh level and triple realm.

Even, sometimes under the outbreak, it is not a problem to fight against the seventh level and four levels.

However, it is very difficult to go further.

This is also the problem that Chen Fei encountered against Flash Thunder not long ago.

Therefore, in the end, he used Divine Soul to inspire the Ice Soul Orb, and only then killed the seven-level and five-level flashing thunder.

And now, Chen Fei's own strength had returned to the seventh level and sixth level.

Coupled with the technique and powerful body, if Chen Fei at this moment encounters a flash of thunder, he will not be able to arouse his soul at all, and he will be able to kill it.

For a moment, Chen Fei couldn't help laughing relentlessly.


The Huo Jiao in his arms felt Chen Fei's joy and couldn't help but say: "Boss, what happened, you laugh so happy?

Is it irritated? "

Chen Fei patted Huojiao and said, "Can't you think of something good?

I have found hope of escape. "

"What is the hope of escape?

Boss, you can't leave me behind, you must take me with you. "

Huo Jiao entangled Chen Fei tightly, worried that he would abandon himself.

"Okay, don't be numb.

I have been taking you for so long, how could I leave you behind. "

"However, I am not sure whether my method will work or not. I have to try it."

Chen Fei said.

Huo Jiao quickly relaxed and said: "Boss, I won't pester you anymore.

Try it quickly, try it hard. "

Chen Fei nodded, and immediately stimulated the temporary core in his dantian at the moment, sending out a martial intent of wood attributes, and cautiously probed towards the surface of the beam of light.

When Chen Fei's wooden meaning touched the beam of light, it was not directly bounced off like last time, but gradually merged into that layer of green light.


Upon seeing this, Chen Fei was overjoyed and continued to arouse Mu Yi, leaning into the beam of light a little bit.

As a result, Chen Fei's wooden intention was like a thin needle like a cow's hair, gently pierced on the surface of the huge world tree, trying to pierce it through.

However, the skin of the World Tree was thicker than Chen Fei expected.

And the temporary pill nucleus formed by absorbing a section of branches is naturally not as powerful as the state of heyday.

As a result, this work was carried out in a hurry, and even outsiders could not even notice the progress.

Only by controlling Chen Fei himself, who is like a cow hair, can he feel the subtle changes in the wooden meaning.

In this way, Chen Fei controlled Mu Yi and plunged into the skin of the World Tree bit by bit.

I don't know how long it took, when Chen Fei himself was a little numb.

Suddenly, his body trembled, and a smile appeared on his face, "Thank you!"

After a long period of time, the Mu Yi he controlled finally made a hole in the skin of the World Tree.

This hole is so subtle that it would be impossible to notice if it weren't for a closer look.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei, looking at the direction of the hole, was more and more surprised.

Because, at this moment, there is a breath, spraying out from the hole.

Because the holes are extremely small, this breath is naturally also very subtle.

But it was this subtle breath that made Chen Fei lose his temper, and he directly stuck it up, almost closing his mouth on the hole, greedily absorbing it.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing this, Huo Jiao couldn't help but asked curiously.

However, at this time Chen Fei had no intention of answering his words.

Because, the world tree itself is a channel connecting the Earth Metasphere and the earth.

After the blockade of Taboo Island was broken three years ago, the communication between the Earth Elementary Realm and the earth began to speed up.

And what the Earth Elementary Realm poured into the earth was mainly the spiritual vitality of the Earth Elemental Realm.

These vitality is the energy absorbed by the monks of the earth element world, which is equivalent to the aura absorbed by the earth warriors.

However, in terms of purity and energy, it is more than a grade higher than the aura of the earth.

Almost a drop of vitality can be worth the aura of a pool on the earth.

This is a qualitative gap.

The world tree is equivalent to a water pipe erected between the earth element world and the earth. The vitality on the earth element world continuously flows into the earth through the water pipe of the world tree.

This is also the reason why the concentration of the earth's aura has continued to rise in the past three years, and the strength of warriors has generally increased.

At this moment, Chen Fei used his own wooden intent to open a gap in this water pipe.

As a result, the vitality flowing in the "pipe" gushes out from the gap.

That's pure Earth Element Realm vitality, so Chen Fei absorbed it so greedily.

I have to say that the vitality of the Earth Element Realm is indeed strong.

After Chen Fei took a few breaths, he immediately felt a lot of aura in his body.

The level that was originally stuck at the seventh level and the sixth level was directly broken through at this moment, reaching the seventh level and the seventh level.

Moreover, this kind of promotion has not stopped, under the excitation of vitality, it continues to climb upwards, and begins to impact the seventh-level eighth realm.

Huo Jiao noticed Chen Fei's promotion movement, and then suddenly realized that there must be something good here, and immediately rushed over.

After posting it, Huo Jiao immediately felt the strong vitality, and his tone changed drastically, "This breath is too pure and too strong.

It is more than one grade stronger than the purest spiritual spring water on earth. "

"Boss, you have such a good thing, it is too much to not share it with me."

Whispering, Huo Jiao himself pressed against the surface of the World Tree and began to absorb it frantically.

In this way, Chen Fei and Fire Jiao, like two insects, stick to the epidermis of the huge tree of the World Tree, break the epidermis with their mouthparts, greedily absorbing the sap of the World Tree.

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