
Chapter 3166: Leaving the space crack

I don't know how long it has taken, Chen Fei's martial art realm has been raised to the seventh level and nine levels, and it is only one step away from the eighth realm.

But Huo Jiao has made rapid progress.

Directly from the sixth-level realm, broke through to the seventh-level realm, and then jumped all the way up to the seventh-level and fifth-level realm.

Just when the two are reluctant to give up and want to continue to absorb.

That extremely tiny hole seemed to be repaired by the World Tree itself.

After thinking about it, this is normal.

If the World Tree is really seen as a huge living tree, it is normal for the epidermis to be damaged and self-repair.

Chen Fei did not try again to penetrate the skin of the World Tree with wood intentions. First, he was worried that the World Tree would have a more serious rejection reaction. Second, Chen Fei and Huo Jiao had reached their current limits.

If you continue to absorb vitality, it will be difficult to improve your realm.

On the contrary, it may be that his body was first destroyed by his vitality, and finally ended up in a dead end.

Huo Jiao patted his applauded belly, and said to Chen Fei, "Boss, what shall we do next?"

Chen Fei said, "Find a way to get out of here."

"How to leave, boss, do you have a way?"

Huo Jiao asked excitedly.

Chen Fei nodded and said, "I have an idea, whether it will come true or not, I don't know yet."

"What can you say, boss?"

Huo Jiao couldn't wait, and hurriedly said.

Chen Fei said: "When the World Tree trembled before, it caused the void to tremble, causing black lines to appear in the surrounding space.

Then these black lines, after moving away from the expansion, turned into spatial cracks.

Did you see this? "

"I saw."

Huo Jiao said, "Boss, what do you mean, leave here through those spatial cracks?"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "That's what I think."

Huo Jiao became a little anxious for a moment, and said worriedly: "Boss, that's a crack in space. Entering it, who knows what will happen.

Besides, we don't know where the opening of the space crack will be. When we get in, it will be difficult if it appears in some remote and strange place, or even far away from the earth. "

"In the beginning, we were sucked into the cracks in the space and we all survived.

Now that our strength has improved, the risk of space cracks should not be so high. "

Chen Fei explained.

"As for the exit point you mentioned, there is really no way to control it, you can only try your luck.

However, it should still be on the earth, not in other spaces.

After all, this world tree is connected with the earth element world and the earth. "

Huo Jiao was still worried, "But, boss, this—" "If you don't want to go, then stay here alone, and I will leave by myself."

Chen Fei said.

At this time, Huo Jiao was anxious, and hurriedly stepped forward, "Boss, I will go with you.

Let's have a companion with everyone, lest you be lonely! "

Chen Fei smiled, and then told Huo Jiao: "Be prepared, I'm going to try."

"Yes, boss!"

Huo Jiao uttered a serious tone and plunged directly into Chen Fei's arms.

At this moment, Chen Fei, with a blue vigor gathered in his palm, slammed it directly on the surface of the world tree like a beam of light.


Suddenly, on the surface of the World Tree, the cyan light began to tremble.

Qi Jin began to fluctuate to the surroundings, and the already unstable space, being pulled by this fluctuation, suddenly became violent.

The space around the World Tree began to tremble, and black lines appeared. These lines kept trembling and changing, getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into black cracks, drifting out into the surrounding void.

"Here, prepare!"

Chen Fei said.

He scanned the black cracks quickly, wanting to see something from them.

However, what he regrets is that from the outside, these spatial cracks can't be distinguished at all, and naturally they can't be distinguished.

That being the case, Chen Fei didn't get entangled anymore, and directly chose a nearby spatial crack, and quickly moved closer to the past.

At the same time, he stimulated the vitality aura in his body, forming a protective gas shield on the surface of his body.

In his arms, the fearful Fire Jiao hid under Chen Fei's gas mask, and added another protective cover to himself.

In this way, wait until the space cracks are big enough for Chen Fei to get in.

Without hesitation, Chen Fei rushed into the space crack with a squeak.

The sky was spinning again, the wind and vigor continued to whistle in the ears, and the whole world was in darkness.

I don't know how long it took, and Chen Fei, who was dizzy, suddenly felt his eyes light up.

Then, with a snap, he fell onto a piece of soft grass.

Behind him, the black space cracks, still whistling and trembling, as if to inhale everything around him.

Therefore, Chen Fei hurriedly distanced himself from the cracks in the space [Penquge].

After pulling the distance, Chen Fei had time to observe the surrounding environment.

This is a dense forest with lush trees and no end in sight.

In the forest, there are many remaining ferocious beasts, but at this moment, no ferocious beast is found nearby.

Perhaps it was frightened away by the movement of space cracks.

There was only the forest, so Chen Fei couldn't judge the specific location for a while.

He is going to find a high mountain, climb to the top to take a look at the surrounding environment, maybe he can find a place where people live, then he can confirm his position.

However, just when Chen Fei soared into the air, ready to search for the mountains.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of real vitality.

In an instant, Chen Fei's movements stopped and he began to probe carefully.

"South, someone is coming!"

Chen Fei noticed the movement, and his figure retreated silently, hiding himself behind a tree.

At the same time, Chen Fei aroused his temporary pill core, and wrapped himself and Huo Jiao.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's whole person was completely integrated with the woods. From the perspective of breath, he could not tell the difference between Chen Fei and the trees.

About three minutes later, a group of people walked nearby.

Hidden in the woods, Chen Fei looked intently and found that the arrival was a group of yellow men in uniforms.

"The breath is in this direction, are you sure?"

"This is the direction the Maharaja personally found out. Don't you still believe the Maharaja?"

"Hurry up, there must be something good over there, and you can't let others get ahead."

………While speaking, this group of uniformed yellow men marched in the direction where the space crack appeared.

Seeing this, Chen Fei guessed in his heart, "Judging from their accent, they should be from an island nation.

Could it be that this is an island country, this team of people, is their army? "

Immediately, this island nation team came all the way to the place where the space crack appeared.

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