
Chapter 3260: Wanliu return to the clan

Du Nanxing continued: "At that time, someone discovered that this heavenly sacred tree not only has a wonderful function, but also absorbs other breaths, blends into itself, and exerts different effects. It is amazing.

Therefore, at that time, there were so many people thinking about understanding the World Tree Yuan Yin. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei faintly thought of something, and muttered: "Absorb other breaths and blend them into himself.

This, I use my world tree yuan seal, can absorb a variety of martial arts, is it because of this characteristic. "

"But, Yu Shu told me before.

My Yuan Yin, because it absorbed too many other martial intents, was too mottled, so it was more difficult to practice. "

Du Nanxing took a sip and said, "That kid is unlearned and unskilled, bullshit, nonsense."

"Uh-" Chen Fei was afraid to answer.

Du Nanxing continued to explain: "Actually, the reason why the Heavenly Sacred Tree was gradually called the World Tree.

The main reason is that the function of Tongtian Shenmu is gradually weakening, and the power of the Yuan Yin of perception is too weak, making people at that time feel that they are not worthy of the word Shenmu, so it gradually became the common name of World Tree. "

"The other reason is the rumors about the essence of Tongtian Shenmu."


These two words made Chen Fei even more serious.

Du Nanxing said: "The main function of the Heavenly Sacred Wood is to connect two different worlds, communicate and exchange vitality, so that the two worlds will eventually reach balance and become one world. This is its essence."

"And in the process of communicating and exchanging vitality, the Heavenly Sacred Tree will also absorb the breath of all things in the two worlds carried in the vitality."

"So, absorbing and blending other auras is also a major function of Tongtian Shenmu."

After speaking, Dunan Xing paused, and then continued.

"Extend from this essence, if you understand the heavenly **** Mu Yuanyin.

The monk's body can be regarded as one world, and the environment in which he is located can be regarded as another world. "

"The role of Yuanyin is also to communicate the two worlds.

But compared to a world, the individual is of course very weak.

Therefore, it can basically be regarded as the human body absorbing the breath of this world. "

"Since the ultimate function of the heavenly sacred tree is to balance the two worlds and merge into one."

"So, theoretically speaking, the World Tree Yuan Yin should have a similar effect, practicing to the top level, allowing the monk himself to integrate with the world he lives in."

Hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but mutter.

"Be one with the world, I am the world, and the world is me.

This—" Chen Fei had already begun to imagine what a terrifying existence it would be if it were to cultivate to this level.

One person controls a world, moves with one thought, everything changes, what a magical scene that would be.

Seeing Chen Fei's longing, Du Nanxing knocked Chen Fei's head and said, "Of course, that's just a theory.

In fact, no one has reached this level. "

"Ah, this—" Chen Fei was a little disappointed.

However, he asked hopefully, "Master, what do you mean is that everyone's understanding of the World Tree Yuan Yin was wrong before."

Those other martial intents that I absorbed were not mottled impurities, but belonged to the characteristics of the world itself. "

"My practice direction is right, continue to practice like this.

Even if you can't reach the realm where the legendary world and the individual are integrated, can you improve your strength and improve your Yuan Yin? "

Du Nanxing nodded and said, "Your practice direction is indeed right.

However, there are other requirements to advance toward that state. "

"any request?"

Chen Fei asked.

Du Nanxing said: "You need a corresponding exercise to lead and sort out your world tree seal.

Instead of using the characteristics of the World Tree Yuan Yin to absorb all kinds of martial intentions without a purpose. "

"If you want to truly integrate with the world, you need a variety of breaths and martial arts.

But the fusion ratio between various breaths and martial arts also requires planning.

Otherwise, if you absorb a breath indiscriminately, you may eventually cause your own breath to be disordered and eventually burst into death. "

"Ah, this--" Chen Fei had a black line, thinking of absorbing martial intent, but he had no goal, and absorbed it in a mess.

Basically, when encountering something that can be absorbed, it will directly absorb the refining and chemical industry, and has not considered the problem of planning and matching.

Now that Master said that, Chen Fei knew how dangerous his previous behavior was.

Fortunately, the breath absorbed before was not too much, so there were no side effects.

With lingering fears, Chen Fei patted his chest. Chen Fei looked at Dunan Xing and said, "Master, what exactly is the required technique?

Where can I find it? "

Du Nanxing didn't answer, but instead opened a cabinet, pulled out a yellowed manuscript from it, and threw it to Chen Fei, "See it for yourself!"


Chen Fei took the manuscript and saw the four characters "Wan Liu Gui Zong" written in handwriting on the cover. Then he opened it and looked at it. It was indeed a practice.

Suddenly, Chen Fei was shocked, "Master, this, is this what you said, the practice required to practice the World Tree Yuan Seal?"

Du Nanxing glanced at Chen Fei for nothing, and said with no good air: "Of course it is?

No, what do you think I just said so much for?

Am I teasing you? "

"Cough, of course not, it's just, it's just—" For a while, Chen Fei was a little bit confused.

After all, what Master said just now is so mysterious, so subtle, so rare.

Chen Fei thought that this level of exercises must be very precious, and it must be difficult to find. Maybe you have to go to some secret realm and relics, and you can find it after hardships.

As a result, the master directly threw the exercises to himself with his backhand, and it was a manuscript that looked even a little shabby.

This made Chen Fei unacceptable for a while.

"Here, I, Master, is this technique real?"

Chen Fei was still unbelievable.

Du Nanxing didn't have a good temper, and he said with a black face: "If you don't practice, give it back to me."

"I practice, Master, I practice."

Chen Fei hurriedly stuffed this "Ten Thousand Flows Returning to the Clan" technique into his arms.

Du Nanxing said: "Okay, remember to return it to me after training."

"Also, in terms of refining medicine, it can't be left behind either."

"Relax, Master, I won't be lazy."

Chen Fei promised, patting his chest.

Du Nanxing said: "By the way, didn't you promise the Gu family to participate in the city competition?

During the recent period, we need to improve the realm of strength. "

"If you don't have a place to practice, I will arrange a few training rooms for you at Nanyan College, and you will be there when the time comes."

"Ah, Master, I am not a student of Nanyan College. Is this okay?"

Chen Fei said.

Du Nanxing rolled his eyes, "I am the elder of the Pharmacist Department of Nanyan College anyway, do you think I have no such skills?"

"Thank you, Master."

Chen Fei immediately thanked him.

"Okay, don't delay time, go to refining medicine."

Dunant Star Road.

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