
Chapter 3261: Du Chanyi

The next day, Du Nanxing took Chen Fei to Nanyan College early in the morning.

When entering the academy, Chen Fei first saw groups of young people.

Compared with the ordinary people outside the city, the young people here appear more active and more confident, and the aura on their bodies is much stronger than the average level, at least reaching the level of the fourth level of the Primordial Soul Realm.

It can be seen that this Nanyan College is indeed an important base for cultivating young people in Nanyan City.

As Du Nanxing walked toward the campus, he explained, "This time, I have reserved a training room for you in the Martial Arts Department. You seize the opportunity, practice hard, and improve your strength as much as possible.

After all, the time for big changes in the city is late. "

Chen Fei nodded and asked, "Master, is there anything special about the practice room?"

Is it okay to practice outside?

I think the concentration of vitality in the earth element world is rich enough. "

Compared with the earth, the vitality of the earth element world can be described as lush, so Chen Fei feels that this kind of training room does not seem to have such a big effect.

However, Du Nanxing said: "The training room is not only an advantage of high vitality concentration.

It can also help temper the body, improve the ability to resist hits, and even to a certain extent, can also increase the strength of the soul. "

"The training room, even if it's inside the academy.

Not everyone can use it.

Only the top ten geniuses of the martial arts department, as well as the top geniuses of other departments, are eligible to use it. "

"As for other people who want to use it, they all pay a huge price."

"Thanks to the body and enhances the soul."

Chen Fei didn't expect this training room to be so magical and still have such a powerful effect, so he looked forward to it for a while.

Then, thinking of what Master had just said to pay a huge price, Chen Fei said to Dunan Xing: "Master, thank you.

I—" "Okay, don't be hypocritical. "

Du Nanxing waved his hand to interrupt Chen Fei's gratitude, "You are rewarded me by practicing well and improving your strength."

Before long, the two of them walked to a building similar to a school building.

Du Nanxing stopped and said to Chen Fei: "My Pharmacist department has something to deal with. For the training room, you go and wait under the tree statue in front. My granddaughter will come to you and take you to the training room to complete the procedures. ."

"Your granddaughter!"

Chen Fei looked surprised.

Du Nanxing said: "Why, can't I have a granddaughter?"

"No, Master, I didn't mean that.

It's just that I haven't heard you mention it in the past few days, nor have I seen her come back, so—"Chen Fei said.

Du Nanxing said: "My granddaughter's name is Du Chanyi, and she is also a student of Nanyan College, but she is not very interested in refining medicine. She entered the martial arts department.

Because I have been in the academy, I naturally did not come back. "

"However, you don't have to worry, I have already told her about you."

After speaking, Dunan Xing turned directly and walked towards a building full of flowers and plants.

Chen Fei waved his hand and bid farewell to Master.

Then came under the tree statue that Dunant said.

While waiting, Chen Fei observed the environment of the college.

The academy is large and there are many students coming and going. From time to time, some eyes will fall on Chen Fei. After taking a closer look, he gave a slightly haughty cold snort, turned his head and walked away.

Among them, most of them are students of the martial arts department, and you can feel the strong vitality from them.

Of course, there are also students from other departments passing by occasionally.

For example, there is a student of the Royal Beast department, riding the fierce beast under his control, walking swaggering past.

There are also students in the talismanic department who use the function of talisman to defend against the wind and are very chic.

………After waiting for a cup of tea, a group of students clashed out of the huge building in front after a bang of bells.

Chen Fei's gaze also followed.

Among the crowd, a girl who looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old **** Earth walked towards the tree statue.

The girl was wearing a navy blue martial arts uniform with loose trouser legs, but she could still see her slender legs with a belt tied around her waist to outline her slender waist.

Above her graceful figure is a refreshing and delicate face.

There is no powder on the face, but it is exquisite just right, coupled with the unique vitality of the girl, it immediately gives people a youthful feeling.

Let Chen Fei think of those exquisite and perfect sports girls in the earth idol drama.

The difference is that the characters in idol dramas are fake characters that are co-deduced under the cooperation of actors, stylists, directors, lighting and other foreign objects.

And the girl in front of me at this moment is a real, real, and alive athletic girl.

The girl's personality is also downright and generous, and she voluntarily stepped forward and greeted: "Hello, may I ask, you are Chen Fei?"

Chen Fei retracted his gaze, revealed a faint smile, nodded at the girl and said, "Yes!"

"I am Chen Fei, and Master Du Nanxing asked me to wait for you here.

You are the master—" Before Chen Fei finished speaking, the girl nodded and said, "Yes, Du Nanxing is my grandmother.

My name is Du Chanyi, a student of the Martial Arts Department of Nanyan College, I am very glad to meet you. "

The girl took the initiative to stretch out her hand, and the smiling Chen Fei shook it.

Then, she said: "Unexpectedly, my grandma accepted a disciple.

It is still so important, and in just a few days, I reserved a training room specifically for you, even better than my granddaughter. "

"Heh, this—" Chen Fei smiled.

Du Chanyi was generous and lively, and smiled: "You don't need to feel embarrassed, I just talk about it casually.

The training room needs to be used by the right people in order to have the greatest effect. I have used it before, but I don’t need it now. "

"Uh, uh!"

Chen Fei nodded.

Du Chanyi continued: "By the way, if you can let grandma accept you as a disciple, then your medicine must be very good.

Where did you learn it before, and how many years did you learn it? "

"I didn't learn much before, just some relevant experience.

Fortunately, I passed the test of the medicine field, so the master accepted me. "

Chen Fei said.

"You didn't learn much, you passed the medicine field test directly, then you are a genius!"

Du Chanyi said in surprise, "You know, my grandma herself, Han Jing, a student of the Pharmacist Department of Nanyan College, wanted to worship my grandma as a teacher before, but was rejected."

"You passed directly, that's even more powerful than Han Jing! It seems that you are really a genius!"

Du Chanyi said.

Chen Fei scratched his head, laughed twice, and said, "Let's go to the training room."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot to do business.

I will take you to the training room. "

Du Chanyi slapped his head and strode forward with Chen Fei.

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