
Chapter 3393: Control

Tianming responded: "Yes, the Great Flame Realm is another world. You can understand it as a small world like the Earth.

The ancestors of these people who passed the assessment came from the Great Flame Realm. "

"Because the environment of the Great Flame Realm is hot and flames are raging.

Therefore, the monks with the blood of the Great Flame Realm, their original seals more or less carry the fire of the Great Flame Realm. "

"So it is!"

Chen Fei understood a little and started muttering to himself in a low voice.

Yesterday, when they initially participated in the election, they speculated that the other party wanted to choose the Yuan Yin of Huo Yi. Now it seems that the opponent chose not Huo Yi, but the breath of the Great Flame Realm.

After understanding, Chen Fei asked again: "Why does Yan Xiao choose people of these bloodlines?

Great Flame Mansion, Great Flame Realm, could it be—" Tianming said: "You guessed it right, the name Great Flame Mansion is even Great Flame Realm.

The current Palace Master of the Great Flame Palace has the blood of the Great Flame Realm. "

"Palace Master Great Yan, there is actually the blood of the untouchables of the Lower Realm, this—" Chen Fei was a little surprised.

This was not because Chen Fei discriminated against this kind of small world, but the reality he felt in Nanyan City and Muxiang City after entering the Earth Realm.

In these cities, the aboriginal inhabitants of Diyuanjie look down on people in other small worlds.

Think that the world they live in is a lower level of existence than the earth element realm, which is called the lower realm.

And these people from the lower realms are called untouchables by them.

At that time, after Chen Fei was in Nanyan City and was exposed as being from the lower realms, he was also discriminated against at that time and called it a pariah.

Now, they didn't expect that the palace lord who ruled them had the blood of the untouchables of the lower realms.

Of course, Chen Fei was not too surprised.

After all, when he was still on the earth, Gu Tianzhong had told him that among the nine palace masters of the Earth Element Realm, some were born in the lower realm.

Therefore, Chen Fei asked, "Master Tianming, what do you mean is that the ancestor of the palace lord of the Great Yan Mansion came from the Great Flame Realm, and now the prince Yan Xiao chooses a guard with the blood of the Great Flame Realm."

"So, they value bloodline more and want to choose people of the same race who they trust more."

In Chen Fei's view, although a bit narrow, it seems understandable.

After all, it is also the practice of many people to promote people of the same race.

However, Master Tianming denied Chen Fei's speculation, "It's not that simple for Yan Xiao to choose the bloodline of the Great Flame Realm.

He wanted to descend into the Great Flame Realm. "

"Coming to the Great Flame Realm?"

Chen Fei was startled, and then thought of something, "You mean, Yan Xiao wants to enter the small world of Great Flame Realm.

Just like before, the people from the Luo family and the ancient family came to the earth through the world tree channel? "

Tianming said: "Exactly."

"Outsiders, coming to a small world that does not belong to them, their own strength will be suppressed, you should be aware of this."

Chen Fei nodded, understanding this.

After all, Luo Yi and Luo Er were suppressed by the earth itself. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Chen Fei at that time to defeat them.

Tianming continued: "Because outsiders will be suppressed, Yan Xiao deliberately selects guards with the blood of the Great Flame Realm. In this way, when they enter the Great Flame Realm, their suppression will be greatly reduced, and they can also perform stronger. strength."

"I see!"

Chen Fei nodded in understanding, but then a question emerged, "Even so, what is Yan Xiao doing in such a small world?

Treasure hunt?

However, as the prince of Dayan Mansion, what treasure can't be found?

Does he still need to do it himself? "

Tianming said solemnly: "You have come to the point. The reason why Yan Xiao chooses the guards of the same clan and prepares to descend into the small world is not to hunt for treasures, but to make breakthroughs, strengthen strength, and fight for inheritance rights."


Inheritance? "

Chen Fei was startled, and suddenly thought of something, "Master Tianming, you mean that Yan Xiao wants to break through the original birth stage, go one step further, and then fight for the position of the palace lord."

Tianming said: "Exactly.

You heard the news from Duobaoge before.

In the past hundred years, Palace Master Dayan has rarely appeared, and his children and grandchildren, who have concentrated on progress, are close to the ninth stage of the Yuan womb realm. "

"So, I guess Palace Master Great Yan is very likely to be in poor condition, his body is damaged, his strength declines, and he may even die soon.

Therefore, he must be considering cultivating successors. "

"This is probably the reason why his descendants have concentrated on progress during this century.

As the prince of the Great Xia Mansion, Yan Xiao must have attracted much attention, at least one of the popular successors. "

"He came to the small world this time, probably because he wanted to seek a breakthrough in the realm, reach the realm of control, and become a master."

"Controlling the realm?

controller? "

Chen Fei heard the new words again.

Tianming explained: "You should be clear about the division of the strength of the earth and the metaworld. From low to high, they are the metaphysical state, the metasoul state, and the metacarcass state."

"After reaching the original stage, the cultivator's personal strength is already extremely powerful, and it can even be said that he has a second life."

"However, the cultivator's pursuit of strength is endless.

As a result, above the original birth state, some people have explored another path of cultivation, which is the mastery state. "

"As the name suggests, the word'control' is the pursuit of control.

If the elementary body, elementary soul, and elementary fetus are still focused on self-cultivation, then controlling the realm is to seek control of external objects. "

"From the basic control of a rock, a tree, a clear spring, to a mountain, a lake, and even finally to control a world, this is the path of the master's practice."

Hearing this, Chen Fei was surprised and fascinated, "Controlling everything, and even the world, how to practice this control state?"

Tianming said: "This question, you have asked the key."

"The key to the practice of controlling the realm is the spiritual core."

"Spirit core?"

Hearing this unfamiliar word, Chen Fei looked puzzled.

Tianming immediately explained: "The so-called spiritual core, you can understand it this way.

Everything has an aura, and its core is the spiritual core.

For example, we humans, the brain is the core, then the brain can be regarded as the spiritual core of human beings. "

"Other things, whether it's a bird, a tree, a stone, a drop of water, or even a gust of wind, a lightning bolt, you can find the core, this is the spiritual core."

"If you control the spiritual core, you also control that object.

Therefore, the key to the practice of mastering the realm is to find the spiritual core for refining, and then control, to reach the realm of being instructed by an arm and moving with one's heart. "

"Of course, things that are too ordinary, even if you control them, they don't have much power.

For example, you have worked hard to refine the spiritual core of a stone and control it, but the power that bursts out is not as good as a casual blow of other people's vitality. Although this has reached the control level, it is not very interesting. "

"Therefore, the items that you generally choose to control must at least be powerful.

For example, a mountain, a river, you refine the spiritual core, after you control it.

Controlling the mountains, controlling the river, directly smashing the head, this kind of power cannot be achieved by ordinary Yuanzheng masters gathering vitality.

Such control is meaningful. "

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