
Chapter 3394: An ant

After listening to Master Tianming's explanation, Chen Fei connected the previous and subsequent information together and immediately thought, "So, Yan Xiao is going to the Great Flame Realm and wants to go to the Great Flame Realm to find the spiritual core and break through and enter the realm of control."


Tianming confirmed.

Chen Fei thought about it, and suddenly thought of another question, and asked aloud: "Why does Yan Xiao have to come to the Great Flame Realm to find the spiritual core?

Could it be that the things in the Earth Element Realm are not stronger than the lower realms like the Great Flame Realm? "

"For example, a mountain at the same time, the mountain in the Yuanyuan realm, is obviously stronger than the lower realm.

Isn’t it okay to find spiritual core refining directly in the earth element realm, and enter the control realm? "

Tianming said solemnly: "You are right, but this is only for the general controller."

"Yan Xiao is the prince of the Great Yan Mansion. His goal is obviously more than simply controlling a mountain.

His real goal is to control a world. "

"What, control the world! This, is this impossible?"

Hearing this, Chen Fei was really shocked and said instinctively.

Tianming said solemnly: "Why is it impossible?

As I just said, everything has anims, and as long as you refine the spiritual core, you can control it. "

"Since a mountain or a river has a spiritual core, if you zoom in, a world naturally also has a spiritual core.

As long as you refine this spiritual core, you can control this world and become the true **** of this world. "

"This, this—" Chen Fei was speechless for a while. After being surprised, he thought to himself, "The mountains and rivers of the Earth Element Realm are better than the Small World, but Yan Xiao can't control the Earth Element Realm, so he chose the Small World.

Once he succeeds and truly becomes the master of the small world, his strength is naturally stronger than the master of the mountains and rivers of the Earth Realm. "

Tianming said: "Exactly."

"Actually, the palace lord of the Great Flame Mansion was the last controller of the Great Flame Realm.

Now, the palace lord is no longer able to do so, the control of the small world is loosened, and the great flame world may have a new controller.

Once Yan Xiao successfully controls the Great Flame Realm, then he will undoubtedly become the next Palace Master of the Great Yan Mansion. "

After listening, Chen Fei felt shocked and shocked, and couldn't help but sigh, "It turns out that Yan Xiao's goal is so huge."

With emotion, Chen Fei suddenly realized something. With a thought, he hurriedly asked: "The Great Flame Realm is controlled by others, so the Earth, which is also a small world, may also be controlled by others."

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help but numb his scalp.

If the earth is really controlled by humans, it is equivalent to the existence of an omniscient **** on the earth, who is watching every movement of any object on the earth all the time.

These objects naturally also include Chen Fei who lived on the earth before.

"Could it be that my life, from the very beginning, was controlled by others?"

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel a deep sense of powerlessness and fear. After all, no one wanted his life to be controlled by another will.

Tianming understood Chen Fei's feelings at the moment, and explained: "The master is strong, but it's not as scary as you think.

In a small world, there are countless lives.

It is also impossible for the controller to pay attention to their movements all the time, and it is meaningless to him. "

"After all, do you spend time, always paying attention to what every ant thinks and does under your feet?"

Tianming's explanation made Chen Fei a little relieved.

But the ant metaphor also made Chen Fei understand how terrifying the existence of the controller is.

Immediately, he asked in a hoarse voice: "So, Master Tianming, what you just said, is the crisis facing the earth because of the controller?"

Tianming sighed and said: "You guessed it right, the earth's crisis does come from the controller.

However, it's not the kind of controller you imagined to take action and destroy the world. "

"The small world of the earth is a bit special. So far, it has not been truly controlled by anyone."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Tianming's voice suddenly sank and continued: "It's just that the earth is currently not controlled by anyone, which doesn't mean that it will never be controlled by anyone.

After all, a piece of unowned fat will not be ignored. "

"This—" Chen Feigang relaxed his mind and raised it again, "Master Tianming, you mean that someone is eyeing the earth and wants to refine the earth's spiritual core and become the master of the earth.

This is what you call the crisis facing the earth? "

Tianming said: "Exactly."

After being confirmed, Chen Fei's heart trembled and couldn't help asking: "Master Tianming, who wants to control the earth?

Can I stop it? "

Tianming said solemnly, "Who is it, it's hard to say.

After all, more than one person wants to eat fat. "

"Just like this Yan Xiao, if he controls a small world like the Great Flame Realm, wouldn't he want to control another one to further enhance his strength?"

"As for stopping, the only way is to strengthen one's own strength, so that the attackers will repel one by one."

After listening, Chen Fei moved in his heart and gritted his teeth and said: "I want to become stronger, I want to be the master."

Tianming noticed Chen Fei's determination, and a touch of comfort was revealed in his words, and he said, "It is very good that you have this ambition."

"However, the control realm is too far for you.

You still have to think about how to break through and enter the Yuan womb realm first! "

These words brought the ambitious Chen Fei back to reality.

But in the bottom of his heart, Chen Fei still set a goal-to enter the realm of control.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't wait to get up and practice cross-legged, "I want to practice, I want to become stronger."

Seeing this, Tianming smiled and said, "Boy, I understand your determination.

However, controlling the realm is not a matter of overnight. "

"If you want to control a small world, it's not a simple matter. It requires hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, bit by bit.

Any of these accidents may lead to failure.

Therefore, there is no need to rush at this moment. "

"Besides, do you know how to practice the control state?"

Hearing what Tianming said, Chen Fei couldn't help but was stunned, then scratched his head, and said, "Master Tianming, you can tell me about this control state."

Tianming said in a bad mood: "You kid."

"Okay, let me tell you about it.

Once the controller refines the spiritual core and controls the object, the controlled item becomes a part of the controller's body, or an organ. "

"For example, if you control a mountain, you can use this mountain as your own fist, bombard and attack the enemy.

You can also use this mountain as your own pubic area, absorb external energy and strengthen yourself. "

"Of course, because it becomes the organ of the master.

Once the attack is damaged, the controller himself will also be harmed. "

"But on the contrary, if the person in charge is injured or even killed in an attack, the items under control will not necessarily perish.

Just like human beings on earth, some people donate organs before they die, and transplant their own organs to others, and they can still survive. "

"The strength of the controller is judged based on the strength and number of the controlled objects, from low to high, from one realm to ten realms."

"Among them, the major palace masters, according to speculation, are most likely to be the masters of the eight directions and nine directions, and they may even reach the ten directions, and they are extremely powerful."

Chen Fei meticulously memorized this information one by one, filling in his own understanding of the state of control.

Originally, he wanted to ask for more details, but Master Tianming said that it was too early for him, and it was enough to know about it, so that he should not be distracted.

Feeling relieved, Chen Fei began to practice with closed eyes.

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