Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1209: Shocking Secret

Sith had already awoke from his coma. Originally, he had hoped that Livingston would kill or drive away Li Changsheng, but the opponent killed Livingston in two or two, which made his mind flooded with despair.

   Seeing Li Changsheng flying towards him, Sith wanted to run, but due to the severe injuries he had suffered, it was difficult to even stand up, let alone run away.

   "My lord, please forgive me!"

   In this case, Sith put down his face and chose to beg for mercy.

   "I have some questions for you!"

   "Small ones must know everything and say nothing!"

   Sith used the same expression as Livingston.

   Then, just as before, after finishing the Sith words, Li Changsheng killed Sith, and by the way, he used the original light to absorb the memory fragments of the Sith for proofreading, especially the memory of Eric Robertson's relics.

This time, Li Changsheng was also very rewarding. Not only did he get news about the blood phoenix Ujin, he also brought two tokens of the demi-god ruins, four legendary items, one demi-artifact, and a space ring and five pieces. Dimensional bag.

   By the way, there is another treasure from the Roaring Stone Forest.

   In addition, there is also a city-state of Lena.

   Compared with the IELTS city-state, the Lena city-state occupies a larger area and the population is twice that of the IELTS city-state. The only pity is that, judging from the memory fragments of the Sith, the Lena city-state does not have a rare resource point of heaven and earth.

   Even so, this is also a big gain. Li Changsheng immediately informed Gredi, and let him lead the army to expand the territory of the IELTS city state, taking advantage of the lack of leaders in the Lena city state.

   Li Changsheng did not check the harvest immediately, but stood in the void, trying to digest and sort out the mixed memory fragments of Livingston and Sispoon.

   These memory fragments are only a small part of their overall memory, about 30%, but compared to their age, they are still quite complicated.

   In addition to some useless memories, the rest of the memories include exercises, secrets, skills, combat experience, and many secrets about the dark regions, and even some records about the surface world.

  These records about the surface world come from Livingston. The old guy spent a few years traveling on the surface world through the passageway mastered by the ancestor black dragon a few years ago.

   This has greatly enriched Li Changsheng's understanding of the world, and is of great help to the future exploration of the world.


   When Li Changsheng read one of the memory fragments, he was shocked.

   This memory fragment comes from Sith, and the content is a huge and majestic temple on which stands a statue of a god.

   The key lies in this idol. To be precise, the appearance of the idol shocked Li Changsheng.

   This face was seen by Li Changsheng, no, it should be said that it was only seen in books and the memory of Yum King, and in a sense, Li Changsheng is still his subordinate.

   King of People!

   The appearance of this idol is exactly the same as that of the human emperor, even the red dot mark on his forehead is generally the same, which is a coincidence.

   "Could it be..."

   Li Changsheng thought of a possibility, he immediately drove Aich and flew towards the Rhine City.

   The Rhine City is a border city in the east of the Reiner City-state, and it can be said to be the trading capital of the Reiner City-state.

   The Rhine City is very prosperous. In addition to the drow, there are a large number of other races here, and you can even occasionally see humans from the surface world.

   Within a few moments, Ashe appeared over the Rhine City.

   Li Changsheng took back Ashe, moved for an instant, and instantly appeared in a corner of the Rhine City, looking at a majestic temple not far away.

   As the trading capital of the city-state of Reiner, the Rhine City has many religious beliefs. There are more than a dozen temples, and this temple is one of them.

   Judging from the memory fragments of Sith, this temple is the temple of the **** of the night.

   Li Changsheng hesitated a little, tried his best to restrain his breath, and slowly entered the temple.

   This is also the first time he has entered the temple. IELTS city-state also has many temples. However, in order to avoid the attention of the gods, he has never entered or demolished the temple, and he has not prevented those sacrifices from spreading their beliefs.

   As soon as he entered the scope of the temple, Li Changsheng's soul seemed to be comforted. Almost all temples took away this power, and those without such power can only be false gods.

Soon, a female drow priest wearing a dark night priest's robe took the initiative to receive Li Changsheng. She also held a thick book in her hand. Presumably, this book recorded the origin and power of the **** of the night. And the canon of the temple and so on.

   Li Changsheng ignored the pastor and looked straight at the idol standing not far away.

  Like, it's so alike, it's exactly the same.

Until then, Li Changsheng asked the priest on the side: "Honorable priest, I am a human from the surface world. I want to be a believer in the noble god, but I don’t know the noble god. You can help me out. Two?"

   "This is my honour, please here!"

   After hearing that Li Changsheng wanted to believe in the **** of the night, the female priest's eyes lit up and she hurriedly invited Li Changsheng into a room and began to explain the information about the **** of the night and his duties after enrollment.

   Li Changsheng listened with relish. After more than half an hour, he finally got the general information about the **** of the night.

The **** of the night is called the **** of the night Seh Hornathans McGregwood. He became a true **** more than 700 years ago. He has weak powers, an evil lawful camp, and his priesthood is darkness, killing, conspiracy, and fraud. And trickery, there is no racial priesthood What surprised Li Changsheng is that the **** of the night has thousands of temples, most of which are in the surface world of the dawn plane, and it is one of the main faith gods in the surface world. .

   In addition, Li Changsheng also learned from the priest that the **** of the night also had an artifact called the balance of order.

   Hearing the balance of order, Li Changsheng was completely convinced of his guess, because the emperor’s enlightened thing is called the balance of order, a true treasure of Langhuan.

   "Can the demon master still become a god?"

   Li Changsheng secretly said, but soon he denied this possibility.

  The demon master is a profession unique to the fairy world. For some unknown reason, it is incompatible with the gods at all.

   After these years, it is not that there are no strong people who want to become gods who claim to have an endless life span, but all ended in failure, including those 9th-order demon masters.

Among them, the most miserable was the ancient Emperor Underworld. After a lot of experiments, he finally condensed the divine fire. But when he successfully condensed the divine fire, not only was the divine fire and Yuyao absolutely incompatible, but a violent conflict occurred. Ended up with a self-destruction.

   The ancient Ming Emperor may be the most aggrieved 9th-order demon master in the history of the fairy world. Of course, his spirit of exploration is still very admirable.

   However, the ancient Emperor Ming still left a sentence before he exploded: Faith is poisonous!

   It was this earth-shattering blew that sounded the alarm for latecomers, making many strong men had to give up their plans to become gods.

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