Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1210: 9 days cold iron

Regarding the relationship between the emperor and the **** of the night, Li Changsheng also faintly guessed, he felt that it was either a clone or a split soul.

   Li Changsheng thinks that this is the way the Emperor arranged for him, because it is difficult for him to survive the next five decays.

   If nothing happens, the Emperor has prepared at least thousands of years for this, and only then successfully took this step.

   The only question is how did the emperor take this step, Li Changsheng was very curious about it.

   Although he has the confidence to become the 9th-order demon master, but the 9th-order demon master wants to live for tens of thousands of years.

   Unless you become a Tier 10 demon master that no one has ever achieved before, changing your job to become a **** can be said to be the best way out.

   "I have to think about it for a few days, and I will give you an answer at that time!"

   After getting to know, Li Changsheng ignored the priestess's surprised eyes and left the Youye Temple.

   It didn't take long before Li Changsheng returned to the capital city of Lena.

  Glidi has organized the army and is about to open the city-state of Lena.

   Once Lena City-state is included in IELTS City-state, IELTS City-state will become one of the largest large-scale city-states in the country.

   The only problem is that the IELTS city-state lacks a legendary powerhouse, so there is such a legendary powerhouse as Gridy.

   Li Changsheng felt that it was necessary to recruit legendary powerhouses, so as not to worry about other cities and countries, and to a certain extent allow him to concentrate on research.

   Li Changsheng did not immediately check the harvest, but relying on the content in the memory fragments, he found the monsters specially raised by legendary powerhouses such as Sith.

   After removing some useless monsters, Li Changsheng harvested dozens of high-quality fairies.

   Among them, Livingston has raised two silver-winged roc birds, they have the bloodline of the majestic grade gold-winged roc bird, which can greatly accelerate the progress of purifying the golden-winged roc bird's blood.

   However, the silver-winged roc bird is not a demigod.

   Not all fairies with a majestic bloodline can become semi-divine beasts, only those who have inheritance and can reach the realm of the demon king level as long as they are adults can be regarded as semi-divine beasts.

   Even so, Li Changsheng has benefited a lot, not to mention that it makes no difference whether the Silver Winged Roc Bird is a semi-divine beast or not.

   Following the memory, Li Changsheng went to the State Treasury of the Lena City State and the private treasury of the Sith. He originally thought that there would be gains, but the gains were minimal.

  Under this situation, Li Changsheng had to find a palace randomly and began to check the harvest this time.

   First of all, they are items headed by the sword of the fallen angel. They are a semi-artifact and four pieces of legendary equipment. The rest of the equipment that does not reach the legendary level is ignored.

   Due to the fierce battle, two pieces of four legendary equipment have been damaged.

   Li Changsheng took a closer look, observed their rough materials, and analyzed their forging techniques.

   Among them, the sword of the fallen angel has almost fully exerted the performance of the material.

   The forging methods of the four legendary equipment are almost the same. If nothing else, they should all be finished products forged by Master Gray Dwarf.

   From the perspective of Li Changsheng, he believes that the forging methods of these four legendary equipment did not fully utilize the material's performance.

   Of course, this is mainly because Li Changsheng is the master of refining tools and can almost maximize the performance of the materials.

   "As long as you get back to the stove for a while, you should be able to reach the top quality in the legendary equipment!"

   Li Changsheng has an idea in his heart, and he is ready to use the restored legendary equipment to attract legendary powerhouses to join.

   Secondly, there are two tokens.

  Like a tiger charm, these two tokens can be pieced together, and when they fit together, they suddenly release light.

   When the light dissipated, the two tokens had fused together and turned into a round jade pendant.

   Judging from the feedback of mental power, the energy fluctuation of the jade pendant is not strong, which is the level of the treasure of heaven and earth.

   After collecting the jade pendant, Li Changsheng took out a space ring and five dimensional bags.

   Soon, Li Changsheng finished the classification.

   Among these space objects, there are three heaven and earth treasures and one inferior world wonder.

   The first piece is a fist-sized yellow jade, completely uncut, completely natural.

   If you observe carefully, you will find that this piece of jade is constantly devouring light.

   It didn't take long for Li Changsheng to complete the appraisal.

   This is Yuanrong Jade. It is a very unique treasure of heaven and earth. As long as it is ground into powder and some powder is added during alchemy, the material can be better exerted and the success rate of alchemy can be increased.

   The second piece is a gourd filled with pill. There are a total of three longan-sized blue pills, exuding a lustrous luster, and you can see that it is not Fanpin.

   These elixirs were discovered from Livingston’s Space Ring, and Livingston’s memory fragments happened to contain the blue pill.

   The small blue pill is called Maha Wuliang Dan. It is a kind of pill that can quickly improve the cultivation of the legendary strong. It is suitable for the lower legendary strong and can improve the effect of breaking through the middle legendary strong.

   Li Changsheng thought for a while, and decided to hand over the three Moko Boundless Pills to Gridi.

   As Li Changsheng’s chief manager in the dawn, he hopes that Gridy can be on his own, and at least he has to become a legendary powerhouse in the middle, so as to overwhelm the legendary powerhouse who came to rely on.

The third piece was a complete piece of fur. Li Changsheng spread it out and found that there were nine tails in total, but it was not the fur of a nine-tailed fox or Lu Wu, because it looked like a sheep with four ears and was weird. It is fur with eyes on the back.

   Li Changsheng recognized it at a glance. This is the fur of 茼証. It has a rather magical effect. As long as you wear the fur of the 猼証, you will not feel intimidated.

  If you make the fur of the 猼訑 into a treasure and give it to a demon pet with timid characteristics, you can fully use the abilities of this demon pet without being restricted by the timid characteristics.

   Li Changsheng collected these three treasures, and began to look at the last treasure that exuded low-grade world-class wonder-level energy fluctuations.

   This is a piece of black iron the size of a grinding disc. To be precise, it is a piece of cold iron. As soon as he touched this piece of cold iron, Li Changsheng felt a cold whistling feeling.

  With Li Changsheng’s current physical strength, ordinary cold iron would not feel that way at all, and even the thousand-year cold iron would not have such a feeling.

   Obviously, this is cold iron that is at least one level higher than thousand-year cold iron.

  With such obvious characteristics, Li Changsheng didn't need to spend much energy at all.

   In the blink of an eye, Li Changsheng completed the appraisal.

   This is a piece of nine-day cold iron, rumored to come from the sky, and it is the top material for refining ice-attributed treasures or treasures.

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