Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1222: Dinghai Dragon's Blood Fruit Tree

Latest website: The head is a sub-ancestral red dragon, but it is in a weak state.

If nothing else, Deathwing drew the blood of this red dragon to trade with Horns.

In addition to the secondary ancestor Red Dragon, there are also ogre leaders, flying dragon leaders, kobold leaders, etc., they are also the management of the deathwing forces, almost all have the level of the demon king.

When the huge shadow struck, the elite family members of Deathwing raised their heads afterwards.

From this look, they burst instantly, and their minds received an unprecedented shock.

The four giant dragons with a body length of 100 meters, and the three giant dragons headed by them, made the blood in the secondary ancestor red dragon stagnant, giving a feeling of being suppressed.

The bloodline of the Nine-faced Dragon God is not just talking about it, even if it is the bloodline of the same grade, it still has a suppressing effect.

Roar~ roar~ roar~ roar~

Without waiting for them to act, the three dragons and the three secondary ancestor dragons released the dragon power together, and instantly enveloped all the elite family members.

A scene similar to the one just appeared, no, it should be said to be worse than the scene just now. After all, most of this group of elite family members are at the elite level, the leader level and even the lord level, and the Demon King level is very small.

Under the coercion of such a mighty prison, most of the elite family members directly fell into a state of shrinking. Some seemed to lose their minds and ran around aimlessly, but more were shivering and limp to the ground, directly losing their fighting ability .

In this way, only dozens of elite family members headed by the second-generation ancestor Red Dragon are still struggling to support them.

Just when Li Changsheng was about to defeat them, the headed secondary ancestor Red Dragon looked at Li Changsheng and said: "Respected human power, Mihalovic is willing to surrender!"

Unexpectedly, the two sides had not yet fought, and Mihalovic, as the leader, directly chose to betray.

Some elite family members became angry subconsciously, but more often had their eyes flickering. If they knew that Deathwing had been suppressed by Li Changsheng, they would probably make the same choice as Mihalovich.

As for why Mihalovich chose this way, it was mainly because Deathwing would draw a large amount of its dragon blood at every turn. The key is that there is no compensation yet. This also makes Mihalovich resentful, but suffers from insufficient strength. Patience came down extremely suffocated.

The five-color dragon belongs to the evil camp, and it is difficult to maintain loyalty. Mihalovic's betrayal is normal.

Driven by Mihalovic, most of the standing dragons also chose to submit to Li Changsheng, and the rest were also in hesitation.

At this time, the stupid head of the ogre felt bad afterwards, and couldn't help but yelled out loudly: "Your Majesty treats us well, how can we betray..."


Before the ogre leader could finish speaking, Mihalovic swung a house-sized dragon claw and slapped the head of the ogre leader directly, and flew out like a baseball home run.

Even in a weak state, Mihalovic's strength can still easily crush the ogre leader, which is a huge advantage in race.


The ogre leader lost his head and spewed blood several meters high. After maintaining a few breaths, his sturdy body fell heavily to the ground, convulsed violently, and did not move again.

If the ogre leader is prepared, he might be able to hold it a few times.

Although the ogre's ability to recover is very strong, it has not reached the level of regeneration of severed fingers after all. After losing its head, it is only greeted by death.

"Deathwing has been defeated and sealed by this seat, now this seat gives you two choices, surrender or destroy!"

With Mihalovic's surrender, Li Changsheng changed his course of action and moved directly out of the sealed Deathwing.

In this way, he can also save a little time, why not do it.

After learning that their majesty Deathwing was defeated and sealed by Li Changsheng, the elite family members were shocked, and Mihalovic was even more admired for his foresight.

Unsurprisingly, after Mihalovich, the other leaders took their families and chose to surrender.

What Mihalovich didn't know was that even if it took refuge in Li Changsheng, it still couldn't change the fate of drawing blood every once in a while, but this time it was paid.

In such a short period of time, Li Changsheng had become the new owner of Death Swamp without a **** sword.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that they have no leader, otherwise Li Changsheng would feel an unusual headache if Deathwing led them.

Li Changsheng began to selectively accept the elite family members of Deathwing. The dragons were directly admitted to the secret realm, and they believed that they would soon adapt to the life in the dragon cave.

After conquering these dragons, the dragons in the Dragon Cave finally broke through to three digits.

As for the remaining elite family members, Li Changsheng used his spiritual power to check, and also accepted some, but there is no half-step epic quality in them.

"Mihalovic, take this seat to the Dragon's Nest of Deathwing!"

Li Changsheng left Mikharovich alone. In addition to being the first to surrender, it is also related to Mikharovich's identity.

There are two chiefs under Deathwing, led by the two subordinate dragons. Mihalovich can be said to be one of the family members who know Deathwing best.

"Sir, please follow me!"

Mihalovic incited the dragon's wings to lead the way and flew towards the top of the mountain covered by clouds.

Along the way, Li Changsheng asked about the resource points of the death swamp.

Although the environment of the death swamp is extremely harsh and the resources are relatively scarce, this is also relatively speaking, given the vast area of ​​the death swamp, how can there not be a certain number of fixed resource points?

From Mihalovich’s mouth, I learned that Death Swamp has one Heaven and Earth Treasure level and three Heaven and Earth Essence level resource points, and there are as many as dozens of other resource points.

At this time, Li Changsheng flew to the top of the mountain with Mihalovic.

At the top of the mountain is a large platform, which gives the impression of being chopped by an axe. On it stands an extremely huge palace.

This palace is the dragon's nest of the wings of death. The first thing that catches the eye is a large, lush, blood-colored tree, which looks a bit similar to the appearance of a dragon.

At the tip of the big tree, there is a green fruit that is still being cultivated.

Not surprisingly, this is the Dinghai Dragon's Blood Fruit Tree, and the green fruit is the unripe Dinghai Dragon's Blood Fruit.

Sure enough, Mihalovic affirmed Li Changsheng's ideas, this is indeed Dinghai Dragon Blood Fruit Tree.

Because of Lingzhi's inability to move, Deathwing could only let Dinghai Dragon Blood Fruit Tree stay here.

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