Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1223: The ring of breaking the ban

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Li Changsheng's mental power envelops the Dinghai Dragon Blood Fruit Tree, and when he senses its energy fluctuations, he can't help showing a surprised expression.

Originally, Li Changsheng thought that Dinghai Dragon's Blood Fruit Tree could cultivate low-grade fruits of the world's wonders, and it should be a medium-grade top-grade spiritual plant. Unexpectedly, Dinghai Dragon's Blood Fruit Tree was of the same grade as the fruit.

"how so?"

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart, and soon thought of the key to the problem.

In order to cultivate Dinghai dragon blood fruit, in addition to the Dinghai dragon blood fruit tree, a large amount of dragon blood must be watered every other year, and the cultivation time of the fruit is as long as a hundred years.

It is also possible to cultivate the sacred tree of low-grade world-class fruits, the cycle of cultivating the fruits is significantly shorter, and there is no need to rely on foreign objects to assist in cultivation, and make judgments.

Even so, being able to get a low-grade top-level spiritual plant is a great harvest, and it is also precious to Li Changsheng.

With this Dinghai Dragon Blood Fruit Tree, his secret realm stability can be increased by one more point.

After instructing Xiaoguai to wait for the Lingzhi master to transplant the Dinghai dragon blood fruit tree, Li Changsheng followed Mihalovic into the palace.

This palace has the characteristics of dragons, and its magnificence is not enough to describe the internal environment. According to Mihalovich’s introduction, this palace is all made of smelted gold, and the interior decoration is extremely luxurious, which can be called gold. palace.

Unfortunately, even if the Golden Palace is extremely expensive, it is of little use to Li Changsheng.

There is one and only one room in the palace, and countless jewels are piled up on the ground. This is the'bed' used by Deathwing to sleep, and it also has the characteristics of a giant dragon.

If you look at the ratio of the size of the palace to the wings of death, it is another feeling, which is equivalent to a human being living in a room less than ten square meters.

It's not that Deathwing doesn't want to expand the palace, it's that there is so much gold in his hands.

At this time, Li Changsheng released his mental power to completely cover the entire Golden Palace, but he didn't get any results.

This is also expected, after all, Deathwing has long placed the most valuable things in the dimensional space, and the basic jewels placed in the golden palace are ordinary jewels.

Li Changsheng said to Mihalovich: "Next it is your turn!"

Mihalovic shuddered, his eyes full of dismay and hesitation.

"As the first dragon to surrender, this seat can take up to three treasures from you. As compensation, this golden palace and the jewels here will be given to you. The other dragons are different. They won't get any. make up!"

Li Changsheng began to treat them differently, and only in this way could Mihalovic's heart be soothed, and by the way, this group of dragons could be divided, and they could also be better integrated into the dragon's den.

After learning that he could obtain the Golden Palace and this batch of jewels, Mihalovich was afraid that Li Changsheng would regret it, so he hurriedly agreed.

This is the difference between the values ​​of the dragon and human beings.

Because the dragons are all included in the secret realm, they don't open up the dimensional space like Deathwing, and they usually stay in the death swamp. The dragons that carry space items with them can be said to be very few.

For this reason, most of the treasures of these dragons are still in their dragon nests, waiting for Li Changsheng to come.

In the later time, Li Changsheng started sightseeing in various dragon nests, taking away the precious treasures, and returning the remaining treasures to the dragon to prevent them from rebelling.

Not only the dragon's nest of these dragons, Li Changsheng also did not let go of the nests of the rest of the elite family members, and spent a whole day searching the entire mountain clean.

In terms of quality, it is still inferior to Deathwing's collection, but in terms of quantity, it is more than that, which is a good harvest.

Among this batch of treasures, there are nine treasures that reach the level of heaven and earth, but there is no world level.

Four of them are forging materials, and there are three high-level spiritual plants. Due to the treatment, these three high-level spiritual plants cannot be planted and can only be used as alchemy materials.

Among the remaining two treasures of heaven and earth, one is a longan-sized pill called Tiandi Zaohua Pill, which is specially used to assist in breaking through the upper legendary powerhouse. It is extremely rare and precious.

The second one is a black ring, and the energy fluctuation it emits is also the highest among the nine heaven and earth treasures, which is very close to the low-grade world wonders.

After the appraisal, Li Changsheng found that this was a fine-quality legendary item, only half a step away from the semi-artifact.

On the metal ring of the black ring, there are still a few small characters engraved, and Li Changsheng recognizes that this is the lingua franca of the main material world.

In addition, from the perspective of style and technique, this ring is likely to come from the main material world.

"Broken the ban? It should be the ban!"

Li Changsheng translated the words engraved on the ring, and his eyes suddenly narrowed.

After studying for a while, Li Changsheng shot out a gray energy ray from the ring of breaking the ban and fell on the clearing.

As a result, nothing happened, that is, no small pit was blasted, and no bottomless hole appeared, much less the direct annihilation of the touched material like the big cracking technique (big bankruptcy).

Surprisingly, Li Changsheng was not surprised and rejoiced, and immediately stopped emitting light.

Judging from his feelings, the energy rays emitted by the Ring of Breaking the Forbidden are very similar in nature to the energy of the Ring of Breaking Forbidden.

In other words, the effect of this light is likely to be forcibly breaking the prohibition.

The next moment, Li Changsheng clicked on the void, and a small defensive prohibition quickly took shape.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng activated the ring of breaking the prohibition again, and the gray light instantly fell on the defensive prohibition.

At the moment of contact the defensive prohibition disappeared silently.

After this experiment, Li Changsheng has been able to determine that the light from the ring of breaking the prohibition can indeed break the prohibition.

"Just call you the light of breaking the ban!"

Li Changsheng randomly named the Gray Ray and continued to study the ring of breaking the prohibition.

After a long time, Li Changsheng shook his head. Apart from the function named Light of Breaking the Forbidden, the Ring of Breaking the Forbidden had no other ability.

However, its effect seems to be single, but it can play a miraculous effect at a critical moment. The only pity is that due to the low level of the ring of breaking the forbidden, at most it can only break the small forbidden formation, which will lead to energy exhaustion.

Except for the low level, the energy recovery of breaking the forbidden ring is extremely slow. It takes three full months to recover after the energy is exhausted. Apart from natural recovery, Li Changsheng did not think of any other way.

Although there are all kinds of nonsense about breaking the ring, it still has a lot of use for Li Changsheng. He took out a table made of gold and placed three closed treasure boxes on it.

This table comes from the royal treasure house of Langya Kingdom, and it can be said to be the most important essence in the royal treasure house.

For the treasures in these three treasure boxes, Li Changsheng has always paid great attention to it.

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