Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1255: Ogami-dori——Tenburo Day

According to Li Changsheng's speculation, Bibi had lost about 13 blood. If it was an ordinary creature, it might have died.

One of the characteristics of the sacred beast is its endurance. Even if it loses so much blood, Sumu has lost the ability to fight and cannot endanger its life at all.

However, for the loss of so much qi and blood, the time needed to fully recover from Suo Ma's recovery would be calculated in years.

During the training period, the combat power of the extremely weak state must be greatly lost.

Li Changsheng shook the yellow-skinned gourd. Because there were blood vessels of other creatures in Juyao's body, the purification rate was different from that of the Dapeng Golden Winged bird, and it could only be calculated according to 13.

Even so, the blood collected this time was enough to allow him to purify two or three pots of Ancestral Dragon Essence Blood, which was not a small gain.

Of course, there is still a big gap from Chilong.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, Chilong wants to evolve the four-clawed golden dragon, and needs ten cans of blood to protect the bottom. The five-clawed golden dragon needs 20 cans, and the ancestral dragon needs 30 cans.

Even if these do not need to be added, Li Changsheng still feels a headache, after all, he does not have a stable channel to obtain the blood of the ancestor dragon.

Li Changsheng didn't know where Bibi lived. It wasn't that he didn't talk about it on the way, but Bibi was arrogant and proud, but his long lifespan made him treacherous and cunning, and his mouth was very strict.

After collecting the yellow gourd and two dragon horns, Li Changsheng came to Baozhu.

Originally, he could completely take away the treasures in the treasure column when the demon pet entangled Suoya, but he had to spend a little more time in order to get the blood of Suoya.

Unlike the previous one, there are actually three jade boxes in Baozhu this time.

"Perhaps it is because Jumei is much stronger than Tianma."

Li Changsheng secretly said, don't look at him easily cleaned up, but judging from the difficulty coefficient, the difficulty of this test is stronger than the last one, and the difficulty is often proportional to the reward.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng took out three jade boxes.

In the first jade box, there is a jade book made of evangelism jade.

"Is "Golden Chapter and Jade Record" a must-have reward for the core area?"

Li Changsheng felt a little more excited. "Golden Chapter and Jade Record" can be said to be the carrier of top-level knowledge. Naturally, he won't be too much.

He had previously obtained "Nine Heavens Golden Que Refining Technique" and "Different Treasure Burial Art", which helped him a lot, but I don't know what it is this time.

Li Changsheng couldn't wait to open the jade book, and the dazzling brilliance was radiant, and the twisted and complicated golden seal script floated out of it.

The Jin seal script also represents one of the 36 chapters of Tiangang, and it represents exercises, secret techniques, and magical powers.

In the next moment, under the guidance of Li Changsheng's spiritual force, these golden seal scripts poured into Yintang acupoint one after another.

Li Changsheng closed his eyes slightly and quickly digested the content contained this time.

After digesting the content of this time, Li Changsheng closed the "Golden Zhang Yulu" with a speechless expression.

What is recorded in this golden chapter and jade record is a great supernatural power, and the key seems to be of little use to him.

This great magical power is called Patching Sky and Bathing Day, which is divided into two functions: Patching Sky and Bathing Day.

Needless to say, repairing the sky, you can make up for the damage of the sky, and you can gain great merit. The sky here refers to the heavens or thirty-six days.

The problem is that the sky in the fairy world is not damaged at all, and it is still in the seal, so don't expect to repair the sky.

As for the bathing day, it refers to the power of purification, but it can only purify the sun. How do you say this ability? It can sort out the real fire in the sun and prevent the real fire from being too violent, and you can gain the power of merit for a long time.

Unfortunately, the bathing day is equally tasteless for Li Changsheng, and the merits brought by the bathing day are definitely much slower than the merits brought by the purification of the abyss consciousness.

The key bathing day is still a chore for him. Li Changsheng is not a three-legged golden crow. With the super high temperature on the surface of the sun, how can he stay above the sun for a long time, or even not last long.

In other words, this bathing day is of little use to him, at least for the time being.

"It would be great if it was the great supernatural power of good offices!"

It is a pity for Li Changsheng that mediating good fortune is undoubtedly the great magical power he dreams of, because this great magical power can greatly improve the efficiency of creating new species.

Even if it wasn't for good fortune, inverting yin and yang, shifting stars and changing battles, vertical golden light, inversely knowing the future, etc. great magical powers would do, but what he got was to make up the sky and bathe the sun.

It is too tasteless to make up the sky and bathing day, and it is the same for other strong people.

The only good news is that this "Golden Zhang Yulu", which records the magical powers of making up the sky and bathing sun, belongs to the mother, and can create a child for people to understand.

After receiving the "Golden Zhang Yulu", Li Changsheng couldn't help rubbing his hands and opened the second jade box.

In the second jade box, a crystal bead suspended slightly, about the size of a pigeon egg.

Li Changsheng recognized it at a glance, because he also won the same thing in the previous session-the origin of time and space!

Naturally, Li Changsheng would not be too scarce of this kind of natural treasure that can greatly improve the quality of demon pets.

"The origin of time and space is also a necessary reward for the core area?"

Li Changsheng couldn't help but uttered that the fixed reward would undoubtedly reduce his expectation value, but he still happily collects the origin of time and space.

The origin of time and space is very fragrant, and he won't get a few more.

Compared with the Essence of Mysticism, the effect of time and space origin is better, the key is that there is no restriction on quality.

Li Changsheng didn't have the idea of ​​using the origin of time and space for the time being. He decided to find more natural treasures that could improve the quality, and then upgrade the half-step legendary quality demon pets to legendary quality.

As for the demon pets that have not reached the half-step legendary quality, use the mystical essence and other natural treasures that have limited quality.

As for whom the origin of time and space should be used for, Li Changsheng hardly thinks about it, and naturally focuses on two cats.

The most important thing is that only a few months later, his enlightened thing, the gate of light and darkness, will give birth to a source of light and a source of If you let the blood concentration of two cats of the Seraphim Furthermore, there is a real possibility that it will become a legendary quality.

At this time, Li Changsheng retracted his thoughts and set his sights on the third jade box.

Among the three jade boxes, this jade box has the largest volume, a bit bigger than the washbasin.

After opening the jade box, there is a water-blue bead in it. Its biggest feature is its relatively large size and the size of a basin.

In addition to being large enough, this bead was still suspended in mid-air, exuding a slight aqua-blue luster.

In addition, it was accompanied by a deep pressure. Even Li Changsheng couldn't help but feel some pressure. This pressure was not much inferior to that of 犴犴, and it was also very similar in essence.

Li Changsheng stared at it for a while, and he could be sure that this bead was not a natural treasure, and there were no traces of artificial forging on it, and it was more like a biological condensate.

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