Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1256: Ying Long Dragon Ball

"This is... Dragon Ball!"

Li Changsheng carefully identified it for a while, and finally came to a conclusion.

This dragon ball looks similar to the dragon ball, but if you feel it carefully, you will find that the energy in the dragon ball is more refined and condensed, and it also contains part of the dragon's power from the dragon clan's lifetime.

The most important thing is that this dragon ball actually exudes the energy fluctuations of the wonders of the middle-class world, and it is only one step away from the treasures of the purple mansion.

Dragon Ball can be said to be the most essential part of the dragon clan. Whether it is a four-claw dragon, a five-claw dragon, or even an ancestor dragon, or a candle dragon, dragon **** have gathered a lot of their efforts.

The importance of the dragon ball to the dragon clan can be imagined. For the dragon clan, once the dragon ball is lost, the consequences are very serious.

The question is, who will be the owner of this dragon ball.

They are all Dragon Balls, and they are divided into three, six, and nine. In addition to the blood of the dragon clan, they are also closely related to the year.

The stronger the bloodline of the dragon clan, the more effective it will be to sacrifice the dragon ball, and the longer the dragon ball will be, the stronger it will be.

Judging from the energy fluctuations emitted by this dragon ball, either its age is very long, or its owner is definitely not an ordinary dragon, and it may be the dragon ball of the top dragon.

"Dark night, go back to the source!"

Li Changsheng summoned the night and gave orders.


Accompanied by the lazy meow of the night, a black light suddenly shot out from its eyes, which instantly hit the Dragon Ball.

In the blink of an eye, the black light completely wrapped the whole dragon ball.

In an instant, a vague light and shadow appeared above the dragon ball, and it became clear again in a blink of an eye.

This is a yellow dragon with claws and horns, and the key is a pair of wings.

Seeing this pair of iconic wings, Li Changsheng recognized it at a glance. Good fellow, who else could this be if it wasn't Ying Long.

In terms of bloodline, Yinglong is second only to Ancestral Dragon and Candle Dragon, and is above the rest of the dragon family, even among the top sacred beasts.

This dragon ball can be said to be the essence of this Yinglong. If it is absorbed and digested by other dragons, it will definitely be of great benefit.

In terms of fit, it is natural that the dragons or sub-dragons who have the blood of Yinglong are the most suitable, can maximize the effect of this dragon ball, and even make the blood even further possible.

Li Changsheng had a Flood Dragon with Ying Long's bloodline in his hands. It should be given to it logically, but since the Flood Dragon is only a temporary demon pet, it would always feel a bit wasteful if the dragon ball was handed over to it.

In addition to the Jiaolong, Chilong and Horny Dragons are also suitable for absorbing Dragon Balls, but there must be a discount on the fit. As for the discount, it is hard to say.

But one thing is certain is that if it is absorbed by Chilong or Horny Dragon, even if this dragon ball can become their natal Dragon Ball, the effect will be greatly reduced. If it is a Flood Dragon, there is no need for such concerns.

In addition, with the energy fluctuations of this dragon ball, and adding some precious water system materials, Li Changsheng has a lot of confidence to refine the rare treasures of the Purple Mansion.

Li Changsheng thought for a while, and gave up the idea of ​​refining exotic treasures. There were too many exotic treasures in the Zi Mansion's Rare Class, and another one would be of little use.

Li Changsheng thought for a while, and finally decided to maximize the interest and let the dragon to absorb the dragon ball. With luck, the dragon can evolve with the dragon ball.

Taking a step back, even if it couldn't evolve, it was enough to increase the strength of the Flood Dragon.

After making the decision, Li Changsheng did not continue to struggle, and directly summoned the Flood Dragon from the secret realm.

Perhaps it was the bloodline. As soon as the Jiaolong flew out of the secret realm, the lantern-sized longan subconsciously stared at the dragon ball, unable to look away.

Dragon Ball had a great temptation for Jiaolong, but due to Li Changsheng's relationship, Jiaolong forcibly stopped his greed in his heart and set his sights on Li Changsheng with difficulty.

"It's yours!"

Li Changsheng picked up the dragon ball casually and threw it to Jiaolong.

The Jiaolong hurriedly opened his big mouth, holding the dragon ball in his mouth, and then lying on the ground, quietly digesting and assimilating it, hoping to refine the dragon ball.

The enveloping blue light emerged, gradually enclosing the dragon.

Li Changsheng watched quietly for a while, and after determining that it would take a long time for the Dragon Ball to refine the dragon ball, he directly took it back into the secret realm.

At the next moment, Li Changsheng's mental power came into contact with the boundless consciousness.

This is naturally the way of heaven. At the moment when the two touched, Li Changsheng's soul was more or less contaminated with the aura of heaven.

Of course, this breath is only temporary and will dissipate automatically after three months.

On the other hand, Ning Bizhen and other top four, the aura of the heavens that they were infected with would appear to be much weaker, which is also the main reason why Xuanhuang did not want Li Changsheng to become the first person in the secret realm of heaven again.

The blame is that Li Changsheng's progress is so fast, so fast that the Emperor Xuanhuang feels jealous.

I have to say that there must be a relationship with Yum King.

Observation in the past year, with the means and power of Emperor Xuan, how could it not be judged that Li Changsheng had inherited the mantle of King Yum.

Yum King’s signature "Xuanji Nine Changes" and the Biluohuangquan Swords alone are enough to make her make such a judgment.

As for misjudgment?

Emperor Xuan didn't care. With her decisive personality, she would rather kill mistakes than let them go, and would not give Li Changsheng any chance.

In a blink of an eye, Li Changsheng returned to the ends of the world.

The moment he appeared, the other players subconsciously paid attention to him.

Different from the previous one, they were not surprised that Li Changsheng won the first person in the secret realm of Heavenly Dao, and even many people have done the feat of Li Changsheng being the first person in the secret realm of Heavenly Dao again for the 11th time.

At this time, Xiang Yutian, Wu Zetao and other familiar people immediately greeted them. Not only them, but many strangers also wanted to get close.

Li Changsheng dealt with a few words casually, and then merged with Ning Bizhen, who was smiling and smiling, and quietly waited for the final reward from Heaven. UU Reading www.uukā

As the first person in the secret realm of heaven, the rewards of heaven are naturally the most generous.

Without waiting long, a black and yellow light suddenly appeared in the sky.

In an instant, hundreds of streamers fell like meteors and fell into the hands of every player.

Every player has a small treasure box in his hand, the same style, that is, different colors.

Li Changsheng's hands are naturally the most precious purple gold treasure chest. Last year, Li Changsheng prescribed the Taiyin Jade Liquid, making the big Zhoutian star fruit tree a top spiritual plant.

What is certain is that the worst is also inferior world wonders, and ultimately depends on the generosity of the heavens.

At this time, most Tianjiao can't wait to open the treasure chest, and naturally some people are happy and some are worried.

Li Changsheng didn't hide it, and after looking at each other with Ning Bizhen, he opened their treasure chests together.

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