Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1263: Strength increase

In this process, every time a demon pet succeeds in breaking through or fails to break through, they will immediately leave the emperor flow range and be replaced by a reserve demon pet.

Some of the reserve demon pets came from the family and Yuanling Academy, and the rest came from the major forces of Langya Kingdom.

In order to better stabilize Langya's rule, Li Changsheng didn't mind giving Langya a bit of sweetness to the major forces.

Those small forces who want to get places must make contributions to Li Changsheng, such as volunteering Li Changsheng's scarce treasures, goblins, etc., and Li Changsheng will give different places according to their contributions.

However, most of the small forces are still on the sidelines.

But after today, these small forces will inevitably rush to this, and may even offer family treasures.

No way, the breakthrough effect of Emperor Flowing on demon pets is too good, especially for low- and middle-level demon pets.

Although the effect on high-level demon pets is much inferior, as long as it can improve a little, it will definitely be sought after by many forces. After all, there are too few treasures and medicines to assist high-level demon pets to break through, and they are almost impossible to find on the market. .

This is only the first stage of Li Changsheng, let the major forces taste a bit of sweetness first, and by the way, stabilize the rule of Langya country.

Beginning next year, Li Changsheng will gradually reduce the free quotas for major forces, and even eliminate the quotas for county-level families, sects, and universities, and allow them to join the ranks of dedication.

At that time, only the famous and king-level forces can get the breakthrough quota for free, but with the progress of Li Changsheng, the famous-level forces will be gradually eliminated later, and those king-level forces that do not have a king are also in this rank.

To put it simply, it is still good.

The more powerful the forces, the greater the probability that they will have the treasures Li Changsheng needs.

Langya Nation has hundreds of prefecture-level forces, dozens of sects and royal families, and the resources they possess can be imagined. The best way to make them willingly draw out resources is to seek them out.

Li Changsheng's approach is nothing more than to give some sweetness first, and then let them fight for it, and at the same time intensify the competition between them.

Most forces have hostile forces. Once the hostile forces make significant progress, they will get more local resource rations, and they will probably compete for the benefits of their own forces.

Li Changsheng was eager for these forces to become a pig's brain. Once the competition becomes fierce, it is him who will benefit in the end.

Of course, Li Changsheng has to formulate a series of rules and occasionally act as a regulator to maintain the balance on the bright side.

At this time, all the lord-level demon pets have broken through.

Li Changsheng's Candle Dragon and Emerald Dragon were also breaking through the ranks, and successfully broke through the Demon King level.

Based on their quality, coupled with the effects of the Ten Fang Nether Pill, plus the increase in God's flow, the probability of breakthrough is not generally high.

Then it was the turn of the Demon King-level demon pets, with a total of thirty or forty demon king-level demon pets present.

To be able to make the Demon King level try to break through the Demon Saint level, the premise must be the king's demon pet, because even if it breaks through the Demon Saint level, it can be controlled.

These demon king class demon pets come from Li Changsheng, Ning Bizhen, Zuo Qiulin, Xu Wenhua, Luo Qingning, and Qin Mingqing.

Among them, Li Changsheng has the largest number, followed by Luo Qingning and Qin Mingqing as the veteran kings.

Almost all the demon king-level demon pets in the hands of the veteran kings are at the critical point of breakthrough, but these demon pets have failed to break through many times, even with the effect of the emperor's flow, the probability of breakthrough is very small.

In addition to the demon king class demon pets, there are more than a dozen demon kings and demon saint class goblins from the former Silent Forest. They are all working for Li Changsheng to maintain the stability and peace of the silent forest and ensure the safety of developers.

Li Changsheng is also willing to give them a little sweetness. Even if the high lord is lucky to break through the Demon Emperor level, it will be difficult to affect his rule. The key depends on whether Li Changsheng is willing to give it this opportunity.

Soon, some demon king-level demon pets reached their limit, unable to absorb the emperor flow anymore, and began to try to break through.

According to the physique and quality of the demon king-level demon pets, the amount of emperor fluid absorbed can also be different. The better the physique and the higher the quality, the higher the upper limit of the emperor fluid.

The first batch of Demon King-level demon pets that tried to break through were all made by Zuo Qiulin, Luo Qingning, and Qin Mingqing. They were basically top-quality, and belonged to the bottom of the Demon King-level demon pets. The probability is minimal, not to mention that most of them have failed many times.

As time passed, more and more demon king-level demon pets and fairies began to try to break through.

In less than ten minutes, all the demon pets entered a breakthrough state.

It was also at this time that the first batch of Demon King-level demon pets and fairies who tried to break through opened their disappointed eyes, and they all ended in failure without exception.

Li Changsheng has nothing to say, although there are a lot of them, their average breakthrough success rate is about 2%, and breakthrough failures are normal.

After a few breaths, suddenly, a demon king-level demon pet suddenly rose sharply.

For the first time, Li Changsheng locked onto the target, and an enhanced version of the restraint of interest appeared under the target, converging its momentum to a certain range to avoid affecting other monster pets trying to break through.

In the courtyard, Li Changsheng arranged in advance a large number of enhanced versions of restraint restraints.

This soaring demon pet is Ning Bizhen’s Nine-Day Sundan Wind Cat. Due to the crystallization of the origin of the wind, it has greatly increased its breakthrough success rate, and it has to add God's flow and its own breakthrough probability.

It can be said that the success of the Nine-Tian Xunfeng Cat's breakthrough is really expected.

After a few breaths, another Demon King-level demon pet rose sharply.

This time, it was the turn of Li Changsheng’s secondary ancestor, the red dragon Xier Asuna. This time it was a bit surprised. After all, Xier Asuna is also of the highest quality. UU Reading even with the help of Emperor Flow , The breakthrough success rate is still not high.

But it was precisely because of the accident that made Li Changsheng overjoyed.

After three minutes passed, three more Demon King-class demon pets successfully broke through. They were Xu Wenhua's six-winged frost worm, Luo Qingning's tricolor peacock and Zuo Qiulin's Leviathan.

By the way, there is also a giant giant of the earth from the Silent Forest who also completed the breakthrough, making the Silent Forest one more lord.

The next thing is the highlight, Li Changsheng's Round Billow, Dumb, and the ancestor Leopard Lin Beast all successfully made breakthroughs, and Ning Bizhen's blue-eyed Jin Qing Beast was also in this rank.

Of course, one of the monster pets must become the pseudo-demon saintly pet.

Speaking of pseudo-demon saint-level demon pets, the three pseudo-demon saint-level pets, Crowned Lihuoluan, Long-eared Hanyu Rabbit, and eight-armed Naga, also took advantage of this opportunity to become true demon saint-level pets.

This suddenly increased Li Changsheng's strength and influence, and his prestige was further stabilized.

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